Hurricane Donald Warning for Washington, D.C. – IOTW Report

Hurricane Donald Warning for Washington, D.C.


The campaign was just like the tropical depression blowing across the central Atlantic.  The transition has been the storm drawing strength from the warm Caribbean waters and now Hurricane Donald is going to blow into D.C. and rip the place apart.

The House should be able to keep up with the whirlwind of activity slated by the new administration, but the Senate is likely to drag its anchor and try to slow down all the long sought after reforms.


10 Comments on Hurricane Donald Warning for Washington, D.C.

  1. Warn the RINOs that it will hit them as a Cat 10 if they try to obstruct Hurricane Donald.

    Don’t bother to warn the democrats. We don’t want them spared if they run and hide.

  2. Ain’t this sweet – 8 years ago my friends and I decided we’d rather not get upset over the faux-president but instead adopt a path of clenched teeth, non vocalized words of “not my president” and cringe with each passing day’s reports of presidential edicts and ever stupid tricks of dhimma-crats in congress. We knew eventually, if there was a country left, that obvulation would end.

    Now we find out we deserved even more creit for the grace we displayed.

    I think it is time to remember the answer given to the Germans at the Battle of the Bulge. “NUTS.”

    Screw em all if they can’t participate in our republic.

  3. If the Republicans start pulling stunts to limit what Trump can do you are going to see some massive turnover in the next election cycle and then you will see those slime balls line up since they will finally perceive that the tide has turned, the deplorables have awoken and are in no mood for politics as usual.

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