I don’t want to alarm anyone, but I’ve been told I have only 30-39 years to live – IOTW Report

I don’t want to alarm anyone, but I’ve been told I have only 30-39 years to live

The news is devastating.

I’ll be taking the rest of the day off. I’m meeting with a funeral director.

(The graph couldn’t be more off. I feel like I have 30-39 minutes left.)

h/t Rob E.

20 Comments on I don’t want to alarm anyone, but I’ve been told I have only 30-39 years to live

  1. I’m already older than what I was told to expect when I was 10. I have a hereditary blood condition that they thought would have a greater effect on me than it has. I don’t look at any of those mortality forecasting stories, I’m already ahead of the game.

  2. Our days are numbered by God, not man. In my almost 66 years I have had several close encounters of the dead kind, and for reasons only understood and known by the one true and merciful God, I am still here. I am endeavoring to use whatever time I have left wisely.

    For a little humor – I saw a bumper sticker that said “The more you complain, the longer God makes you live” 🙂

  3. Notice that the chat is skewed because it doesn’t include the 9.5 months of life before birth.

    This is important because the chances of being murdered before actual birth increase greatly, thus affecting the percentages.

  4. A couple of years ago my Uncle Lloyd was talking to my babyboomer cousins and me. He was approaching 90.
    His comment to us was ” when I was your age I never imagined living to the age I am now” He will be 91 in Jan 2016 still drives , lives on his own, mows lawns and ditches around his rural Ohio home. And last summer climbed to the top of the new grain silo. some 130 ft in the air.

  5. You remind me of a day I brought my elderly Dad into an ice cream store. The counter guy asked his age. 88. Counter guy said “God bless you”. I believe in God and I believe that we all need blessing, but I don’t want to be at an age where this is the response to hearing it, ’cause that means they think you’re old.

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