Hunter Biden Laptop Contains Multiple Department Of Defense ‘Encryption Keys’ – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden Laptop Contains Multiple Department Of Defense ‘Encryption Keys’

CDMedia has confirmed the Hunter Biden infamous ‘laptop from Hell’ contains many U.S. Department of Defense ‘root encryption certificates’, or encryption keys to DoD databases. The keys have unusual long-term expiration dates, with many lasting twenty years or more.

24 Comments on Hunter Biden Laptop Contains Multiple Department Of Defense ‘Encryption Keys’

  1. Encryption keys?

    Who the hell needs encryption keys when the pedo posing as president is your trained monkey with total access to all secrets and total control over the entire military, and will do whatever you say?

    …imagine playing chess if your opponent makes no moves except the ones you tell him to.

    Its like THAT.

    …besides, they already got everything they need to know off Hillary’s server.

    And as long as they can access Dominion, they need not fear the American military at ALL.

  2. SNS,

    ..and 84 Billion of functioning military equipment in Afghanistan, some of it with modern radio, digital communication, and night capabilities.

  3. We are living in the definition of insanity. Will anything come of it? No. Just like organized crime that has supposedly “moral” people on their payroll, this stain will be protected for “the greater good.”

    Even if something did happen, even some glimmer of needed justice to preserve rule of law, you best expect “pop pop” will use executive privilege to get his kid, or anyone associated with this mess that is directly tied to him, out of trouble. All while the MSM, neocons, commies and other destroyers of Liberty will laud his fatherly compassion.

    Pray for liberty, but we all better be ready to fight for freedom. This isn’t going away any time soon.

  4. DoD Encryption keys on a computer is not sinister. Anyone with a CAC (Common Access Card) has to have them stored so you can use a CAC reader to log onto DoD websites.

    What’s sinister is the duration of his keys.

    We common folk must renew our CACs regularly depending on level of access.

    The higher the access the more you have to renew.

    Humoer is special enough to not have to do that? They gave him a +20 year CAC?

    Suspicious as hell if you ask me.

  5. @Nufftin March 27, 2022 at 9:31 am

    > we all better be ready to fight for freedom

    Shhh… (wink) Hey, kid. Commeer…

    Everybody who’s “ready to fight for Freedom(TM)”, ain’t gonna fight. Fer nuthin. Freedom doesn’t require group cohesion. (I’m waitin for you to giggle… No? Well, alrighty, then.)

    People who are ready to fight. For their freedom. Are disreputable thugs. Doing their own thing. Their way. Already. Now. (Just ask their rulers. Their professional betters — the people whose job description is to “be better than” “them”.)

    You do you. Just don’t expect anybody to giggle at the lies you tell. About “why”.

  6. Fnuck, I’ve read and reread your comment. Still don’t know what I’m the literal hell you’re talking about. Your creepy role-playing text is unsettling and reminds me of neckbeards who think they are ladies.

    You do you, “kid”. Or should I say “champ”? Whatever floats your boat.

  7. Conservative Cowgirl
    MARCH 27, 2022 AT 9:56 AM
    ‘“DoJ and DoD have been alerted”.

    🥱 I”m sure they will do something about it immediately!’

    …midnight raid on anyone being truthful about Democrats is their usual “Go To” these days for pretty much everything, just as soon as they build a bigger January 6th prison…

  8. Relax. Calm down. Humper was a member of the U.S. Naval Reserves for a few months. And (hang on to your seats) his brother Beau was in the U. S. Army in Iraq. I read about that first one’s service in a Russian disinformation email, and I heard about that second one’s service somewhere.

  9. There’s no sensitive information those keys EVER provided access to like the DoD informs. It was loooong ago sold for personal gain by Hunter and the Big Guy. More than likely sold off before Hunter himself ever used them.

  10. Biden laptop could be related to his work as a public affairs officer in the US Navy for several months before he was discharged for drug use,

    Humper – “The Genus” as his senile dad likes to call him, got a dishonorable discharge from the military for drug abuse. Humper as we all know it, is a big security risk and his senile father to this country. Republicans are silent.

  11. Marco
    MARCH 27, 2022 AT 10:11 AM
    “Relax. Calm down. Humper was a member of the U.S. Naval Reserves for a few months. And (hang on to your seats) his brother Beau was in the U. S. Army in Iraq.”

    …there’s a scene in Lord of the Rings that’s based on pretty much EVERY conversation about Beau that Hunter had with his pedo dad, here’s the pith of it below…

  12. GoldenFoxx Republicans are silent.

    That’s because there is only 1 major political party. There are two sides however, us and them. Just ask them, they’ll show you.

  13. Cisco

    I believe the info you provided about the CAC card to be incorrect. We are DOD (DLA) contractor and CAC card is a what Gov employees use to log on. Just like Contractors passwords. It gets you behind the firewall, but non of that data is encrypted. It’s my understanding that encryption keys are issued to the level of your security clearance. DCMA and DLA personnel CAC’s need to be renewed every 90 days. I believe members of our military are issued cards that need to be renewed annually.

  14. Depends on the level of CAC. Most everyday dependents and service members have a basic level of clearance that may or may not require encryption. However all of your health info is encrypted so if you use your CAC for TriCare or any DoD healthcare you do have encryption keys downloaded to your computer.

    There has to be an encrypted handshake between devices. If you just hook a CAC to your machine without that encryption your peripheral device could not access.

    Just like you can’t use a thumb drive on a DoD device.

    If you plug a peripheral into your own and accessing any DoD website it’s encrypted as basic DoD everyday security.

    That’s why your CAC has the chip.
    It’s so your DoD credentials are established on it. Those credentials are encrypted as well.

    DoD takes any threat of network infiltration very seriously. Encrypted Keys are a routine part of that process.

    However, the 20+ year access is something I have never heard of and it makes me wonderhow many other “special” Demonrats have that kind of access.

    I have “Suoer” CAC and even that’s only good for a year.

    That whole aspect of it is very odd to me. Did 34 years and now am a FC myself. Been to the top of the mountain and still never heard of a 20 year single access authority.

    Probably horseshit like them acting like EKs are a big deal.

    I hate the Pedo to my core but I think his wastrel son is in the clear on this.

  15. I wish they’d start issuing Contractors CACs. I bet we need to utilize at least twenty different DOD sights. And every one of them requires a seperate password with unique criteria. It’s a full time job.
    A CAC good for 20 years? Unheard of. I hope they track every one involved and put them in front of a firing squad.


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