“I don’t know what clicked in my brain” – IOTW Report

“I don’t know what clicked in my brain”

Noisy leaf blower leads to hatchet attack, jail time for transient.


A homeless man who was angry over a noisy leaf blower and swung a hatchet at the head of a maintenance worker in downtown Portland was sentenced Tuesday to 30 days in jail and drug treatment.

Investigators say Shrader had been sleeping outside a 7-Eleven convenience store at Southwest Fourth and Taylor Street when Kenneth Holland, a maintenance worker for Standard Insurance, began blowing debris from the sidewalk nearby at about 7:45 a.m. that day. Shrader woke up and began yelling at Holland before swinging the hatchet, hitting the side of the worker’s head where he was wearing safety goggles.

“I wish that this hadn’t happened,” Shrader told the judge. “I don’t understand what clicked in my brain, but I apologize to the court for wasting time and to the victim.”


Don’t worry, dude, your unwillingness to work will soon pay off in the form of the “dumbocratic socialeeches.”

ht/ jd hasty

25 Comments on “I don’t know what clicked in my brain”

  1. With pirate skulls on his forehead and face tats on his cheeks you have to assume that this mental midget has a history of bad decisions. Apparently he doesn’t like to be woken abruptly by someone working during established normal working hours.
    He had not gotten all his beauty sleep.

  2. Do they still have the hatchet? We could take a look and find out what is clicking in there for him.
    He’ll be on easy street now, in portland. They’ll have him in free housing with rehabilitation and therapy for years.

  3. He is a member of a protected species in Protestland. Homeless, drug addict, violent psychopath. Any one makes him above the law. I’m surprised the judge even had the nerve to sentence him to 30 days.

  4. this is what happens when you travel forward in time as a maintenance worker named Nathan Shrader while you’re leaf blowing the sidewalks outside the 7-Eleven store at Southwest Fourth Avenue and Taylor Street on Dec. 19, 2019 at about 7:45 a.m in portlandia OrEgOn and then you show up in Multnomah County Circuit Court on Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2019.

    they be smokin crack up there, that’s fo sure.

    and time travel and drugs don’t mix, that’s why he only got 60 days. judge didn’t believe he time traveled forward in time.
    it true, bigly, fur sure.


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