I Didn’t Claw My Way Up Food Chain To Only Eat Vegetables – IOTW Report

I Didn’t Claw My Way Up Food Chain To Only Eat Vegetables

The Lid: There are few things in this world that are as simultaneously annoying and hilarious as PETA, or, the People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Much like the cults of Crossfit and veganism today, PETA began as a small but vocal number of heavily opinionated twerps who simply wouldn’t take “no” for an answer. While this stubbornness is often considered a positive trait, especially in certain fields of work, when it comes to leisure activities and activism, this arrogance and self-assurance can be an enormous deterrent to the general population.

In PETA’s case, however, their tactics have been shown to be so incredibly vile that they are constantly being opposed by a vast majority of Americans. Anti-PETA campaigns have sprung up around the nation in order to dam the river of rhetoric flowing forth from the organization.

The beef with PETA, (pun entirely intended), begins and ends with the group’s hypocritical stance on household pets in which the organization’s creed is in direct opposition to the rest of the world’s stance. PETA, at its core, believes that animals should be wholly liberated from the human race, meaning that, in PETA’s ideal world, not only would be stop harvesting and farming animals for sustenance, but we would also end the practice of keeping animals as pets.

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18 Comments on I Didn’t Claw My Way Up Food Chain To Only Eat Vegetables

  1. Aren’t these the same people who kidnap and “euthanize” animals so that they (the animals) don’t have to “suffer” the “indignities” of serfdom?

    Why are all – ALL – totalitarian movements Hell-bent on murder?
    And it’s always murder for the sake of the murdered!

    PP has to kill l’il chillens to save them from “bad” upbringings.
    PETA has to kill animals to save them from “bondage.”
    Socialists have to kill peasants to save them from “peasantry.”
    Globaloney Warmists have to kill humanity to save it from Globaloney Warming!
    izlamists have to kill everyone other than izlamists to save them from being “infidels.”

    How bout: “No Thanks! Don’t need your “help!””

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Once again, the glaring difference between the Left and the Right is illuminated”
    A conservative decides not to eat meat. His reasons may be more complicated than filing for a zoning variance, but they are his reasons, for him alone, and he expects only himself to be motivated by them. Most folk never know.
    A Liberal decides to stop eating meat. Everyone else gets to comply as well or they will soon be banned from the inner circle.
    The survival of the planet is at stake, dammit.

  3. I never hear about PETA going after moslems for the cruel halal slaughtering. I check meat packaging for the Arabic halal label; if it is marked as such, I don’t buy it. Pamela Geller addresses the meat labeling in her book “Fatwa” and, unfortunately, it’s not always marked. Very disturbing.

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