” I have just signed your death warrant. “ – IOTW Report

” I have just signed your death warrant. “

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Larry Nasser was sentenced yesterday by Michigan Judge Rosemarie Aquilina, to 40-175 years in jail on top of a 60-year sentence on child pornography charges he had already received.

Having plead guilty to sexually assaulting 7 gymnasts when he was the sport doctor for Michigan State University and the USA Gymnastics team, Nasser was subjected to a week-long sentencing hearing that allowed 156 victims to enter their testimony before the court.  The disgraced physician only made things worse for himself by writing an open letter to the judge complaining that she was “grandstanding” and “conducting a media circus” during his sentence.  More
Transcript of Judge Aquilina’s address to the accused at the sentencing, Here

29 Comments on ” I have just signed your death warrant. “

  1. I am in no way defending this despicable guy,,, but, the judge seemed to be getting entirely too much enjoyment when she sentenced him. He knows what is in store for him, did she really need to enjoy the story enough to tell it?
    Can you just imagine if the roles were reversed and it was a woman with a male judge?
    Officer of the court and all that stuff, eh?

  2. Wha..?
    He’s lucky I didn’t sentence him.
    Poor Lazlo would have thrown the book at him.
    With a cannon an forty paces backed by a canister of grape shot.
    And I would have touched the fuse off with my own cigar

  3. It wasn’t a death warrant — the guy will be alive — to exercise in the gym, read books, get a degree, get lawyered up again, etc. All at the taxpayers expense.

    Unfortunately, for true felons, we have to hope that other felons in the big house will exercise justice that the courts are unwilling to do …

  4. He won’t have an easy time in the slammer. Even convicts hate short eyes.
    He’ll spend his time in protective custody and he can be gotten to there.
    He will suffer, its guaranteed.

  5. @OpenTheDoor – There a robust history of judges making such statements to convicts at sentencing. I find nothing wrong with the practice of telling a despicable person just how despicable he is, and taking some pleasure in being afforded the opportunity to do so.

  6. This hit home with us. My 2 oldest kids graduated from MSU. The whole thing creeped me out especially after I found out What was going on. Nassar can rot for all I care but the Judge came across to me as very unprofessional. Not good all the way around.

  7. Advise this dumb-dumb that we are all mortal. Her ‘death warrant’ proclamation is hollow preening.
    Justices are narcissists ala Lance Ito and the clowns on the teevee shows.

  8. He’ll probably be treated okay as a prison medic since this stuff is so scarce in there, but not after having several splincher-ectomies especially if he presents as a white guy.

  9. Well, it will be interesting if his appeal lawyer uses the Judges sentencing speech as grounds for a new trial. Simply saying that she’s “sentenced him to death” may just be enough to argue that knowing he is a convicted sex offender she was sending s signal to the corrections officers to assign him to genpop or to not watch him as carefully as they would other convicted sex offenders. This is California remember.

  10. I gotta say, she did showboat. She could have cut that speech down to 2 paragraphs and no one needed her life story, and I’m sure the prisoner can do the math. lol. Let the victims showboat. They earned that right.

  11. The judge was preened up and looking forward to the TV camera attention. From what little I saw, she was showboating. Granted, sounds like the doc deserves what he gets…just something doesn’t sit well about Judge Rosemarie.
    I did tell my sister, at the time we saw her hand out the verdict, “She is rocking some serious eyebrows, there.” 😀

  12. I think scr_north has a point.

    I also think she did little to maintain the seriousness and gravity of normal court proceedings, especially in a case like this. That said, I do wish there were a more commensurate punishment. Not immediate death. That would be a kindness he doesn’t deserve.

  13. Except as an object lesson and a chance for the victims to vent, this whole trial is kinda meaningless, since Nasser must first serve his previous 60-year federal sentence before this sentence can even commence.

    Two chances.

  14. Couldn’t understand why the guy didn’t get up and say “Fuck you. I’m not listening to your bullshit. What are ya gonna do? Sentence me to death, twice? Give me 200 years instead of 175?”

    Then cover his ears and squeal like a pig (which he better get used to).

    izlamo delenda est …

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