Hunter Biden Sweetheart Deal Falls Apart – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden Sweetheart Deal Falls Apart

 ‘Dead off the table’: Dramatic courtroom twist as Hunter Biden ‘sweetheart’ plea deal on tax and gun charges FALLS APART because investigation into First Son is STILL ongoing


Hunter Biden’s plea deal has collapsed in a stunning twist during his appearance in front of a judge in a federal court in Delaware.

The president’s scandal-hit son said ‘yes, your honor’ when asked by the judge if he was going to plead guilty to two tax misdemeanors, and admitted he’s been to rehab six times in 20 years for addiction to drinking and drugs.

But then the judge called for a recess when an agreement between prosecutors and attorneys for the president’s son appeared to fall apart. 

Hunter’s attorney Chris Clark said the deal was ‘null and void’ after top prosecutor Leo Wise said the president’s son could still be charged with other crimes – including violations related to representing foreign governments.

U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika demanded a discussion with both legal teams after expressing concerns about the terms of the ‘sweetheart deal’ that would have likely seen him avoid jail.

The attorneys then engaged in negotiations to see if they could try and save the deal that was widely panned as a slap on the wrist.  

At the start of a dramatic hearing, Hunter said he was first treated for alcohol abuse in 2003 and was last in an in-patient facility in 2018.

He then insisted he’s been sober since 2019 when warned he faces random drug testing under the conditions of his release.

Prosecutors recommended probation for Hunter for not paying between $1.1 million and $1.5 million in federal taxes in 2017 and 2018, despite his substantial income from Ukrainian and Chinese energy companies.

They also scolded him for continuing to ‘spend wildly’ on his lavish lifestyle while he had the funds to pay back what he owed. 

Hunter could have faced up to 12 months in prison for the tax crimes, and ten years for lying about his crack cocaine addiction on a federal form when buying a gun.

But the agreement that will likely see him spend no time behind bars has sparked fury from Republicans who have demanded the judge block it.

Hunter walked into the federal court in downtown Wilmington, Delaware, alongside his ‘sugar brother’ and lawyer Kevin Morris – who was seen smoking a bong during a visit from the president’s son last week.

27 Comments on Hunter Biden Sweetheart Deal Falls Apart

  1. I think they got so cocky they thought they could get away with anything. I would imagine the thing about that brief being fraudulently withdrawn pissed off the court and made it less likely for it to be at all agreeable.

    This is just like the left: if they had just kept their big mouths shut and let sleeping dogs lie, they could have gotten what they were after.

    Along those lines, I read that with some states pushing the envelope on gun control, SCOTUS will end up throwing out many existing laws — similar to to how they got Roe v Wade thrown out because that agency in Mississippi just HAD to have one more week to do abortions. If they had just settled on 15 and not pushed for 16, Roe would still be in effect. But NO, they had to push for 16.

  2. On Gab, I saw a picture of the naked “Prodigal Son” (his dick blurred), straddling what appears to be a 10-12 year old girl, holding her throat with one hand, while he takes a selfie.
    And it wasn’t the selfies with the hookers (that everyone saw) The post with this photo, didn’t stay long and there were others as disturbing.
    The pupils of Hunter’s eyes, were like a pinhead. He looked like a rocket, three seconds from takeoff.
    I still don’t understand how a Pedophile/junkie of this stature, can still walk around anywhere he wants with impunity.

  3. Catch 22- DOJ must admit Humper is still under investigation in order to shield the Pedo from congressional inquiry, but admitting ongoing investigation of Humper screws the pooch on the plea deal.

    Heard this from Turley on Fox and it’s glorious. Hoisted on their own corrupt petard.

    No future blanket immunity for Humper.

    Now the judge is zeroing in on his FARA violations..

    After the fake Republican bait and switch she may have finally got her head out of ass, let’s hope so.

  4. Cisco Kid AT 12:53 PM
    “Catch 22- DOJ must admit Humper is still under investigation in order to shield the Pedo from congressional inquiry, but admitting ongoing investigation of Humper screws the pooch on the plea deal.”

    Solution: Run out the clock with the controlled opposition assistance of McCarthy until the Democrats steal the House back.

    Just like every other time.

  5. Option B is an FBI in a MAGA hat does father and son in a rare security lapse, and they find the AR15 but the FBI guy gets away clean, somehow. President Kamala appoints Newsome or Mooch then steps down for an SC role after Clarence Thomas dies mysteriously. New president outlaws all guns he doesn’t control and the sorry Biden saga becomes moot and forgotten.

  6. The Humperberg has gone down in flames, Demonrats screech, “OH THE HUMANITY.”

    Glorious, the arrogant pricks were to cute by half, and I’m convinced the last minute bait and switch flamed and shamed the judge into resisting.

    Monday comes Devon Archer to shoot another arrow into Humpers heart….

    Presuming he lives that long. Hillezelbub Arkancided her WH Chef, and the Kenyan Queer just offed his.

    Wear you John Wick suit Devon.

    In related news, the death of the chef is proof Manchelle is running.

  7. Here is the bottom line, when confronted by the choice to expose themselves the DOJ threw Humper under the bus. His lawyers thought they were getting blanket immunity against all future prosecution, the fact that DOJ backed off in front of a judge they sent the red flare up to take out the Biden crime family.

    They know Devon Archer is gonna drive in the wooden stake into the heart of the vampire and they are exposed. Blowing up the Humper deal is just the first step.

    The Pedo will be gone by May, the only question is how.

  8. Pedo will be gone, Commieliar gets her time fir full Prezzy benefits and lifetime protection. She will pardon the Biden Crime Family and step aside, aka Gerald Ford. Manchelle will be nominated with the Ken doll as VP.

    Take it to the bank. The only question is will a MEGA-MAGA AR 15 false flag retire the Pedo or a health crisis?

  9. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Dump will soon have his day in court & the knives will be out. This peice of shit will be going down in flames. Go ahead add some more fuel to the fire, assholes.

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