Hypocrite Justin Trudeau caught doing what he accuses Trump of doing – IOTW Report

Hypocrite Justin Trudeau caught doing what he accuses Trump of doing

FOX: Forget the faux-scandals about Trump. There’s a real scandal in our holier-than-thou northern neighbor.

It’s all about what happens when justice is politicized. There’s always a problem when a government refuses to prosecute its friends, and so we’d like to see a Chinese Wall erected between politicians and politically-neutral prosecutors.

I’m not talking about Donald Trump, who fired an FBI director who needed firing, and who never shut down the Mueller investigation. I am talking about Obama, who said that Hillary had not committed a crime in hiding her emails, and Loretta Lynch who agreed with him and who met privately with Bill Clinton.


According to Andrew McCabe, that’s why James Comey decided to go public in his two news conferences. He didn’t want the politicians to deep-six the story.

Politically-inspired tampering with the machinery of justice is a problem everywhere, so here’s what Canada did, back when Stephen Harper was Prime Minister. It took the decision about whom to prosecute from the politician who serves as Attorney-General in the cabinet and handed it to a Director of Public Prosecutions. The DPP is a career civil servant, who is given broad independence even though he operates under the Attorney-General.

So here’s what happened. The Canadian DPP recommended that SNC Lavalin, a $10 billion-a-year Montreal-based company with 50,000 employees worldwide, be prosecuted for bribing foreign officials. If convicted, the construction company would be barred for ten years from government contracts, and it let the Trudeau government know if it were prosecuted it would move from Montreal. That’s when Trudeau pressured the Attorney-General to shut down the prosecution, and when she refused fired her.  more here


6 Comments on Hypocrite Justin Trudeau caught doing what he accuses Trump of doing

  1. Poor Jussie. In way over his head. Now would be a good time to make up a story about wandering around a seedy part of town, at 2 in the morning, looking for something a foot long. Oh, wait…

  2. “Hypocrite Justin Trudeau caught doing what he accuses Trump of doing”

    …masturbating? I mean, they’ve accused President Trump of a lot of OTHER things he wouldn’t do and doesn’t need to do, and liberals are projectionist, and Trudeau DEFINITELY looks like he’d need to, eh, “give himself a hand” from time to time and would totally NOT be slick or discrete about it, so…

  3. Another Cabinet Minister resigned today protesting Trudeau’s handling of this affair. Treasury Board President Jane Philpott stated she had lost confidence in Trudeau and his cabinet and his handling of the SNC-Lavelin affair.
    Thisngs are getting rather sticky for Trudeau the Younger.

  4. This has nothing to do with the story at hand, but this is what happens in socialist Canada. A man defending his home from armed intruders is charged with murder.

    A Weyburn [Sask.] man accused of murder in the city’s first homicide in roughly 23 years has been granted bail.

    Keegan Muxlow, who is facing a second-degree murder charge after a home invasion in Weyburn, Sask., on Jan 4, 2019, was granted bail in a Regina courtroom Tuesday. Muxlow, who was 23 when arrested, is also charged with attempted murder stemming from what police called a “loosely related” incident earlier the same day.

    Muxlow allegedly shot 18-year-old Nathan Hutt, who later died in hospital. Hutt, a 23-year-old and a 25-year-old allegedly broke into Muxlow’s home on the evening of Jan. 4, 2019, armed with a shotgun.

    It may happen here too, if the liberals get too much power in their mitts.

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