I Hate This America – IOTW Report

I Hate This America

Low-Life Central

23 Comments on I Hate This America

  1. Felon and ex-felon voting depends on the state. A few states revoke rights forever.

    What is truly despicable is these mutants from the slime gene pool have brought young children to the beat down. There seems to be a baby crying also. Degenerate and morally corrupt.

  2. Among all those people, only one woman early on in the video seemed uncomfortable. She would shield her eyes and turn her body to “glance” back and away from those morons.

    I had to go to Walmart to return something yesterday. I always went to Wally World before they teamed up with the Obamanation. I wasn’t a snob.

    The crowd there yesterday looked IDENTICAL to this bunch. I couldn’t wait to get out of there.

  3. You know that Bill Engvall “here’s your sign” routine? That’s what I think of when I see people covered with tattoos. In fact, I think if tattoo “artists” were honest, when they finished one they’d point to the hideous, disfiguring, permanent scar they just put on the idiot and say, “there’s your sign”.

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