Hydroxychloroquine: A New Low for the Liberal Media – IOTW Report

Hydroxychloroquine: A New Low for the Liberal Media

American Thinker: As might be expected, Pres. Trump’s audacity in speaking out in support of the hydroxychloroquine treatment for coronavirus was more than enough to set off his critics among the liberal Democrats and liberal media  Trump’s hopeful remarks were made only days ago but, since then, the American left, especially the media, has engaged in a rabid campaign against hydroxychloroquine even though they have no real basis for such a reaction.  That is, the drug’s medical efficacy — which many physicians all over the world have been endorsing because of safe use — is clearly an issue beyond the technical competence of the mainstream media establishment.  This suggests an ulterior motive.  What could it be?  The possibilities: 

(1) Maybe the liberal mainstream media is honorably motivated, for once.  Perhaps they sincerely believe – though without apparent justification — that the drug is too dangerous and would do more harm than good.  But if driven by genuine, humane concern, surely even the most lightweight media stars would have noticed the contemporary efficacy reports about hydroxychloroquine’s relief of coronavirus along with absence of serious side-effects.  They have seen news of the same favorable clinical results the rest of us have.  The media (or real doctors) could argue insufficient medical cost-benefit ratio, but the danger-to-health hysteria is not supported by evidence.  Moreover, the coronavirus-hydroxychloroquine issue is in or near “right-to-try” and “nothing to lose” territory, so there is little realistic downside for prescribing the treatment — as verified by physician behavior.  The honorable media hypothesis therefore does not add up, is internally incoherent, and can be discounted. 

(2) The liberal Democrat media could possibly be afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome so severely that they can no longer think straight.  Although conceivable, even the angriest CNN and MSNBC celebs or the ones with lowest SAT scores should sense, by instinct if nothing else, the non-viability of their jihad against hydroxychloroquine.  Even lower life-forms can tell when they are too far out on a limb, as the lib-Dem media are on hydroxychloroquine. Even the media’s reptilian-type collective brain can discern a threat to self-preservation.  What if the drug works?  What if it works as well as it appears to be working?  That outcome would leave the lib-Dem media humiliated, with the meager remnants of their credibility in shambles.  Too risky, therefore not a good bet, so an unlikely answer because the lefty media’s actions are contrary to their own self-interest — with perception of that interest such a low bar that even media hacks can meet it.  read more

21 Comments on Hydroxychloroquine: A New Low for the Liberal Media

  1. Here is why ANY relatively safe treatment should be used or considered:

    From my calculations, COVID-19 has a mortality rate between 60 to 80 TIMES that of the 2019-2020 seasonal flu, depending on when you collect the CASE vs DEATHS numbers. These were collected from yesterday’s COVID stats and the most recent estimates of the 2018-2020 seasonal flu CDC estimates.

    Divide the number of deaths by the number of cases of yesterday’s count of COVID-19 stats. See: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

    Average (0.062 to 0.1%) of seasonal flu (latest CDC estimates) deaths divided by illnesses (cases) is 0.086% mortality. See: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/preliminary-in-season-estimates.htm

    COVID-19 is 6.8% mortality.

    6.8% divided by 0.086% EQUALS: 79.1 times the seasonal flu mortality.

    Still using my science solar calculator I used in the 80’s in college. So…let me know if I miscalculated.

  2. Trusting government reported statistics to make any mortality calculations is not the best of ideas since there is a great political motivation to expand them as much as possible without being undeniably obvious to everyone that it is being done.

    I’m thinking that not only are very questionable deaths being added (as in those who would have died from current conditions within the next few months) but that many untested normal flu deaths and other respiratory deaths are just being assumed to be coronavirus deaths and added to the numbers. Reported number of cases as well.

  3. Or you can also calculate deaths by resolution. There’s 677570 total cases and 585445 active cases and 34617 deaths in the USA. Either the cases are resolved as returning to health or they resolve in death. In working with just the resolved cases, you get:

    677570−585445 = 92125 resolved cases.
    34617/92125 = 37.58% death rate in resolved cases.

  4. @pianomusic

    Those numbers aren’t even remotely close. They’re off by ten factors of bullshit.

    1. ever hear of apples to oranges? the death rate of covid is using confirmed cases.
    the death rate of seasonal flu uses confirmed + estimated other cases. (with estimated being a HUUUUGE number.

    2. a study has just been concluded in santa clara county Ca revealing that there are 50-80 times more cases of the covid actually out there than the ‘confirmed cases’ show.
    look up the study at thegatewaypundit.com article on their site right now.

    a. the models were complete bullshit
    b. they’re making up deaths at the request of the cdc
    c. the #deaths and the #death rate are going to be right in line with the seasonal flu

    democrats pulled another global warming scam and elected republicans went right along with it.


  5. Pianomusic
    Would you be so kind as to extrapolate deaths attributed solely to COVID-19 from those with co-morbidites and advanced age?

    I believe your science solar calculator may display a different result….providing it’s a sunny day.

    As to the AT article, I wish Trump would come out full throated in support for illegal immigration, universal healthcare and socialism, infanticide and gun restrictions. All things the left supports.

  6. Thanks, guys, for your input.

    That is a method I use to elucidate a more correct consensus from others collectively. i.e, input: erroneous info.

    So, likely, thus far, COVID-19 is not such a big deal, primarily affects the elderly, is overly reported and only affects 0.002% of the world population (although flu season is now beginning in the southern hemisphere); and, is likely politically motivated. But, there may be more comments from others to come.

    Thanks again.

  7. The latest propaganda twist is that the Wuhan corona is the b strain, that there is a mutation of it known as the c strain and that the a strain is Malaysian . Therefore, China is not the source. Everyone is buying into this because of fake news by omission …the Wuhan lab needed a platform corona virus for its experiments in modifying the virus as a weapon ie type a, to which it exchanged receptor keys to create type b. ..a man made strain,..

  8. Money – just like medical care – has now been fully politicized.

    Pause right there.

    In fact, everything has been politicized: your money, your work, your vote, your opinion, what you consider ‘essential’ to your life, your kids, etc.

    Now project ahead.

    How is this society going to change NOW? For example, is there a discussion of how the Federal Government and its Federal Reserve System and banks are going to stabilize their instantly-exploded,
    fraudulent, fiat money system?

    No. In fact, they’re going on steroids. And the only cure for printing money is printing more money. You can’t borrow your way out of debt – except to diminish the individual wealth of every citizen without them objecting. And with it will come more control: an all-digital Dollar tied to your phone. Your phone will also contain your CoVid-19 status which will affect your ability to travel or get a job, etc. Eventually, we’ll go all the way to the Google-built, Chinese model of a full social credit system. Welcome to being a ward of the State ala the Chinese model – in America.

    Is there even a discussion of the medical facts – just the facts! – of the actual nature of the SARS-Cov-2 virus, the nature of its CoVied-19 disease, and the availability of successful treatments for it?

    No – not in the public media. Not from any politicians that I’ve heard of. You’re on your own to navigate contradicting sources of ‘information’ regarding the disease and what to do about it. The same kind of ‘public health’ response that we Boomers grew up with regarding polio, tuberculosis, small pox, measles, etc., has been preempted by local politicians and their media supporters who know absolutely nothing – even about the capabilities of their own public health system!

    So, please forgive me, iOTWReport readers, if in the coming weeks and months, I blast everyone – including President Trump – for fooling themselves and demanding I buy it.

    Because I’m not.

  9. We lost! Trump was outmaneuvered by the swamp’s ploy using a virus with a 98%++ cure rate. The meme I saw the other day was “China beat the US and ruined their economy without firing one shot!” Now we are stuck in the Fed’s printing press and will never be free of it.

  10. Mr. Fister

    Bull Shit. The ChiComs just committed economic suicide. Talk to us in a year. They’ve proven them selves not a valid supply chain. That shits done.

  11. don’t get on Fister too much … he/she’s just upset because Trump shut down the US on the advise of Deep State dr’s, like Fauci.

    this virus has proven no worse than a normal flu virus, yet we are where we are … in a place I never thought I’d see in my lifetime discounting a catastrophic war. this shutdown goes on much longer & PDT may lose support among some of us Hoi Poloi … & that’s their goal
    CDC is lyin’, NIH is lyin’, China’s lyin’, WHO is lyin’, all of MSM is lyin’, D’rats are lyin’ (but I repeat myself), Russia & Iran helping, Joe Biden’s drooling, all in an attempt to ruin PDT before the election …. the suffering of the population of the US & the World be damned

    don’t get me wrong, I’m willing to take to the barricades w/ the rest of y’all, but reality is reality … it’s us (& PDT) against the World

    now, excuse while I go back to my John Wayne movie, w/ Dean Martin, Rickey Nelson, Walter Brennan & the beautiful Angie Dickenson

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