I Don’t Understand What’s Controversial About This Tweet – IOTW Report

I Don’t Understand What’s Controversial About This Tweet

U.K.’s International Trade Secretary, Liam Fox, had an embarrassing moment this weekend when he attempted to deny sending out a tweet that the Sophy Ridge On Sunday program clearly displayed behind him during the interview.


What I don’t understand is what makes this such a “controversial” tweet in the first place.  Between Communism and Fascism wasn’t the 20th Century a pretty awful time for human rights for continental Europe?  The answer  Here

10 Comments on I Don’t Understand What’s Controversial About This Tweet

  1. The controversy is that Secretary Fox is comparatively conservative and not a full-throated globalist. Therefore for him to make statements like, “The Sun rises in the East.” or “Water is wet.” are evil and racist.

  2. Lest anyone forget, war is Hell. People do terrible, terrible things when they are at war fighting for their national existence. This includes Great Britain, the United States, and particularly the Soviet Union (the “good guys”) as well as the countries of the European Union. As for GB, just look at what they did to Dresden for starters.

  3. As for Dresden, my daughter lives in Dresden, she describes it as a dull, colorless place with people who view others with distrust. A lot of cities in Germany were bombed, there was enough devastation to go around. If you visit Germany today, the part that didn’t live under Communism for 50 years, is now rebuilt in much the same historical/hysterical style.
    Dresden, and other parts of now reunited East Germany, are much worse off from their use by Communism. If you start sumpin’ and someone else finishes it, you could do worse than being conquered by English speaking people. Check out Japan, eh?
    Europe is about to be overrun by Muslims like Hitler overran the Sudetenland. Where are those voices? I bet they are the same voices who welcome 7th century savages and call it a religion.
    Hitler loved the Muslims, juss sayin’.

  4. What the complainers ignore is the U.K.’s willingness to de-colonize in the 20th Century. They may not have done so willingly, but for the most part the transition of power was relatively peaceful, I don’t know what there is to be ashamed of from their 20th century history of colonization that puts them in the same league as the Fascist or Stalinist.

    But when all history is relative then you can compare the worse to the not so awful and scream outrage at those who are unwilling to knee jerk condemnations on civilized society.

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