” …the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.” – IOTW Report

” …the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.”

With the subpoena of David Pecker, Slick Willie might be finally going bye bye.

Trump eluded to this in a speech at CPAC in 2015.

Vanity Fair-

In the months before he ran for president, Donald Trump was in conversation with National Enquirer owner David Pecker about his old acquaintance, Jeffrey Epstein, and how his sexual abuse scandal might affect the Clintons. “Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse,” recalls a former Trump Organization employee.

Perhaps the most revealing commentary Donald Trump has offered on Jeffrey Epstein, the disgraced financier who pleaded not guilty this week to sex trafficking and conspiracy, occurred in late February 2015, onstage at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference. Trump, then flirting with a presidential run, was fielding softballs from Fox News host Sean Hannity when a lightning round of questions turned to a favorite topic: Bill Clinton. “Nice guy, Trump said. “Got a lot of problems coming up, in my opinion, with the famous island with Jeffrey Epstein,” he added, seemingly veering off topic. “Lot of problems.”

Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, who would later go to prison in part for his role in these hush money schemes, was in the room when Pecker sat down. Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.” (Cohen, speaking by phone from the Federal Correctional Institution in Otisville, corroborated Nunberg’s version of the events, though he declined to add any additional information about the meeting.)


24 Comments on ” …the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.”

  1. Citizen Trump should have done something 5 years before Epstein was declared a sex offender.

    So says media that refused to investigate Epstein for two decades and who, like Graydon Carter at Vanity Fair, killed articles on their pedo pal because it would splash back on all of their liberal pals.

    The investigators don’t investigate and then blame others for their inaction. The lack of selfawareness is reaching critical mass.

    Trump saying “don’t tell anyone” isn’t a conspiracy of silence, it’s saying “I heard some stuff and don’t want to get sued for slander.”

  2. So, in the bigger scheme of things, maybe not so many will go to prison for Sedition/Treason…

    …but those who *don’t* may well go to prison for such “Human Rights Abuses”…y’know…those things that President Trump signed an Executive Order years ago, taking away all the property of those found guilty of such abuses…coinkydink!

    (Who knew…KARMA uses hairspray and wears a red tie! 😮 )

  3. “Gambling at Rick’s?

    I’m shocked!
    Shocked! I tell ya!”

    This is on par (to utilize a sport’s phrase) with Hollyweird’s obsession with pederasty. Pedophilia and pederasty are significantly perverse perversions – and universally pursued by nihilists whose rejection of God is most vehement – vehemently vituperative, in fact.

    It’s just a shame that “defining deviancy down” has been so successful that we are no longer outraged. There was a time when humans didn’t suffer demons.
    Long past, now, in this age of “enlightenment.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Not holding my breath. A lot can happen before the goods are released to the general population. For example Epstein could be ‘suicided to death’ before any of the goods on Clinton come out. In fact, I’m sure there must be a team of at least 6 people right now working on his suicide letter. Each one working one their own possible way Jeffery could off himself so when it happens the right letter will be ready for the world to read.

    The real canker on our collective soul is if it is proven with videos that Bill was literally into 14 year old girls the left will begin it’s unapologetic march to normalize pedophilia. They have the troops already marshaled to begin that campaign they are now just looking for a pretext to open that front of the cultural war.

    6 out of 10 American did not vote for Bill Clinton both times he ran. That is Ross Perot’s legacy. May God have mercy on your soul because I’d piss on your grave if given the chance.

  5. Paul Joseph Watson 2017 – Pedophiles Rule the World

    Jeffrey Epstein was protected by George W. Bush and his Jewish attorney general, Michael Mukasey.
    Chuck Schumer recommended Mukasey for the Supreme Court, this is a political stooge of the swampland who let Epstein off.
    (We should demand Senator Schmuck’s resignation)
    Justice had prepared a 58 page indictment of Epstein in 2008, but at the last minute gave Epstein a sweetheart deal, where the feds could not touch Epstein, the victims were never notified of the deal, and Epstein was charged on state charges which were nothing.
    Jeb Bush was governor of Florida until 2007 when this investigation was taking place.
    Charlie Crist, oversaw the details afterwards in the sunshine state.

  6. Pelopidas,

    I hear you. But at the same time if it weren’t for Perot, we likely would not have DJT today, right when we need him the most. He’s the necessary link in a chain of events that started when the Clintons institutionalized an unprecedented level of corruption in government, corruption that did not go away under RINO Bush and was ramped up under Obama. Trump is the response to that, better late than never.

    Now, maybe I’m being Pollyanna about it but had G.H.W. Bush won in ’92, we know his globalist self would have sucked and Clinton likely would have been elected POTUS in ’96. So things likely would have unfolded much they way they actually did, delayed only by four years.

    And on the upside…silver lining here…it took BOTH the wicked Clinton and Obama regimes AND decades of GOP lies and fecklessness to wake up enough people to see just how bad off we are and do something about it like Trump.

    Was it worth it?

    Well…things had to get SO bad that people had no choice but to see how bad it has gotten. Given that I believe we’d have ended up as bad off as we are even if Clinton had lost in ’92, at least now a lot more people are awake and angry than probably otherwise would have been. That counts for something. How much, only time will tell.

  7. Trump already offered info to the girls’ lawyer back then and still, the NY court did nothing. What was Trump supposed to do? Who was around to say anything else to? That guy Eric the DA who was beating his black girlfriend and calling her his slave? LOL! Come on, Libs. try harder.

  8. Grool,

    Had there been no Clinton’s lowering the bar of what is acceptable to get into office and stay in office we would not have had an Obama.

    Bush the 1st was harmless. The Clinton’s set the governmental controls towards a kleptocracy and Obama recalibrated the kleptocracy and added ‘America is more racist today than ever before’ on top of it. On top of that, I’m not sure the MSM would have had the guts to have attacked W. the way it did for 8 years. It is going to take generations to undo the damage as a result of Perot’s runs at the White House.

    Ross Perot cleared the way and made it possible for the crack to our foundation to happen. The point I’m driving at is- would that it had never gotten this bad.

  9. If Slick Willy gets hit with Epstein’s flying mud and arrested/indicted/tried, will Shrillary also be dragged into this, indicted and tried as a co-conspirator (is that the right word?)?
    That would warm the cockles of my flabby black heart.

  10. Bush 1 was not harmless. He became POTUS by riding Reagan’s coattails and then undid alot of what the Gipper accomplished.

    Read my lips: GHWB was the archtype squish RINO surrender monkey.

  11. I respect your view, P, but I have to agree with Anonymous there. Being a globalist and one of the elite, Bush (all of them) had much more in common with Clinton and Obama than he did with Trump and us.

    Purely speculative, but who knows what damage HE, as a globalist, may have done had he won.


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