Hypocrisy: Dem NYC Mayoral Candidate Underpaid Women and Minorities – IOTW Report

Hypocrisy: Dem NYC Mayoral Candidate Underpaid Women and Minorities

“Do what I say, not what I do.”

That should be quote underneath the Democrat logo.

Time and time again we find democrats who do not practice, at all, what they say on the soapbox in order to be elected.


Mayoral candidate Kathryn Garcia says she supports pay equity, but during her six years as city sanitation commissioner, she presided over a two-tier system that funneled women and minorities into lower-wage enforcement jobs while white, male counterparts did similar work for higher pay and better benefits, a federal discrimination complaint charges.

“She has a good campaign going, but in the department when she was working with Sanitation, she didn’t help with women or help with equal work or equal pay,” Dameka Dowdy told The Post.

“She was in a position to bring it to light, and she did nothing.”

Dowdy, a 48-year-old Bronx resident, is one of 13 sanitation enforcement agents who’ve filed a US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission claim against the agency alleging unequal pay.
