Hundreds of COVID-19 Related Medical Papers Withdrawn – IOTW Report

Hundreds of COVID-19 Related Medical Papers Withdrawn

Daily Caller

At least 330 COVID-19-related medical papers have been retracted since the coronavirus pandemic began, oftentimes for scientific errors or ethical shortcomings, according to watchdog Retraction Watch.

Many of the papers were published in smaller, less influential publications, although a number were published in the highly-prestigious Lancet and other influential journals like Science. The topics covered in the papers ranged from alternative proposed COVID-19 treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to false COVID-19 side effects. More

11 Comments on Hundreds of COVID-19 Related Medical Papers Withdrawn

  1. yeah, and how many of them were deliberately fraudulent?
    and who paid, or funded the research that led to the faulty papers?
    author’s names, along with the peer reviewer’s names need to be made public.
    I’m only a retired RN and I could smell that shit from a mile away.

    they killed the science of epidemiology and now they’re practicing necromancy with the corpse.

  2. Hey, they have to maintain the narrative for the next crisis. God forbid they admit to their desire to make oodles of money over all the deaths that money caused, and continues to cause.

    ‘Do no harm’, with greed and power so close by, only goes so far…

  3. But none of the withdrawn papers are accompanied by an admission of or apologies for the mistakes I’ll bet.
    Just swept under a rug hoping nobody notices the lump.


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