I feel totally free, don’t you? – IOTW Report

I feel totally free, don’t you?

C. Steven Tucker-

Obamacare Individual and Employer mandates are still codified IRS law now that Republicans failed to pass AHCA.

Just so everyone understands correctly. Thanks to the failure of certain Republicans to pass the American Health Care Act which would have provided immediate relief to MILLIONS of Americans, the PPACA (Obamacare) Individual Mandate is still FULLY in force and codified by IRS law. In addition, the Employer Mandate is still FULLY IN FORCE and codified by IRS law. So, we will still be a “Part -Time” nation until at least 2019. There is a REASON both the Individual and Employer mandates were “zeroed out” and set to be repealed in the AHCA. It’s because President Trump’s executive order is just that, an order, it is NOT codified law. The AHCA would have ensured that his order became codified law and that the IRS code was permanently changed officially so that no one ever pays those penalties again. Also, for the 19 million Americans who have to purchase their own health insurance, be prepared for premium increases of at least 50% next year, if you can find a health plan since there is now only ONE carrier left to ‘choose’ from in 1/3rd of our nation’s counties. Buy hey, what do I know? I’ve only been doing this for 21 years. I’m sure the “Freedom Caucus” knows better than I do. Keep waiving those flags everyone, forget about ADVANCING them. “The enemy of better is perfect.” – Dennis Prager

58 Comments on I feel totally free, don’t you?

  1. Actually the Freedom Caucus does know better than you!
    Real Republican leadership would have had all the Republican factions come together and come up with a bill that had a chance of passage.
    But the establishment jammed this piece of shit down our throats!!
    It’s not the Ryan Bill or nothing that BS!!!
    Get to work rewrite a new bill and vote on it.

  2. I cannot speak to the efficacy of AHCA, but it failed because of Paul Ryan’s arrogant approach to passing it. It was authored in secrecy, reviewed in secrecy and then revealed and rammed down the throats of the House and the American people, in the same way ObamaCare was. The optics are lost on the man. He is tone deaf.

    Why was there not a palatable bill ready before inauguration? They have had 7 years to prepare one. The failure of passing AHCA lays squarely on the Republican leadership in Congress and the idiot sheeple that elected them their leaders.

  3. CStevenTucker
    I like what Grool posted earlier:I’d post something, but I think I’ll wait for C. Steven Tucker to arrive to tell me what to think about all this and to insult me if I disagree.

    CStevenTucker please share your educational credentials with us dummies.
    LinkedIn has you as a High School Graduate No college, no graduate school, no medical degree, no law degree but you have 21 years selling insurance.
    Yup I feel FREE!!Free of a bullshit crap sandwich.
    You and Brad are the only ones that think Ryancare is a good deal! lol
    I will stand with the Freedom Caucus.

  4. JTucker, I don’t have to insult you. You’re doing a great job all by yourself. Keep it up. I for one am loving it. Nice Alinsky tactics too attacking me personally. Rule #5 is it? Impugning my reputation, credentials and experience too! Nice additional touch. Uncle Saul would be so proud of you. You’re a warrior!

  5. One benefit of this failing is that it should be the beginning of the end of paul ryan being Speaker of the House. I hope so anyway. I don’t know as much as I could about Steve Bannon, but for the most part I like what I know, and it is undeniable that he is an insider in the Trump Administration so he has a perspective worth considering.


  6. This is shameful. Where is the straight-up repeal of this disastrous legislation? Obamacare was built on a series of lies. It’s completely owned by the Default Marxists (DeM) party. Not a single Republican voted for it. Why the cowardice in repealing it? We voted for you to repeal it, gave money to support campaigns, turned out for this president in droves. You won. What are you afraid of?

    Where is the repeal?

  7. To Remove ObamaCare We Must First Remove The UniParty “Big Club”…
    Ryan delivered what he and the NRCC committee was paid for, no more no less.
    Created in Secrecy by the Unions and the Chamber of commerce, negotiated in secret and presented for a vote with a false narrative. Ryan is Boehner/Pelosi Light. Yeah, pass it to find out what’s in it and what isn’t. And if it doesn’t pass blame the “minority” conservative republicans. Actually it was never brought to the floor for a vote! Ryan was bought and paid for and he delivered a shit sandwich.


    You want repeal and replace, here it is.
    Repeal Obamacare, Replace Ryan.

  8. Which Executive Order are you referring to, Steven? The mandate EO?

    Aside from that, I see to remember someone once saying that all taxes originate in the House of Representatives. Didn’t the SCOTUS say that ObamaCare was a tax? Didn’t this ‘tax’ originate in the Senate? This whole thing is illegal from the get-go.

    What if Gorsuch gets seated (which he will) and it again comes up for discussion. Can’t it be overturned based on that principle of the origination clause?

    Back to the EO, I suspect you’re referring to Trump’s no mandate enforcement EO? Won’t that exacerbate a total collapse anyway?

    The way I can see this going:

    1. The dems still OWN this original mess.
    2. Establishment republicans have been exposed as democrats.
    3. Elections are coming up eventually.
    4. A full collapse is coming eventually.
    5. More conservatives might replace establishment rino’s.
    6. Democrats will be forced to do something with that albatross around their necks.

    Incidentally, we weren’t the ones who impugned our intelligence for having a disagreement or opposite belief on policy nomenclature. You did. Just sayin’.

  9. Cato, the problem with that as I understand it, is the are Reconciliation has a window and it’s now been missed. That’s why Trump mentioned he would be working with the Democrats. Like herding cats.

  10. ObamaCare, passed in the wee hours of darkness. When the devil and his minions dance.
    AHCA, was offered and failed in the light of day, for everyone to view.
    Neither of these are viable, but, we’re still stuck with the demons of our past.
    Traditions die hard. Only because we enjoy being lied to.

  11. “Public Law 111-148 is hereby repealed, in its entirety, immediately upon signature by the President.”

    All that’s required and the RINOs fucked that up.

    No reconciliation, no bullshit, no hiding, no phases, no obfuscations, no nothing …

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Actually, the freedom caucus did prevent some aspects of obamacare from becoming permanent irrevocable policy, which ruancare would have by intention. Better to get rid of Ryan as speaker and have an honest consiliatory well thought-out bill with input from all factions to vote on.

  13. The reconciliation period for the insurance industry to adjust their programs is very close. Ryan knew it Last “November”, the insurance industry knew it and the Unions and the Chamber of commerce knew it. A delay (which they all wanted)was accomplished.
    It took them 4 months of dithering before Ryan announced it for a vote. Otherwise why all the secrecy, back room deals and delays?
    The insurance industry is happy, the Union is happy and the CoC is happy. The NRCC and Ryan are happy they already cashed the campaign donations to spend on the next cycle of RINO candidates.

  14. Brad,

    A point can be made without someone being accused of being an Alinskyite, especially after using the same tactics to describe people with differing opinions as ‘idiots’ for not understanding the purpose of what ‘tax credits’ are meant to mean to us little people.

    I was trying to imply hypocrisy.

  15. Alinsky Really? So I’m a communist for asking what your credentials are?
    You are the expert and after you get pissy with people that disagree with you I decided to look up your background.
    Hey Brad if you don’t want people looking at Facebook or LinkedIn don’t join them. I stand with the Freedom Caucus and with Liberty.
    You want to follow Ryan be my guest.


    Dude, the guy was checking his online shit to find anything he could to insult him with. I would have called him a lot worse than that, it’s chicken shit. And Stevens exactly right, if you can’t defend your position with logic start impugning. I don’t have a college edgimacation, so have fun.

  17. @Bad Brad
    If I had the money I would have fought against it too.
    The Koch brothers aren’t the ones who promised to “repeal” Obamacare and then decided to “replace” a shit sandwich with another shit sandwich.
    I donated my meager donations to those who said they would repeal Obamacare….not replace it with an equally unconstitutional, costly, BIG government program.

  18. BJ sorry PJ at least I am man enough to use my real name.
    So is CSteven Tucker I may disagree with him but he uses his real name..
    No argument no facts call someone a racist, fascist, communist or troll.

  19. Cato,
    We probably disagree whether or not this might have been a viable tool to ultimately get what we are all after. That ship has sailed so people can continue to be hurt by Ocare for at least 22 more months.
    But the only reason the Kotch brothers hand out money is to make themselves more money. They are globalist Trump haters

  20. @Bad Brad, I readily admit I don’t have all the answers and may not fully understand the attempt to replace obamacare that was brought forward.
    The authors and those who presented this bill, that was never brought to the floor for debate, are the ones who have earned the wrath of the voters. Replace is a far cry from repeal, no matter how many imaginary phases it takes to enact it.

  21. The reconciliation window is open until May. The house goes on vacation next week (for 3 weeks?).

    Don’t see what’s so hard about a bill that says “Obamacare will be fully repealed by 1/1/2020 (or those concerned about Medicaid expansion). Any portions of the bill can be struck immediately”

    Keep it simple, stupid.

  22. I’m not well educated as most of your folks in here-high school is as far as I got before getting drafted. When I retired a few years ago and started to receive medi-care plus my supplemental insurance plan (which I do not pay for) all has been okay so far, except this year I have to pay a co-payment for my blood pressure meds. I try to follow all this news about Obama care and now Trumps plan
    but it’s all is way over my head. I will just keep thanking God that He has kept me healthy all my life-only had the flu once in 20 years and never get a cold.
    what ever happens with this new law, I hope you all stay healthy and in good spirits. I salute you all for your comments and opinions but your language needs to seasoned with salt—I come in here to learn and again I thank you for that.. have a blessed and happy life. 🙂

  23. The Republicans are losers who hadn’t done their homework for seven friggin’ years, but you would at least think that the day after Trump’s upset victory they would have said to each other, “Holy CRAP! Now we HAVE to get that homework in by January 20th!”
    Forgetting even that they had 7 years (because they were sure they’d lose again) they had almost 3 DAMN MONTHS to get together before Trump took office.

  24. Cato,
    I put some effort into trying to find as much info as I could on this Bill and it’s not easy trying to find good reliable data. I listened to Gingrich last night and he says the problem with this process is you can’t explain it to the general public because it’s so complicated. He named the Byrd amendment and closure. I looked them up. Seemed pretty generic to me. Maybe these assholes should learn to Bulletize so us dumbies can understand it.

  25. And that is the problem with politicians. Instead of saying something in 1 or 2 pages they’ll stretch it into 500 pages then tell us that it is too complicated for us simpletons. These bastards all have a Masters Degree in Bullshit, with a minor in obfuscation.

  26. @Bad_Brad

    I think if we fully understood half of what these special interest groups and professional lawyers/ politicians write, we would impose term limits.
    What was meant to be representatives of the people has turned out to be representatives of the special interest groups who give the most campaign contributions.

  27. I never relinquished my GOD GIVEN RIGHTS to life (a healthy life),
    liberty (I refuse to fund insurance monopoly syndicates), and
    the pursuit of happiness (the SC can take its ‘mandate’ and stick it up Ginsburg’s and Kagan’s asses).
    I’m more pissed than ever at these lying rats. They have been no political parties FOR DECADES–there is ONE party, these criminals are having it and we get stuck for the tab.

  28. The people I voted for promised to repeal Obamacare. At first. Then, after they were on the ballot, they started talking about repeal and replace. I said, “God damn you bastards”, but still had to vote for them – because. When Paul Ryan started to mouth the repeal and REPAIR Obamacare, I called my rep and told him to oppose Ryan.

    I don’t trust any of them that promised to repeal Obamacare and then slipped in the old bait and switch.

    Why should the Federal Government be involved in my medical care and how I pay for it? I know, some protection from greedy people is necessary, but that’s not what they are planning. They want the government involved just as much as the Dems do. No. Just, NO!

    Any bill that strengthens the Federal government’s chokehold on our freedom is a bad bill. Yeah, it had some good things, but it put into process the growth of government. And if you tell me that the next phase or two was going to fix it, then shame on you. I don’t trust government to let go of any power they claim. EVER.

  29. Maybe one of youse that thinks this bill was ‘The Cats Ass’.
    Can explain why even Rand Paul was kept from viewing it ???
    Before attempting to ram it up/down one of our orifices ???

  30. TSUNAMI,

    As for the origination clause – I do believe they took a bill from the house and stripped it of it’s language then poured in their unconstitutional crap.

    How the hell that can even happen is mind blowing.

    There is no such thing as origination if they can do that. Just as the Constitution doesn’t mean anything if you can re-interpret it in any way at any time for your situation.

  31. High School graduate telling real conservatives we r idiots and don’t understand the Ryan Bill… Pull out of me! How’s that for an angry freaking constitutional conservative? Holiday Inn Express Conservative who sold insurance for 21 years telling us this is the one and only chance to get rid of Obamacare. rewrite the bill and let’s have a vote.

  32. Trump should of campaigned on Obamacare with the VW sales pitch – Repeal Then Replace.
    Trump dodged a bullet by not having to sign a crap piece of legislation.
    If it was repealed without immediate replace, the market place would make necessary corrections. Most of the problems with insurance (not problems with healthcare) will fix themselves in short order.
    Given the opportunity to get a better insurance plan at or near the rates they used to have, maybe half the people who got put on Medicaid would get off of it.
    EVERYONE in Congress knew that once Obamacare passed, it would be an entitlement for the poor and the health professionals. Without complete repeal, that’ll never change.
    Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, or
    Health, Wealth and the Guaranty of Entitlement.
    Choose wisely.

  33. “High School graduate telling real conservatives we r idiots and don’t ”

    LOL, well, I have had some skoolen. I’m might have lied about that a bit just to see where you’d take it and dang you did not disappoint. So by your logic or criteria, if you ain’t got know sheep skin, you can’t be a REAL conservative like you. I’m sure most of our armed forces will appreciate your spin. As far as rewrite it, to late. Can’t get it done in time before reconciliation runs out.
    Real conservative. You make me laugh.

  34. @Claudia, Well said. I’m in love. 😛 Gonna step out on a limb…

    This is all too complex to be a law or even exist for that matter. I think (not feel) the same way, I voted for complete repeal, let the chips fall where they may. 6 million people aren’t even .3 of the population. Hell, half of them are probably illegals.

    I am approaching retirement, looking at 85% of what I was supposed to get because I’m being ripped off by Medicaid. Half the states in the country have half the children born under Medicaid?

    I have always striven to be the best I could be to get jobs that had great benefits. I wasn’t born into it, It didn’t come because I knew someone, I had to think and work my ass off.

    I don’t give a damn if 6 million people who didn’t do what they were supposed to from the get-go lose benefits. Nothing like a little incentive to change ways, and better ones’ self. Seems from what I have gleaned from all our links and discussion it is a simple matter of wanting everyone to be happy. I am not altruistic at all, and don’t care. I’ve been paying my dues. REPEAL. Why can’t it just be repealed? I bet there are a lot more people that want that.

  35. Fast forward to December 2009, immediately before the ur-Tea Party state of Massachusetts expressed the nation’s displeasure with Obamacare by electing a Republican to the Senate. That’s when the Senate took a bill giving benefits to members of the military who were first-time homebuyers and, as George Will put it recently, “‘amended’ this bill by obliterating it.” Harry Reid renamed it and replaced its entire contents with the ACA.
    wait I was told the original bill had everything to do with healthcare???

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