I Am Woman… Hear Me Puke – IOTW Report

I Am Woman… Hear Me Puke

31 Comments on I Am Woman… Hear Me Puke

  1. when it’s on Twitter and it receives 1000 comments that are all negative that gets attention. If it gets 1,000,000 comments it’s a culture changer.

    Ignoring, you lose. Silence is condoning.

  2. Sorry Fur. I just disagree. If people take the bait they lose. I don’t give a rats ass about these demented individuals. Permission granted to go about your miserable lives. You freaks are not influencing anyone. You are making fools of yourselves and everyone knows it. Fucking drag queen shows for children causes every normal person to run away from evil to protect their kids.


  3. I’m with Dad of 4.

    I’m disappointed in the WOMEN who are allowing their Identity & Uniqueness to be devalued.

    They are failures for not walking out of the room.

  4. Do you really think the left will let you ignore them? Sure, you can skip another pervert video once in a while – understandable, these freaks are stomach turning. However, you better get back into battle because the left might bring that crap to your door one day. That’s the goal.

    You need to know a lot about your enemy, every disgusting detail in order to effectively defeat their agendas. They must be confronted and we need to push back.

    We’re in a culture war people – spiritually driven.
    Ignoring the cultural depravity and socialistic deconstruction of normal society has gotten us in this situation in the first place.
    For example, tolerating or ignoring a strutting, distorted demoniac man, exaggerating the moves of a woman with absolute contempt for real women.

    I’m thankful BFH is on the front lines as a conservative, proactive media source. I want the advantage. It keeps me informed about the left’s evil lifestyle objectives uses to cause corruption.

  5. “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
    (dead white dude)

    If we avert our eyes from evil, evil wins. We have averted our eyes too long.

    Mr. Hat is absolutely correct. However, I don’t twit so I cannot add my condemnation of perversion and Satanism to the “conversation.”

    Oh, just an aside: there’s NO SUCH THING as a trans-woman! It’s a faggot.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. That’s a parody account feigning support for that repulsive faggot piece of shit. Women are just being conformist dumbasses to support this crap. I’m ending a week long Twatter suspension right now for bluntly stated that I thought trannies were gross and disgusting. I could’ve said that about white people no problem. But never about sacred cow faggots assholes.

  7. “Know your enemy”, so I watched it. Mental illness on parade.

    What struck me the most was the apparently biological females clapping like trained seals as what it means to be an actual woman is being destroyed right before their eyes.

  8. I may not watch many of these abominations, but when I see them or hear of them, even if I don’t want to put those images in my mind, I pray for them.

    I ask God to send someone into their lives to shock them out of thier acceptance of evil. Soften their hearts, Lord, to allow them to hear you.

  9. Where was the trans freak that’s gonna make me puke??
    All I saw was a very, very effeminate gay guy, a poof in ladys panties & heels with a gape in his strutt.

    Why are the real woman clapping? It’s their womanhood he mocks.


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