Hunter Biden’s Baby Mama Lunden Roberts: Joe and Jill Still Haven’t Reached Out to Meet Granddaughter – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden’s Baby Mama Lunden Roberts: Joe and Jill Still Haven’t Reached Out to Meet Granddaughter


Ex-stripper and Hunter Biden’s ex-lover Lunden Roberts told Piers Morgan in an interview on Thursday that President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden have yet to meet their five-year-old granddaughter.

Roberts, 33, who has a forthcoming book, told Morgan that she had suicidal thoughts after learning she was pregnant with Hunter Biden’s child and called her pregnancy “one of the loneliest times” of her life, as their “months-long” relationship ended when she told him she was pregnant.

“I went through some pretty dark times emotionally and mentally during that time,” Roberts said, adding:

I knew that, as long as I was pregnant, I wasn’t going to do anything to myself, because that would harm my child. So I didn’t think I would do anything to myself while I was pregnant. But I would feel that, after the pregnancy, would it be better for my daughter and for Hunter and everyone else if I wasn’t here? Because it seemed like a scandal, and a burden is what I felt like at those times.

She recalled feeling hurt when she read in a 2019 New Yorker profile that Hunter had denied ever having sex with her. “I can remember just reading it and just not having any words,” she said.

Roberts met Biden while she was working as a stripper at the DC gentlemen’s club Mpire with the stage name “Dallas.”

She was put on Hunter’s company’s payroll for nine months, including while he was in a relationship with his late brother’s widow, Hallie, and struggling with a serious addiction to crack. more

12 Comments on Hunter Biden’s Baby Mama Lunden Roberts: Joe and Jill Still Haven’t Reached Out to Meet Granddaughter

  1. Actually this could be the only loving thing the Shitpants Klan ever did for any one of they’s kin: staying the hell out of its life!

  2. She must want money. She knows who and what they are. She should keep that girl as far away from the Biden family as possible, unless she wants to see Navy Joan in porn and drug videos with her father. Sheesh!

  3. No joke man! Here’s tge deal! I onny like my granddaighters when they ode enough to take my load! lemme know when she’s 6 or 9 an I will hav3 her! Whut Jill? Im in trubble, wife sez I wuz spposed to say, have her ober to de house, not inmmy pamts like I REALLY mean! Hey, have I told yoy about my Beau? He died at Norman’s Knee the udder day!

  4. She probably knew who Hunter was and jumped on that d–k, looking for a lifetime payoff.
    That would make her just like the Bidens.
    Now she just want Mo Money, Mo Money, Mo Money.

  5. Which is the lesser of two evils? You don’t get to choose your parents, but if your choices were either a porn star and stripper for a mother or a drug addicted, corrupt, treasonous father, which would you choose?


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