I keep hearing that all her emails are recoverable. Okay, when? When do we see them? – IOTW Report

I keep hearing that all her emails are recoverable. Okay, when? When do we see them?

Canada Free Press-

Poor Datto Inc. Apparently, when they were hired to provide backup for Hillary’s homebrew e-mail server, they thought they were supposed to play it straight and actually provide backup so the data could be recovered in the event of the server being compromised in some unforeseen way. That’s what companies like Datto are typically expected to do.

I guess it didn’t occur to them that, when dealing with the Clintons, the expectation might be something entirely different. If you’re an ordinary company and you need records of your correspondences for the smooth running of your business, then heck yeah, back it up to the cloud. That’s where your data is safest in the event of a server meltdown. But if you’re Hillary Clinton and you don’t want anyone to know how you abused your position as Secretary of State to peddle influence in exchange for payola and political backing, then the last thing you want is for anyone to be able to recover those e-mails.

Oh, gosh, sorry, I’d love to release them but apparently the server’s been wiped. Oh well!

Er, no it hasn’t, Hillary. Much to your horror, Datto was actually doing its job…


ht/ sam s.

8 Comments on I keep hearing that all her emails are recoverable. Okay, when? When do we see them?

  1. don’t hold your breath

    this is a huge deal, and it takes quite an effort from lots of clintonites, including dnc, msm, etc. to cover hillary’s large derrière, while the gop finds its gonads

  2. I repeat.

    The e-mails implicate Obola and Jarrett in the assassination of Amb. Stevens, the murders of 3 brave Americans, Chemical WMDs illegally smuggled to the the moslem bros. in Mali and Syria, in concert with the NSA, the CIA, and the DIA. As well as extorting ‘donations’ to the Clinton Foundation by foreign gov’ts and investors (which I couldn’t conceivably care less about).

    Obola and the FBI will attempt to use enough to disqualify her run at usurping the White Hut, without releasing enough to endanger them.

  3. The GOPe will protect her. Mark my words. The GOPe will protect her.

    Progressives are progressives first, last and always. The GOPe are solid progressives and as such will protect her.

    I guarandamntee it.

    Oh they will make a bunch of noise, but..,.. in the end they will protect her.

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