I’ve been trying to ignore the calls for Trump’s death, shrugging it off as politics.

But it’s not politics. I didn’t like Obama’s politics. But I never called for his death. And I don’t remember too many of the readers on the site calling for his death either.

Yes, we may have said stuff about the gallows when he seemingly got away unscathed on scandal after scandal. That will piss us off into hyperbole. And I know some on this thread will say, “oh, hell no, I wished for his death every day.”

I’m not sure I believe that, not when the rubber hits the road.

God is my witness. If Obama announced he had cancer, or was assassinated, it wouldn’t be a cause for celebration. Quite the opposite. And I think we on the right, mostly, would feel the same way.

There is something very wrong with the left, mentally.

I think there are issues that naturally make these people gravitate together, with like-minded fuckedupness, and once congregated, they call themselves the left.

They self-identify as the compassionate ones. Each and every day we see that that is a complete farce.

They are violent, dispassionate, hating, bitter, controlling power-thirsty monsters.

I wish it weren’t true.


  1. Exactly, soulless classless people that have no control over their emotions. Apparently they have never learned if you don’t have anything nice to say just keep your mouth shut.

  2. I can’t believe the shit animals are typing on Twitter. People are calling them out on it. I’ve read a couple “Hey asshole, turn on your location so can come visit you remarks”. Twitter will remove those folks quickly. People have become to brave sitting behind their key boards. Especially Libtards who for the most part grew up being pussies, the odd man out. This is their form of being manly I guess, and I mention men here because that’s mainly who I’ve seen typing this vile shit.

  3. The strange part of this? Rick Maddow, Biden and a couple of other libs actually wished them recovery and good health.

    I mean, I guess Maddow said something because without Trump, she has no show, but still. lol

  4. It’s OK. We don’t expect much from Dems and their politicians. But the Independents and DemMods are watching this and it’s not a good look for them. The dems never stop to think about the backlash.

  5. I don’t know, if obama was to disappear, never to be seen or heard from again, I think I’d be fine with that. That doesn’t mean I want him dead, I just want him gone.

  6. Did not wish for it ONLY because of the shit storm it would create after, especially if an assassination…

    Thinking he’s out of office now and who’d give a shit other than his butt buddies…

  7. I don’t overtly remember wanting Obama to die, but when they shoved Hillary in the scooby van on 9/11, I lite a cigar for the pending cremation….and I sure wouldn’t mind if Obama croaked….Pelosi’s death would be a 3 week bonfire with S’mores, hot dogs, steak, fireworks, hootin’, holloran’ and festive dancing….taratula style!!!!…maybe even Chapatula style..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=498LZARXzN0

  8. I wanted 0bama in jail, mostly.
    But dead? Nah. Here, I’ll say it… I would feel bad for Big Mike and the kids. There.

    And also because I don’t want him to be a martyr. Good gravy, could you imagine the statues? The commemorative coins? The dishes? The liquor stores, community ‘organizer’ colleges springing up everywhere, the sexual lubricants dispensers named for him?
    No. Send him to jail instead.

  9. I respected the Obama family when I would see them all together with the girls and the stupid dogs even. Just a little bit. I understood his ‘charm’ to the general public who liked Dems and didn’t dig beneath the surface of the MSM ‘news.’ I didn’t like him as president though.

  10. I have been saying this GWB. The Lefties I know, would just furrow their brows and pensively nod. To date, no one has ever contradicted me. Although, it also has not caused them to change sides. It’s a conversation ender.

  11. Obama was a huge American mistake, but I hope he lives a long life in order to reflect upon his many failures.
    We might disagree about the nature of his failures but we can agree that he is a total failure. At least a Jimmy Carter knew which end of a hammer to hold. He also holds a prominent place in the Failed President Hall of Fame. George W Bush is banging on the door to get in.

  12. OK I’ll do it! For the amount of harm that scum has visited on the country and the injustice he’s brought to many individuals I do wish he was dead.
    If it can be justified to put me in uniform and go kill some conscript in another country then I can live with wishing that pig dead.

  13. I never did either. I did however wish that he would be sent to Gitmo to share a tiny cell with Her Thighness a.k.a. Thunder Cankels. I often imagined both of them fighting over a filthy prayer rug whilst begging for a compass to ensure they were both praying towards the east. A guy can dream right?!

  14. Here in Maine on the fb pages of WGME and WCSH6, the leftists are being absolutely hateful, vile and evil.
    Wishing death on the Trump family.
    Hoping for a quick death.
    The thick headed Dave Bautista – Guardians of the Galaxy – came out and said he can’t believe anyone is wishing them a speedy recovery.
    These people are so brave behind their keyboards.
    Let’s see you punks say this stuff to their faces.

  15. This wanting Trump dead has been going on for a very long time. It started with that cow holding a bloody head of Trump, she quickly got a visit from the SS. Then Madonna got into the picture along with all her pink pussy hat brigade. Remember she wanted to bomb the White house? This is just another tactic the left is using to disparage our President and First Lady. Haven’t heard much out of those monsters lately have we? Let the left keep talking, more and more people are turning away from them and sympathizing with Trump.

  16. As a general rule, I don’t “wish” for anything (kinda pointless, isn’t it?).
    Should he be executed for Treason?
    Most emphatically.
    Would I pull the lever?
    Most emphatically.
    Should he be tried and convicted prior?
    Most emphatically.

    izlamo delenda est …

  17. I recall when a little black boy was so excited and on tv a clip of him exclaiming Barack Obama is gonna be on tv tonight! My heart melted for the little tyke because he was so thrilled. That’s about as warm as I ever felt for Barack Hussain Obama. But that was a CHILD who did not understand the complicated world scene.

  18. I NEVER wished death upon the $#!+bamanation!

    I wished he would fall INTO a latrine, but NOT that he would die! I just WANTED him to experience himself, the way everybody ELSE experienced HIM! 😀

  19. @WDS: Thank you for posting that. I had no idea. Kathy Shaidle was the first blogger I followed. Smart, funny, cynical, true beliver. This explains the hiatus, while I just drifted away, thinking she’s on to other, bigger projects… Crap.

    Gonna head back over there with gratitude, encouragement, and prayers.

  20. Haven’t wished Barry dead, because that will eventually happen. Since there is little hope Barry will ever repent, he’s destine for Hell. Sorry, not sad about his possible fate.

    The following warning Barry more than likely refuses to believe;

    Revelation 21:8 Holy Bible KJV – “But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

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