Hunter’s Ex-Girlfriend Spills the Beans on His Drug Addled Lifestyle to Grand Jury – IOTW Report

Hunter’s Ex-Girlfriend Spills the Beans on His Drug Addled Lifestyle to Grand Jury

UK Daily Mail

Hunter Biden‘s ex-girlfriend told a grand jury she was instructed by the president’s son to withdraw thousands of dollars from ATMs and the two partied at lavish hotels from coast to coast while Hunter was in the throes of drug addiction.

Zoe Kestan, 28, who goes by the social media handle weed_slut_420, testified for five hours at a federal courthouse in Joe Biden‘s home state of Delaware last Tuesday morning in the investigation focused on the president’s son for alleged tax crimes. 

Kestan – a garment, lingerie and textile designer – faced a range of questions over what Hunter Biden was doing during his time with her and what his spending habits were like in 2018, when he admitted to learning to cook crack at the infamous Chateau Marmont in Beverly Hills.  read more

11 Comments on Hunter’s Ex-Girlfriend Spills the Beans on His Drug Addled Lifestyle to Grand Jury

  1. I wonder if the grand jury interviewed anyone from Enterprise car rental about the car Jr. returned with the crack pipe and his credentials left inside? Remember that one?

    And what’s with China, China, China? What about Ukraine and his gig as an energy expert on their “payroll”?

  2. He diddled me real good, rubbed crack all over my, well private parts too. I was also one of his early art projects, lets see, he could be real mean to me sometimes too, like not give me a hit off the pipe when I demanded one.

  3. Has Tucker or Joe Rogan talked about the Hunter Biden scandal on their shows yet? Plenty of pics out there to do it along with the investigation. We know the media buried the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, nary a word. UK Daily Mail is about the only one that reports anything. Oh, and did you all see the disgusting picture of Hunter with his hand down his pants? Something is going to snap real soon, and this scandal may play a part in getting rid of Joe.

  4. Why are we wasting any money on this lowlife? Nothing is going to happen to him. the big guy will make sure of that because he still needs his cut.m

    So stop printing all this about him it’s a waste of everybody’s time.


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