Hush Money Prosecutor’s Closing Arguments Are Preposterous – IOTW Report

Hush Money Prosecutor’s Closing Arguments Are Preposterous


  • The Guardian reports that Steinglass addressed the question, “Who cares if Mr. Trump slept with a porn star 10 years before the presidential election?” He said the “corrupt bargain” between Trump, Cohen, and former National Enquirer publisher David Pecker to quash stories about Stormy Daniels and others concealed information from the American people and “turned out to be one of the most valuable contributions” to Trump’s campaign. “This scheme cooked up by these men, at this time, could very well be what got Donald Trump elected,” Steinglass said. He described the arrangement as a “subversion of democracy,” per the Washington Post.
  • Steinglass described the infamous Access Hollywood tape, which Trump dismissed as “locker room talk,” as a “Category 5 hurricane” for Trump’s campaign, the AP reports. “Stormy Daniels was a walking, talking reminder that the defendant wasn’t only words,” he said. “She would have totally undermined his strategy of spinning away the Access Hollywood tape.”


The “scheme” didn’t get him elected. At best, it possibly kept him from NOT being elected if Trump voters gave a crap about his dalliance 10 years prior.

The left always maintained that Trump was talking about assaulting women when he was talking to Bill Bush. How is Stormy Daniels a reminder that Trump “assaults” women?

13 Comments on Hush Money Prosecutor’s Closing Arguments Are Preposterous

  1. As famous Nazi Joseph Goebbels said: The bigger the lie, the better. The more preposterous the lie the better!
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaannd so says the current National Socialist Party disguised as democRATz as they practice Election Interferance on a grand Third World level!

  2. They want a conviction no matter the costs.
    It’s what naturally comes next in the destructive timeline following the Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse:
    China Covid
    George Floyd
    joe biden*

    That damn near ended the USA.
    They believe convicting Trump in a kangaroo court will finish the job…

  3. Keeping in mind that Trump continues to deny that this ever happened.
    And also keeping in mind that it wouldn’t have affected the outcome of the election.

  4. Im sure Anon has read the Communist Manifesto (required reading when I was in college) and thinks nothing of it. Then again, he is most likely illiterate. Fascism and Communism are different sides of the same coin. Trump never weaponized the IRS and DOJ against his enemies. But Obama and Biden have.

  5. The Rats summoned “washed up actor” Robert DeNerdo to harass Trump’s supporters outside the courthouse.

    They’ve forgotten how effective their pep rallies were using Maxine “Peach FohteeFye” Waters.


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