I Don’t Owe Any Reparations!!! I Identify As Black!!! – IOTW Report

I Don’t Owe Any Reparations!!! I Identify As Black!!!

ht/ js

27 Comments on I Don’t Owe Any Reparations!!! I Identify As Black!!!

  1. Sorry buddy I am quite certain I don’t owe homosexual or effeminate black men anything.

    Also, I am the son of an immigrant and my father’s family only came to America in 1951.

    Oh, and you were never a slave (and I and my relatives were never slave owners).

    Oh, oh, and fuck off!

  2. Ask this ignorant fool why so many blond people ended up on the west coast.
    The whatever it identifies as, knows nothing about the history of slavery in this country or it’s ramifications.

  3. Me and my ancestors never owned slaves.
    You never picked no cotton.
    When are YOU, Mr #BlackLivesMatter, and all you other self-identifying blacks/self-hating whites, going to make reparations to us WHITES, for all the soldiers killed setting you free.

    You want reparation payments? Now? Well, then, “molan laave”, come and get them. I’ll make my payments in “precious metals”. Preferably, lead, 150-230 grains, traveling to you at 1000-2000 fps. Ready to play “catch”? Looks like you already do, selfie-camera dude, Preezy No’Bama style.

  4. OK, I am good with reparations. Just answer one question:
    Today, did your Black ass wake up in that enormous shit-hole of misery, starvation and murder; Africa?
    Well then, My ancestors did you big favor.
    Paid in full
    And you’re welcome.

  5. Which African tribes will be listed as co defendants in this civil suit? I mean they were the first link in the chain which was the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. And then there is all the cost associated with providing freedom to the former slaves. The debt incurred by them through social programs to assimilate them. And of course since blacks, as a race (and we are speaking in generalities when we speak of reparations), are responsible for the lion’s share of violent crime there should be a multi billion dollar ‘Victims Fund’ established to pay restitution. Whatever is left they can have to start a new country and do a better job of providing for themselves. Or,… they can shut the fuck up. Stop whining. Take care of there own children and stop making excuses.

  6. It’s all part of the “white burden” guilt trip bullshit that means absolutely nothing. “Reparations” (whatever that may mean) have been paid in full … in triplicate … more than once.

    To even debate this issue is to give it credence – which far exceeds its worth.

    Lazy worthless slugs looking for a handout.

    I spit in your outstretched hand … I shit in your begging bowl … I piss in your maundering, caterwauling mouth.

    Leave me the fuck alone.
    Take care of yourself and your own.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Tim, well said.
    I like to add ‘from a considerable height’ to all pissing related stuff.
    But I tend to paint with a broader brush than most.
    If they try to work reparations into a tax on Whitey I will move to Africa and start my own fiefdom

  8. There’s a large percentage of them already receiving “reparations” via welfare. I was behind a black woman in the grocery store on Saturday morning. She had two kids and another one on the way, and paying for everything with WIC and food stamps.

  9. Be sure and put all that on your resume, I’m sure it’ll make for a great clue of who you really are deep down inside. But when it comes to practical Real life stuff, you know better. So drop dead.

  10. I missed the part where each of these people took out their wallet, opened it up, and gave this guy their money.

    Oh wait, they didn’t actually mean THEY would be paying. They want YOU to go on line and pay. Got it. Always someone else’s money, isn’t it.

  11. I went to the site, uhurusolidarity.org. (shudder. . . ) And before you go there, the site REEKS of socialism and communism, race and class warfare. Be warned.
    I was looking for a place to copy and paste my comment above. Poke the bear (or would that be mouse?), stir the shit pot. But I got too ill to look very deep, I had to leave.

  12. #1 Take note it was falsely titled.

    That wasn’t people telling us about the money and wealth they are giving to blacks.

    That was people threatening white people that they were coming to take their wealth.

    #2 Take Note of who the real threat comes from – the communist white guys. Take note because you’ll want to know who it will be most effective to take aim at to shut it down.

    If about the same 10 commies that showed up at Ferguson and Baltimore were taken out – things would be a lot different now.

  13. My ancestors owned slaves and you white hating A holes are not owed a dime of my hard earned money. You are given everything you could ever need to be successful, yet you have managed to destroy literally everything you touch.

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