I Guess Dave Chapelle is No Longer a Skinny-Marink – IOTW Report

I Guess Dave Chapelle is No Longer a Skinny-Marink

I guess this is why his attacker ended up looking like this—

22 Comments on I Guess Dave Chapelle is No Longer a Skinny-Marink

  1. I literally just said on the other thread that Chapelle lives on a Farm & generally that helps keep you fitter & a bit tougher.

    Unlike the Twisted Tranny on the hospital cart

  2. Oh that dislocated shoulder looks bad. Also, real. That ain’t one of those hollywood “oh I dislocated muh shoulder, I think I’ll ram it against this wall and knock it back into place” deals.


  3. …uhhh, that’s not how you’re supposed to restrain violent mentals on a transport cot, even back in 19dickety2 we had leather restraints for that purpose and I typically didn’t even bother with those since I could lock em down very effectively and without damage using folded triangular bandages and their own weight on tightly fitted sheets…we took red-tagged patients from the cops pretty often but never transported in cuffs because it was both unnecessary and damaging to both patient and cot, and unlike the police, anything WE broke on the patient WE had to FIX.

    …also, we cross-trained with our cops on such things so everyone knew what to do, how trasfers would be handled and what restraints would be used so we didn’t have to discuss it on-scene, except maybe on some mutual aid runs. We’d put ours on, they’d take theirs off, and they’d follow the unit to the medical facility in case anything went down en route, and also to do paperwork and grok with hospital security and whatever LEO from the hospital’s jurisdiction were invited to play.

    Cops got groggy too, tho. One time, we picked one they tuned up a little from the City lockup, which was right behind our house so we literally backed a squad up out the back door and were on-scene. Guy waz pretty fit and supposedly had some moves, but was nice as pie with us tying him down (an old adage was that if you gave a guy a choice between hospital or jail, he’d get into the squad faster that you ever could). We had to go in the sally port and I had a Buck knife in my rescue holster, so in keeping with procedures and commin sense about not taking pointy things into cell blocks, I deposited it in the bellhop’s window slot just outside the processing area before rolling to the prisoner/patient.

    We were outside after loading him, wrapping some wounds and such with my partner up in the driver’s seat ready to go and me in the box when the back doors pop open and one of the cops smiles at me and says “here’s your knife back!” and TOSSES IT ON THE PATIENT/PRISONER’S LAP.

    …happily he was still partly restrained (only partly, I was wrapping the other part), and also as surprised as me, so I picked up my thing and quicky deposited it with my equally surprised driver and told the cop kinda icily “thanks, I’ll put it away later”.

    He did apologize later, but I’m glad my patient wasn’t crazier or quicker or it could have been a pretty bad night for me AND for him when the cop shot him (maybe the plan? Who knows?) AND for whoever had to hose the squad out and patch the bullet holes…

  4. Brad,

    You are right, those are not farm arms. He is also obviously Pumping iron.
    BUT, when I was young, i played hockey all over Ontario, Michigan, & a few other States.

    We were City & training tough, the rural guys were Farm tough.

    Both effective, but different.

    Farm guys had CORE strength Before everyone else knew what it was.
    We had street fighting hate.

    Fuckin Ugly & Fun when the shit hit the fan!

    but we all drank together afterwards.

    One of my coaches put together an all star team that was 50% – 50%
    That was a hell of a team.

  5. Chapelle has reported he and his family have been receiving death threats. He also says they’ve been followed home several times. He’s also said he’s hire a lot more security. It wouldn’t surprise me that he’s started training to better effect a defense of his family. Even a mediocre weight lifter has a big advantage over a Transgender with finger nail polish. I’m thinking the monster that’s been chasing Chapelle finally showed it’s cowardly face and ole Dave couldn’t help himself. Time to fuck that bitch up.

  6. In Basic we had a 6’5 monster muscled giant. Biceps like the Rock. 6’2 flabby farm boy called “Biscuit” just whipped him like a little bitch when arm wrestling.

    There’s strength and then there’s real strength.


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