“I gave my best to you.” – Joe Biden (That’s frightening) – IOTW Report

“I gave my best to you.” – Joe Biden (That’s frightening)


President Biden closed the first night of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on Monday, and he spoke to the roaring applause of an enthusiastic audience.

  • “I love you all,” Biden said to the crowd as he opened his speech. “And America, I love you.” He had to pause before continuing, as the crowd chanted, “We love Joe.”
  • “Are you ready to vote for freedom? Are you ready to vote for democracy and America? Are you ready to elect Kamala Harris and Tim Walz?” he asked.
  • “I know and believe in an America where honesty, decency, dignity still matter,” Biden said. “An America where everyone has a fair shot and hate has no safe harbor. An America where the fundamental creed of this nation, that all of us are created equal, is still very much alive.”
  • As the crowd chanted, “Thank you Joe” while he talked about lowering prescription drug prices, Biden said, “Thank you Kamala, too.”
  • He mentioned Harris’ role in getting public schools reopened during the COVID pandemic, getting raises for teachers, making college more affordable, and other education-related achievements, noting Project 2025 wants to gut funding for public education.
  • “Wall Street didn’t build America, the middle class built America. And unions built the middle class,” Biden said. “That’s why I’m proud to have been the first president to walk a picket line, and be labeled the most pro-union president in history. And I accept it. It’s a fact. Because when unions do well, we all do well.”
  • While discussing his administration’s global accomplishments, he said he’s gotten humanitarian assistance into Gaza and his administration has worked toward a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war. “Those protesters out in the street, they have a point,” he said. “A lot of innocent people are being killed, on both sides.”
  • “Donald Trump calls America a failing nation. But think about this,” he said as the crowd booed the former president. “Think of the message he sends around the world when he talks about America being a failing nation. He says we’re losing. He’s the loser. He’s dead wrong.” Biden also got in a joke about how many foreign leaders he knows “just because I’m so damn old.”
  • “Guess what? America’s winning, and the world’s better off for it,” he said, going on to discuss Trump’s lies about crime in America (the lies of a “convicted felon,” he pointed out) versus his administration’s investments in public safety and improvements on that front, as well as their achievements on gun control—though he said more needs to be done on that front.
  • He said he’s never “bowed down” to Vladimir Putin like Trump does, and promised Harris wouldn’t either.
  • “Selecting Kamala was the very first decision I made when I became our nominee. And it was the best decision I’ve made my whole career,” Biden said. “She’s tough. She’s experienced. And she has enormous integrity. Her story represents the best American story. … She’ll be a president our children can look up to.”
  • “I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my career, but I gave my best to you,” he said. “I’ve been blessed a million times in return by the support of the American people. … I can honestly say I’m more optimistic about the future than I was when I was elected as a 29-year-old United States senator. I mean it.” After he concluded to massive applause, he was joined on stage by the first lady, the vice president, and the second gentleman.

24 Comments on “I gave my best to you.” – Joe Biden (That’s frightening)

  1. First, they create the inflation problem (and many other problems of their Incompetent Lackeys).

    Then, they run on being elected/re-elected to correct their stupidity and other deliberate disasters that they, then, blame on the Republicans…

    GOT THAT? Because they assume Americans are too stupid to have memories longer than a shopping week.


  2. We all know that Joe and Kamala lack the intellect to have done the things that have destroyed this nation. It’s the small group of unelected bureaucrats (Deep State), the WEF, the WHO, the “elite” billionaires and corporations. I’ve pondered just why and to what end. If It’s for wealth these parasites are destroying the host. The infuriating thing about it all is that it doesn’t have to be this way. These people are unmitigated evil.

  3. “I gave my best to you.”

    …one of the few times he didnt lie.

    He did his best to destroy this Nation and everything it stood for.

    And it wasnt incompetence, it was malice.

  4. “And unions built the middle class,” Biden said.”

    …Im blue collar and middle class to the core, and never belonged to a union.

    Althogh Ive worked with many people who did.

    After the unions lost them their jobs…

  5. geoff the aardvark
    Tuesday, 20 August 2024, 8:11 at 8:11 am
    “His autobiography should be Why Not The Worst.”

    …it would probably be titled, “Did I Tell You About Beau?” and have Beau dying in every battle from Ur to Ukrane when not rhapsodizing about the smell of little girls or hating anyone who isnt a Communist.

  6. geoff the aardvark
    Tuesday, 20 August 2024, 8:28 at 8:28 am
    “Biden’s more retarded than Charlie was in Flowers For Algernon and less likable.”

    …Charlie was a good man and a hard worker who actually made a useful contribution even before the surgery, so other than the level of retardation, there is no comparison as Pedo never did a useful thing or an honest day’s work in his life.

    …also, at least Charlie had the decency to mourn Algernon, hence the flowers.

    Pedo would be checking his watch.

  7. PT Barnum
    Tuesday, 20 August 2024, 10:38 at 10:38 am
    “Remember way back when it cost you a dollar to see the freaks at the Carnival? Now they come to you free of charge on national TV!”

    …we’re $32,000,000,000,000 in debt right now and rising fast.

    What’s on the TV is many things, but “Free” it most DEFINITELY is NOT.

  8. No you didn’t Joe, you gave your best to Satan early in life and every action since then has been in his service. You are a disgrace to Catholics and America.

    It is my obligation to pray for your immortal soul Joe but your time is running short.

    Use your remaining years to repent from your manifest evil…

  9. In that picture he looks less like a confused open-mouthed baboon than the fire scarred Fire Marshall Bill with the tightened face and neck, the guy Jim Carrey used to make fun of. I think Fire Marshall Bill was a real guy who visited Carrey’s elementary school to warn the kids not to play with matches. Carrey making fun of Fire Marshall Bill was outrageously cruel but funny.

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