“I need a supervisor” – NFL Player Fights With Police After Being Tased – IOTW Report

“I need a supervisor” – NFL Player Fights With Police After Being Tased

It seems the black community has been advised to robotically demand a supervisor whenever they are detained by police for disobeying the rules of the road. We’ve all seen this act before.

This dumbbell, Malik McDowell of the Seattle Seahawks, bleats over and over again, “I need a supervisor,” as if “the racist institution” of law enforcement has special supervisors that will arrive at the scene and make sure poor oppressed Malik isn’t shot in the face.

What did he think this magical supervisor was going to do? Let his drug or alcohol, or both, addled ass go?

ht/ jd hasty

39 Comments on “I need a supervisor” – NFL Player Fights With Police After Being Tased

  1. I’m impressed with the tenacity of the cop. He didn’t back down, even with overwhelming size differences. He gets a thumbs up from here.
    We need more like him.

  2. You disagree with a charge? You fight it in court.

    There are two possibilities:

    1. It is a dirty cop or is just plain wrong in which case it would get you nothing for you to fight it on the street.


    2. The officer is right in which case it would get you nothing for you to fight it on the street.

  3. Stupid cop should understand how electricity works.

    You can’t rely on tazing someone without good skin contact. 3 layers of clothing don’t cut it.

    Next time shoot him in the face. ….and then hold the trigger down continuously if the pulse isn’t interrupted automatically.

    I’m glad the cop didn’t get hurt.

  4. the Peehawks guy should have said he would comply, hand over his ID but at the same time should have said please have your supervisor on-scene…..unless the Peehawk knew he was drunk and/or high and knew he was guilty as sin.

  5. Another data point that non-lethal forms of (whatever) don’t usually work. This is why my preferred form of STOP will always be backed up with a lethal firearm.

  6. Malik clearly has not seen Chris Rock’s video “How not to get your ass kicked by the police.”

    And who does this putz think he is, some Karen asking for the cop’s supervisor?

  7. @Toby Miles – My exact thought. That cop hung in there like a pit bull on a man twice his size. He immediately began calling for backup as soon as he saw the driver was being non-compliant and they sent him a chick. The Calvary arrived a little late for the party. Kudos to the first cop on the scene!

  8. Two questions come to mind:
    1 Does this one kneel during the anthem because BLM??
    2 What was his major in college?

  9. We looked it up. That happened in February. The Seahawks cut him in March.

    There are a some other things with him:

    1. In that video he was over twice the legal alcohol limit.
    2. The Seahawks are suing him. He received a head injury in an ATV accident which prevented him from playing in the 2017 season. His contract specifically prohibited him from such activity. The Seahawks want their signing bonus back.
    3. He was arrested for fighting outside a nightclub.
    4. He was arrested for possession of stolen property, specifically a brand new Ford pickup truck worth over $70,000 (seventy thousand) that was taken from a Ford (manufacturer, not a dealer) overflow lot. He says he bought it from somebody, but he doesn’t know who, and paid $3000 (three thousand).

  10. That cop’s courage is indirectly proportional to his size. Yes, affirmative action women cops is not the greatest idea from the left. But then which of their ideas is?

  11. Actually, he is only former NFL draft pick of the Seahawks.

    Doesn’t appear he ever played a game. And he has a long list of self inflicted troubles, including owing the Seahawks, $800k. Court date July 28.
    He doesn’t need a supervisor he needs supervision.

    Maybe he’s brain damaged from the ATV head injury that seems to be the event preceded being cut by the Seahawks.

    https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/oakland-county/2019/06/27/judge-scolds-malik-mcdowell-leaving-state-without-ok/1587345001/ .

    https://www.seattletimes.com/sports/seahawks/video-surfaces-of-clash-between-police-former-seahawk-malik-mcdowell/ .

  12. He’s extremely lucky

    Not sure if the female cop noticed it or not, but he tried to grab her gun when she first arrived

    That, combined with him grabbing the officer’s taser, justified the use of deadly force

    He is very lucky

  13. I love when they ask for a supervisor on Live PD and the cop is like “No.” LOL! As if it’s a right to demand someone else come to the scene! They’re hilarious! Or when they make the officer wait while they call 911 for police! It’s too hilarious! And the gambit NEVER works.

  14. That cop showed all the patience in the world, until the big bully started pushing his weight around. Do these people still think they’re back in Africa murdering white framers in the night? And I’ll bet the worthless 50 million per year commissioner will find that Seattle was wrong in taking the actions they did.


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