I am sick of debating Covidiots – Please read this and then go off and contemplate what you’ve participated in – IOTW Report

I am sick of debating Covidiots – Please read this and then go off and contemplate what you’ve participated in


ht/ woody

30 Comments on I am sick of debating Covidiots – Please read this and then go off and contemplate what you’ve participated in

  1. I have wondered that the medical community has largely treated COVID like something they’ve never seen or treated before. All learned lessons of the past have disappeared and they are badly re-learning them.

  2. Great, great article. Denninger did the best job of explaining scientifically how a true (sterilizing) vaccine vs. the non-sterilizing jab vs natural immunity works that I have yet read. I’ve read enough to know this to be true in my gut, but now I can explain it more factually.

    One a side note, I found it interesting that he couldn’t type out Vanderbilt’s name. There must be some threat of litigation.

    My primary physician is in the Vanderbilt Medical Group and he has been pushing hard for me to get the jab. I’m pretty sure he’s a lib and it was clear from a couple of his responses that there are political motivations involved in Vanderbilt’s position. I was able to logically state my objections, but this article will give me more ammunition to support my position.

    On a related note, I have posted a link to an interview with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche several times. He has been saying the same thing since March this year.

    Here is a summary of his message:

  3. @The high priest of the church of the blessed horse wormer…

    You are the worst kind of jabtard. You haven’t even gotten the jab, because you’re afraid of needles. You’re a big sissy, and deep down, you know that shit is deadly and debilitating to a lot more people than you’re told. You know the scare-mongering is bullshit, and you know that Ivermectin and many other treatments really work. You secretly hope we succeed in stopping the forced jabs, but you’re playing for the other team because you think they’re winning.

    But if they do win, and they come for you, you think you can hide under the covers, and they’ll go away with their scary needles. But they won’t go away, and you can’t resist them, because you’ve done nothing to protect yourself from them, nothing to take away their leverage. And when they finally force you to submit to the needle, you may feel nothing bad at all. What a rush of relief! You’re one of the lucky ones. The needle wasn’t so bad after all. You’ll be just fine with all of the boosters…won’t you?

  4. Thirdtwin… You are obsessed with horse dewormer as your magical cure…

    90% of hospitalizations are members of the church of the blessed horse de-wormer

    Blessed be

  5. Good luck with that, this is what the death jabbed Nazis will say: That is not true, I’m not reading a book, that is written bad and hard to read, You are a conspiracy theorist. I guess I’m going to have to change my name, leftists and the new Nazis now seem to prefer that name to Old Racist White Woman.

  6. Dr. Malone and Geert Vanden Bossche talked about this from the beginning; the “vaxxed” are the Super Spreaders. Even an above-average Joe like me could see the spike in cases followed the proliferation of “vaccinations.” “Covid” was dead and gone. Sorry, “vaxxed” people – you caused the spike in cases; you killed grandma, not me. It’s not entirely your fault, really, you thought “government authority” equated to “science.” It doesn’t. Government Authority operating through “Science” gave us the Holocaust. Please, just shut the fuck up now.

    Intelligent people question why our government health authorities would dismiss a therapeutic (ivermectin) that has won a Nobel Prize but mandate an experimental drug that was not put through the normal testing. I’ll continue to dose with Ivermectin delivered through a vehicle known as “horse paste.”

    I’ll also continue to take daily supplements of C, D, Zinc, Garlic, NAC, and Quercetine.

  7. Ted Nougat, I’ve been on the ivermectin train from pretty early on, though I use the injectable version as opposed to the paste. Last winter through the present I have not only not caught the Covid virus, though I work in a prison where it is prolific, for the first year that I can remember I haven’t had a cold or flu. I mean I literally do not recall a year in my entire life that I didn’t have at least a mild cold.

    Needless to say, I’m sold on it and preach it when I can. I’m fortunate that my primary care physician is of the same mind and quite outspoken.

    The clincher to me is that more than 4 billion doses have been administered to humans with side effects almost non existent. And the stuff is insanely cheap. Why would anyone object? In a word, satan. It’s that simple.

  8. Meanwhile, San Francisco Intn’l Airport and Mayor London Inbred are sooooo proud to be the first airport to require all employees get the phony “vaccine”. So they can spread more Chyna virus farther and faster.

  9. @The high priest of the church of the blessed horse de-wormer,

    There’s two sides to that “science” coin: the unfortunate one, the religious one, that appears on those rainbow signs so ubiquitous in all the PC yards that read, “In this house we believe. . Black Lives Matter, Love trumps hate, . . . Science is real…” And there is the actual science that exists regardless of yard signs and peope who screech their bent ideologies on blogs. Actual science exists in the face of Hellinistic slavishness. Actual science is concerned with replication and proveable facts. So, no matter how many are on your bandwagon, if they’re wrong, they’re still wrong. Ivermectin wasn’t voted into existence and the facts of its effectiveness against Covid cannot be voted out of existence or stolen out of existence with your lame name-calling.

  10. Dadof4, I copied it for you.

    “Stop your gaslighting games. Compliance does NOT equal care.
    My love for humanity,
    for elders,
    for children,
    is NOT measured by the enthusiasm with which I submit my body to a medical experiment.
    Loving you doesn’t mean that Im responsible for your health,
    your feelings,
    your fear,
    your decisions,
    your life.
    Loving you doesn’t mean that I owe you anything,
    especially not the violation of my one body,
    my self respect,
    my truth.
    Lying to myself,
    or to you,
    is not love.
    Walking on eggshells around you to avoid offending,
    or triggering,
    or “hurting” you,
    is not love.
    Carefully erecting scaffolding around your trauma,
    or volunteering to become the scaffolding myself,
    is not love
    Accepting your invitations to feel fear or anxiety or overwhelm,
    is not love.
    Playing along with your stories of brokenness,
    praising and affirming them,
    acting out my role in the narrative (again and again),
    is not love.
    Always agreeing with you,
    is not love.
    Love is truth
    Love is asking hard questions
    Love is an unwavering belief in your potential
    Love is knowing that your trauma defines nothing about what is possible for you in this life
    Love is seeing your power even when you can’t
    Love is being able to say NO, so that when you say YES it actually means something
    Love is choosing honesty over comfort
    Love is showing you that the chains you’ve been clinging to aren’t actually there
    Love is so many things, but it definitely is not found in the sadistic slogans of the government, or Big Pharma, or virtue-signalling waxers.
    I love deeply…
    my grandmothers,
    This is exactly why I stand so firmly in my NO.
    The intensity of my dissent is not made up of a deficiency of love,
    or care,
    or kindness,
    or thoughtfulness.
    Quite the opposite.
    Do not try and gaslight me to think otherwise.
    Repeat the mantras all you want,
    it won’t work.”

  11. After reading that it reminded me of one weekend looking for a yard sale. Saw a sign in front of a house, thought it was the sale, pulled into the driveway and realized it said, “Sarah’s drive-thru birthday party.”

    I had no clue what the heck that was so looked it up and found out people so scared of covid were having drive-thru parties for their kids. You drive in, drop of your present from you car and you wave at the kid while the kid waves back. Apparently it became a thing and everyone started doing it and now won’t stop doing it. How freaking ignorant is that? These poor kids today are going to be so screwed up in the head if the masks don’t and the shots they’ll soon be forcing on them don’t kill them.


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