“I accept that you like boys.” – IOTW Report

“I accept that you like boys.”

This is similar to an ad that ran in France 5 years ago. In that version the son is on the phone with his boyfriend while his father is getting the food. He’s looking at his class picture. When the father comes back he picks up the picture and says, “you look like me when I was your age. I was quite the ladies man.”

The son makes a face like the dad is a weirdo creep. I hated the ad then, and I hate it now. (At the time a reader disagreed with me so much that they left the site and then attempted to out my real name. TOLERANCE!!!)

In this more subdued Taiwanese version the father writes on the cup, “I accept you like boys,” which isn’t a ringing endorsement for parental tolerance, because I once saw a woman say this.

McDonalds should focus on making better food and not trying to ingratiate themselves with a political group that hates them. They want you to raise the minimum wage. They don’t care about your McSausage commercials.

ht/ big owe


42 Comments on “I accept that you like boys.”

  1. “I accept that you like boys” is like saying “I accept you like to live alone with a thousand feral cats”, or “I accept you are a serial killer”

    it may work for a hit tv series, but in real life we’re playing for points…. & dad, you ain’t really helping Sonny Snowflake succeed in the game

  2. Howa bout them Heels! They be winning!

    (it sucks that I had to pay $19.99 to watch it online since I don’t have cable, but it’s cheaper than the cab ride to and from the pub)

    Second half about to begin!

    Go Heels!

  3. Did you not
    “read” what I wrote, and now you are responding to it?
    I read what you wrote too?
    I’m a reader of your comments.

    I’m really not getting where you’re going with this.

  4. @Menderman ~ it’s free on MSN & CBS online

    oh, & Heel are the biggest violators of NCAA regulations ever! Go Heels! Perfect Champions of the hypocritical NCAA 😉

  5. OK BFH, from now on you are ‘reader’.
    Come on, do you need a ‘safe zone’?
    We wouldn’t spend time here if we didn’t like what you were doing. At least I wouldn’t.
    Tell you what, in 10-12 days when a contract payment comes in I will drop a dime in your cup to prove my love.

  6. It’s free on CBS until your “viewing ” time runs out and then they want your tv provider….mine ran out in the second round…..these tv and cable networks don’t understand where the market is going….fuck em, I hope they go bankrupt….but I got baseball and hockey tonight, so there…nanny nanny….

  7. I like your writing even more than I like your art, and I like your art a lot.

    That’s very kind. And the comment reminds me of one of the most beautiful lyric lines ever written.

    And I need you more than want you.
    And I want you for all time. – Jimmy Webb
    Wichita Lineman.

  8. John, how the hell did this get turned around and I’m the one being charged with being thin-skinned?

    Loco is the one who took offense. lol

    He equated me saying readers with being called subjects.

  9. Hey, McDipps. THIS is why your fries are no longer tasty and all your food tastes like low fat watered down dairy covered paper pulp. And thanks to your boy, Mich 0bama, I no longer eat Happy Meals. I alone was donating $400 a year to Ronald McDonald House through the purchase of Happy Meals. No more. Ya fucked up. Maybe find your own balls and quit making ads about people touching balls. How about that?

  10. Maybe once gays prove how fabulous they are instead of telling us how fabulous they are then we just might understand the over representation. Until then, it’s probably a good idea to closet the sodomy, Donald’s.

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