Hundreds of thousands rally in Rome against gay unions – IOTW Report

Hundreds of thousands rally in Rome against gay unions


Rome (AFP) – Hundreds of thousands of Italians gathered in Rome Saturday to demonstrate against gay unions and the teaching of gender theories in schools, as Prime Minister Matteo Renzi tries to push a civil union bill through parliament.

Holding aloft banners reading “The family will save the world” and “Let’s defend our children”, a sea of people crammed into the San Giovanni square near the Italian capital’s historic centre to support family values.

The square, which can hold an estimated 300,000 people, was overflowing with the young, elderly and parents with toddlers, an AFP photographer said, with many more demonstrators spilling into nearby streets. Organisers for their part said one million people were taking part. Italian police never provide figures for demos.


12 Comments on Hundreds of thousands rally in Rome against gay unions

  1. Nuthin sez “We’re Tired Of Yer Shit” like a gathering of 300,00 people!
    Stop the in-your-face attempts to fundamentally transform our children by a bunch of overt perverts!
    We could fill a few stadiums with ten times as many people, but imagine how the media would promote what the stool-pushers say!

  2. I’m what many refer to as a cradle Catholic. I was baptized in the church when I was two weeks old, went through grammar school and high school in Catholic schools; I was even the President of of parish’s Altar Boy Association (sweet gig…I got to serve all of the weddings, and the tips from the Best Man were occasionally huge, as they were usually drinking).

    I was also, it should be noted, born just as Vatican II was going on.

    So the Church I’ve known my whole life has been one in constant change. And as pretty much everyone knows, the direction of that change has been increasingly Marxist.

    I now find myself largely at odds with my church. I don’t recognize as valid any of the aggressive pro- dependency messages that the Social Justice warriors that call the shots put out there. I disagree vigorously with the open borders and Pro-amnesty drumbeats that shake through the church. I hear very little at all about the genocide that is our abortion culture. In fact, I see no difference between the belief system of the Church and the Modern Leftist Socialist/”Progressives”. None at all.

    I applaud these Italian Catholics for stepping up and trying to make a difference, but one must acknowledge that the Church that they, too, grew up in is already gone.

    Take a look at anything the Pope has put forth and tell me I’m wrong. I mean, global warming? That’s it for me.

    It sounds like I’m a quitter, but I truly feel like I haven’t changed. My church has.

    And when I look at it, I feel about the same way I feel when I look at Obama or Clinton or Reid.

  3. Fuckin wops!

    Got a reputation for surrender and defeat, changing sides in war, kowtowing to the mafia, tearing down street lights, and then they go and be the most courageous people on Earth!

    God Bless Em!

  4. Gay Unions? But not like ‘Co*ksuckers Local 133′, right?

    Romans seem to want to draw the line way past marriage, even beyond civil unions. I wish ’em luck.

  5. The Catholic Cardinals picked a socialist progressive as a Pope and they’re now seeing the fruit of that decision. This man will marginalize the faithful while he drags church doctrine to the left. If allowed to stay in office I suspect that the entire Catholic Church will cease to exist as we know it within 30 years. God will not be happy.

  6. I know how the progressive media likes to zoom in all photos of small liberal crowds to give the impression of a massive socialist rally. I don’t know how they would spin a photo of 300,000+ people to make it insignificant but I’m sure they’ll find a way.

    Actually, they’ll probably post a photo of a National SOCIALIST rally in Nuremburg and claim a parallel.

  7. Going to be an uphill schtruggle since many Catholic priests are homosexual. Satan’s hand is unseen until it’s ass-raping an altar boy or covering mouths while the unborn are slaughtered.

    All of which are so much easier in Marxist hellholes.

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