I Paid A Higher Tax Rate on My Federal Income Taxes Than Bernie Sanders – IOTW Report

I Paid A Higher Tax Rate on My Federal Income Taxes Than Bernie Sanders

My tax guy called today to tell me how much I was having taken out of my account after he filed my return. I paid a higher federal rate than Bernie Sanders.

F*ck you, Sanders, you dirty hypocrite.

You want the government to pay for everything, yet you do everything you can to get your rate down. Who is going to pay for your Utopia? Me?



15 Comments on I Paid A Higher Tax Rate on My Federal Income Taxes Than Bernie Sanders

  1. I make a little less than $35,000 per year and pay 1/3 of my earnings in taxes, SS and WETF. I am about two paychecks from being homeless, but I am considered “privileged,” so that beaurocrats can steal my money to pay for votes to people who won’t work. And all of that SS $ they have been taking out of my earnings for at least 30-40 years, I can’t count on because our crooked govt. is now giving it away to people who are here illegally and not even citizens. I will no doubt die at my desk still working, with nothing to show for it, to indulge parasites.

    That is why TRUMP 2016!!

  2. I wonder what Bernie Boy donates to charity in the amount of $8,350? His old underwear and socks? Old dentures? Libturds are notorious for not being charitable except with other people’s hard-earned money. Old, smelly, freaky, cheap, communist weirdo.

  3. I paid a tad bit more than 10%, but had over $16,000 in Schedule A deductions. This bonanza won’t last forever. I am on a pace to pay off the loan on my apartment by 2020, so the personal mortgage interest deductible will evaporate after that.

    Federal taxes are a big screw-a-thon for people who don’t own property.

  4. i”ve been reducing my hours over the last few years and consequently lowering my income. Yet, every one of those years I pay more and more. This year, more than Sanders on less total household income. I’m getting really, really tired of this crap.

  5. How about we have one day a year that’s open season on politicians?

    Reset! A purging would do us some good.

    The new guys would be more likely to do what their constituents elected them for instead of what THE PARTY wants.

  6. Sorry, Loco. If I don’t put it down first I forget by the time I read the comments. Maybe I should put it in the comment box but not hit post until after I read them. Then edit.

    Meh. Sorry.

  7. @Conservative Cowgirl @Anonymous It would be interesting to see what charities to which they gave since Bernie is on record as opposing gifts to charity. He snubbed the United Fund when Mayor of Burlington by telling them that at their annual kick off dinner. Bet he ate their food, tho!

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