Hunter Biden’s Grand Jury Probing More Than Tax Evasion – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden’s Grand Jury Probing More Than Tax Evasion

New York Times

Mr. Biden’s extensive work with foreign businesses came under scrutiny from prosecutors looking into whether he should have registered with the Justice Department as a foreign agent.

Investigators have examined Mr. Biden’s relationships with interests in Kazakhstan, a Chinese energy conglomerate and Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company, according to people familiar with the investigation.

They said prosecutors had investigated payments and gifts Mr. Biden or his associates had received from foreign interests, including a vehicle paid for using funds from a company associated with a Kazakh oligarch and a diamond from a Chinese energy tycoon. Prosecutors also sought documents related to corporate entities through which Mr. Biden and his associates conducted business with interests around the world.

Such a resolution could complicate a potential money laundering case, since money laundering is typically charged in connection with another crime. More

17 Comments on Hunter Biden’s Grand Jury Probing More Than Tax Evasion

  1. Ummm, OK. I am on the cart that is putting money on NOTHING coming out of this. They are just doing something so they can say We aren’t being snowballed by the administration / left. Unlike the Orange Man Bad where they were actually trying to bring some charges against Orange Man Bad

  2. I foresee Biden’s cabinet coming to him some evening with an ultimatum, resign or face criminal charges and they’ll use the 25th amendment to remove him anyway at that point. It’ll be the most popular thing he does in office.

    It all depends on just how bad things get for the democrats leading up to mid-terms.

  3. I’m sure DHS at some point will have the Grand Jury informed that its treason to return an indictment on a Biden and threaten them with January 6th jail.


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