“I am not gonna do it:” White House spokesman walks out of presser when faced with Hunter Biden question – IOTW Report

“I am not gonna do it:” White House spokesman walks out of presser when faced with Hunter Biden question

Just The News: White House National Security Spokesman John Kirby walked out of a press briefing on Friday after a reporter asked him a question related to President Joe Biden’s alleged involvement in his son’s business dealings.

Whistleblower testimony published Thursday documented a WhatsApp message that Hunter Biden sent to Henry Zhao, a Chinese Communist Party official, asking as to the reason for an unfulfilled commitment. In the message, Hunter claims to be waiting alongside his father for an explanation.

Newsmax White House Correspondent James Rosen asked about the message and whether its contents undermine the president’s claims to have been uninvolved in Hunter’s dealings.

“No and I’m not gonna comment further on this,” was Kirby’s curt reply. When Rosen attempted to follow up, he cut him off, saying “James… let me save you some breath.” more

10 Comments on “I am not gonna do it:” White House spokesman walks out of presser when faced with Hunter Biden question

  1. I can absolutely 100% guarandamntee you that Democrats and the Republican establishment have been meeting in the smoky back rooms and bath houses in and around DC coordinating a strategy to deal with their “Biden problem” and keep the corruption and money laundering operation up and running.

    If that weren’t the case the entire fucking Biden clan would have been in prison long ago. To even advance the case that the CIA hasn’t been aware of every aspect of what is coming out is ludicrous. It is absolutely preposterous. In the vernacular, it’s horse shit.

    To think that the Republican establishment has not been a necessary player is irrational. If the Republican establishment were not intimately involved in the scripting and choreographing of the next act in this farcical production and then playing their assigned rolls the entire house of cards woukd come crashing down.

    Trust me on this, the Republican establishment’s interest in dealing with the Biden problem and keeping the corruption and money laundering apparatus intact is their number one concern right now. If it weren’t the entire Biden clan would be in prison.

    The IRS, the CIA, the FBI all have ten times the evidence needed to lock the fuckers away for life, and documentation on that is now validating what everyone already knows about the roll they have been playing in covering for the bastards.

  2. The Democrats and Republican establishment installed Biden. He’s beyond no longer useful and unless they can move him out of the way is on track to fuck up the corruption and money laundering operation that they and the Deep State has been and expects to profit from at the expense of the country.

    It’s obvious that The Party has made a collective decision to move old Lunch Bucket Joe out. Their propaganda wing is preparing the environment for the coming offensive. Dribble, dribble dribble. There is a problem though, they don’t have anyone to replace the flicker with. They are finding out that Americans have had enough and are onto what they really want. Done with the Bush, Romney, Ryan shitbaggery. The Democrats simply can’t get anyone who is not a confirmed psychopath nominated without massive election fraud and they had to go far with that to get Biden installed that if they try the same thing again this soon they risk a hot civil war. It doesn’t take much to trigger violent reaction among competing factions to settle internecine struggles within the progressive movement.

    The Party has a real problem on its hands. For 2024 they really want a Republican establishment, but would settle for a Democrat, as President. The Republican base is solidly behind Trump. The Democrats are split behind which sociopath each faction DEMANDS. The Democrat factions are at each other’s throats.

    The Party doesn’t give a shit so long as the corruption and money laundering machine keeps going.

  3. @ JD
    Problem is Joe doesn’t look like he’s gonna make it to 24 that leaves Harris who can’t qualify constitutionally and McCarthy. They got a problem, you’re correct.


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