I said it was Indiana then, and it’s still Indiana now – IOTW Report

I said it was Indiana then, and it’s still Indiana now

I was conversing through email with Menderman awhile back about what it would take to stop Trump. I said it was Indiana.

Conventional (pun intended) wisdom puts Indiana in the crosshairs. What they do will decide the race for the GOP candidacy.

It is still somewhat possible for Trump to get there without Indiana, but that would mean a rout in California and some good old-fashioned bribery for the Carson delegates, etc.

But if Trump carries indianan it is all but over for Cruz or any other selection waiting in the eGOP wings.


55 Comments on I said it was Indiana then, and it’s still Indiana now

    “There are 502 delegates remaining in the next six weeks. Indiana (next Tuesday) is holding 57 of those:

    * 27 are district allocated to the winner in each of the 9 congressional districts. Whoever wins the most votes in that district will receive all 3 convention delegates.

    * 30 (10 base at-large delegates plus 17 bonus delegates plus 3 RNC delegates) statewide delegates are to be allocated to the presidential contender receiving the greatest number of votes statewide. (link)

    Currently Donald Trump is slightly ahead of the polls in Indiana. Senator Ted Cruz has planted his flag, and with it his entire campaign, on winning Indiana.

    Prior to last night’s results, Indiana was a must win for Senator Cruz and the #NeverTrump team. After last night’s results, Indiana is now an absolute MUST WIN for Senator Cruz.

    If Donald Trump wins Indiana, taking most, many, if not all of the 57 delegates, the Cruz/Kasich/#NeverTrump scheme is completely wiped out.

    However, IF Trump doesn’t win Indiana, and because of the overwhelming victory last night, not much mathematically changes for Trump.

    The reason for optimism, even losing Indiana, is New Jersey (June 7th, 51 Delegates, winner-take-all) is Trump’s ace. New Jersey is Trump country and he’s crushing it in every recent poll. West Virginia (May 10th, 34 delegates) also looks very favorable for Trump. And California (Also June 7th, 172 delegates w/ 159 by CD) can seal the deal.

    New Jersey (51), West Virginia (34) and California (172) total 257 delegates. Remember, with 1,000 in hand, Trump only needs 250. [And that doesn’t count Oregon (28), Washington State (44) and New Mexico (24) possibilities for proportional wins].

    So you can see, Indiana is vital for Cruz/Kasich, without it their entire scheme self destructs. However, even if they succeed, Trump is now positioned to win regardless of the Indiana outcome.”


  2. There has been a lot of industry moved out of Indiana to Mexico and China, just like everywhere else. It’s been going on for years, Carrier is just one example.

    Lots of really fed up people, lots of tea partiers, lots of rednecks, very traditional state jammed up here in between OH and IL and MI.

    0bama won Indiana in 2008 general election. Romney won it in 2012.

    Trump’s problem here is the uptight religious people who didn’t like Romney and stayed home and these same people probably don’t like that Trump owns casinos or some other “not righteous enough for me” reason.

    Yet he is ahead in the polls and I think there are MANY people who will pull the lever for Trump that will never admit it publicly.

  3. It was over when Cruz couldn’t carry TX with 50% + 1.

    Trump, last we saw, was about 61/2 up and that was before last night and also before the news that apparently a lot of Kasich supporters are switching to Trump over the “alliance” (Freddie Barnes thinks as many as 1/3).

    And Bobby Knight probably finished it. Add to that the harrassment of Pence by the NeverVoters and Trump’s numbers go up a little more.

  4. Cruz is desperate.
    One one hand, I understand, for a candidate in such a position.

    HOWEVER: yesterday as I was watching Fox News just before the Primaries closed, they showed Cruz giving a speech at a rally in Indiana. Cruz LOST IT. He went on a rant about “11 ways Trump and Hillary are the same”. It would have been “harsh,” if it were true…but, of the 8 I heard (they cut Cruz off when the polls closed and went to live reporting), at least 6 were OUTRIGHT LIES.


    Here’s another article about The Cruz Campaign Meltdown:

  5. Jesus, Fur! Let me just ask you: Did Menderman put salt and pepper on your brain before he ate it?

    Conservative Review?? Shit.

    You’re worse than the #NeverTrump crowd. At least they’ve been honest about their goals for the past several months. What have you been doing in that same time? Telling all your loyal readers/commenters that you’re “good with Trump” *if* he gets the nomination. Just so you know, I figured you out the night of the Iowa caucus and Cruz’s “win.”

  6. Trump foreign policy speech livestreaming at the CTH. Supposed to start at 12:00 noon, but hasn’t started yet – in case anyone is interested in hearing what he has to say first-hand vs. hearing Ted Crudz lie about what he said later.

  7. Monday evening a Cruz caller phoned me. Unfortunately for him it was immediately apparent that he was a self absorbed, soaked in slime, law student who tried his darnedest to convince me that Cruz was the ONE. I managed to keep him on the phone for at least 20 minutes so he couldn’t phone anyone else in that time period.

    He sounded like Cruz, was as cocky about knowing the Constitution as Cruz, insulted me which I called him on by telling him that one shouldn’t insult a person whose home one entered without being invited. He didn’t apologize – the cocky young budding lawyer. My guess is that he might be getting at $15/hour at a phone bank or a promise of being an aid to a Cruz presy.

    I’m sure he came away thinking I was nuts, but he left me knowing he was insane. He was never Trump and said Hillary would be better than Trump. He was a mini-Cruz.

  8. Conservative Review? I second AA. It’s a Levin tool-it gives Cruz a 97% conservative record. I call Yuge Bullshit on that. I read Levin today say that it’s right for Cruz to fight on-fucking asshole.

    Czar’s excerpt from is CTH is right on the money.

    This puppy is over. If Cruz had a lick of sense, he’d concede and urge his supporters to back Trump. And do so honestly and passionately. The fact he doesn’t tells us he’s a typical, power hungry pol.

    And apparently pretty GD naive if he thinks for a second should Trump be denied the nod, that he’d get it. What a maroon.

  9. Gladys — Pretty sure it doesn’t matter to the “Cruz will win Indiana and his nomination will be secured!” loonies. They won’t let the truth interfere with their reveries of a Cruz White House. But they will be agog later today when Cruz announces his running mate.

    Ted Cruz: King of Colorado!

  10. It wouldn’t surprise me if Indiana gets split rather evenly (it’s “winner take all” Congressional District by District). In such case, Trump moves ahead a bit towards 1,237, and Cruz GETS NOTHING, other than 25 or so more delegates.

    Cruz would have to have a blow out viictory for any momentum. And That. Ain’t. Gonna. Happen.
    Voter manipulation through more of his dirty tricks (SEE: Iowa) or the GOP Establishment’s Machine intervention notwithstanding.



    The Trump foreign policy speech is neat! Cool, calm, scripted, yet EXPLOSIVE in its COMMON SENSE.

  11. Oh ho! Don’t know if it’s true, but it’s been uttered by a couple of talking heads on the tee vee (which is a term I coined, BTW), that Cruz is going to pick Carly Purina as his veep. Good choice! Yeah, a much-disdained, failed CEO who believes every piece of crap that comes out of CAIR’s press releases.

  12. All of this is enjoyable in a frightening way. If Hillary gets elected, you won’t recognize this country at the end of her first term. It will become the United States of Northern Mexico, with three million Muslims thrown in for diversity. Our gun rights will be eroded, and the EPA will dictate our private lives. The Russians and the Chinese will continue to take advantage of us, and Islamic terrorists will kill thousands of nonbelievers across the world. Perverts will be welcome in women’s restrooms, and millions will be thrown away on making sexual diversity special. It’s going to be the FULL CATASTROPHE and, if Trump loses, his supporters will only have themselves to blame. You are gambling on the majority of the people waking up to the true danger facing this country. Good luck with that.

  13. Trump is leading here in Indiana, even District 7 (Indianapolis) where the dead make sure Andre Fucking Carson always get’s re-elected.

    I’m actually not too worried about it.

  14. AA, Hillary starts out with the Democrat’s Really Big Plantation of low information welfare voters. All she needs is transportation to get them to the voting booths. Then, she pulls in the women who will never vote for Trump. Next, she gets the Independents who have been put off by Trump. Finally, she gets the Mexicans who have become citizens through being born on our soil, and she becomes the first woman elected president who gets to pardon herself. Now, that is real substance.

  15. AA, Well Trump dug an awfully deep hole blowing up the Republican Establishment, and he didn’t have to insult so many people to get to this point. He has gotten here with less substance than any politician in history. I believe that this is a reflection of how deeply many of his supporters hate what Obama and Clinton did to this country. However, Barack and Hillary have millions of supporters who love what they have done to this country. That is a very substantial number of voters who will never vote for Trump.

  16. >>Telling all your loyal readers/commenters that you’re “good with Trump” *if* he gets the nomination.>>>

    I think you have it backwards.
    I’ve told readers I’m “good with Cruz” if he gets the nomination.

    Cruz is not my first choice. He’s not my fourth choice. I preferred Walker and Paul over Cruz.
    Cruz is simply the guy who has the best chance of derailing the frontrunner.
    And I’ve said that if Cruz is able to block Trump from getting the nomination I would press a button and install Cruz right now to prevent a brokered convention where the eGOP installs their guy.
    Wow. That makes me rah rah rah Cruz, huh?

    I don’t know how many times I have to restate my great disappointment in what I am witnessing this election-
    the possibility that Hillary will become president because of ASSHOLE NEVERTRUMPERS.
    Is that not clear?

    I do not think the difference between Cruz and Trump is as large as the difference between Hillary and either Cruz or Trump.

    So, being the pragmatic dyed-in-the-wool anti-left guy I am, I do not become unhinged at the thought of either Trump or Cruz.

    I also do not throw people under the bus and accuse them of all sorts of nefariousness.

    Why do I still link Soopermexican when he’s one of the more vocal NeverTrumpers?

    Because I have faith that this entire NeverTrump movement will fall to pieces when it’s just Trump and Hillary left standing.

    No one could be that stupid to think that there isn’t a vast contrast between the two candidates.
    You cannot have been a conservative for the past 8 years and allow Hillary Rodham Clinton to ascend to the role of commander-in-chief no matter what assholish 3rd level chess reasoning you can cobble together to hypnotize yourself that you’re doing the right thing.

    If NeverTrump continues after Trump is the GOP candidate I will not be pulling any punches about how I feel about these people.

  17. I’ll vote for the Democrat supporting, real estate thieving, casino bankrupting, wife cheating, fraudulent university promoter, and constitutional ignoramus over Clinton on Election Day. But, how many other Cruz supporters will hold their noses and vote for someone they hate on that crucial day? That is the question that will determine the future of this country.

  18. Cruz is picking Fiorina for his VP. Whatinthehell???? If you had any doubt that he’s an open borders guy, ANY DOUBT AT ALL and those doubts haven’t been blown away by picking her…there’s no cure for terminally stupid-FOAD is your best option.

    The crazy is surfacing now. It’s all out there for everyone to see, just another desperate pol watching irrelevance creep up on him.

    Wow, I can’t believe I supported him. He’s GlennBeckNutty.

  19. MM, Great attempt at sounding like Reagan. Too bad that Trump hadn’t been studying all these issues for decades like Reagan had when he was running for office. Does anybody really believe Trump is actually capable of delivering an “Evil Empire” answer during a press conference without referring to notes? This is what passes for foreign policy expertise in the age of reality television.

  20. TO NeverGOPInc

    When you post a video (from youtube, for example),
    PLEASE type something on the next line…
    like ### or ***
    so the link to your video appears
    and NOT the video itself.

  21. TO Fur

    ”Cruz is not my first choice. He’s not my fourth choice. I preferred Walker and Paul over Cruz.”

    COMMENT: Okay. You say you preferred Walker, a verified GOP Establishment stooge, and Paul, a less-nutso but still libertarian unelectable freak.

    ”Cruz is simply the guy who has the best chance of derailing the frontrunner.”
    COMMENT: So, THAT’S your PRIORITY? Derailing Trump?! REALLY?!?

    And I’ve said that if Cruz is able to block Trump from getting the nomination I would to prevent a brokered convention where the eGOP installs their guy.

    COMMENT: If you ”…press a button and install Cruz right now…” you WILL BE INSTALLING the eGOP’s GUY.

    Good luck with that, bub.

    * TRUMP 2016 *

  22. “And I’ve said that if Cruz is able to block Trump from getting the nomination I would press a button and install Cruz right now to prevent a brokered convention where the eGOP installs their guy.”

    SORRY. I must have pressed cut instead of copy!

  23. Christ, you people read so cynically.
    I’m characterizing Cruz as the candidate that emerged that could possibly derail Trump.
    This is a fact.
    Where am I saying ‘Go Cruz Go! Derail Trump!!’?

    I’m just saying that Cruz, to me, was simply one of the 16 that rose to the top and got close to Trump.
    He means nothing to me. I was never impressed with him.

    When he became the guy that could cause a brokered convention he became more than “just a guy.”
    He represented everything I do not want this election cycle.

    I do not want a brokered convention. It will be a disaster if this happens.

    To prevent that I would take Cruz. because I am not a Trump fanatic where I think he’s going to save the world.
    He is not that different from Trump, not immeasurably so.

    The difference between Hillary and either Trump or Cruz is vast.
    And anyone thinking otherwise and planning on campaigning against Trump if he wins the nomination will be my mortal enemy.

    Same thing if Cruz becomes the nomination.
    Anyone saying they won’t vote for Cruz over Hillary is my enemy.

    Everyone is becoming such a paranoid “read between the lines” weirdo.

    I don’t know how I can make my position any clearer.

  24. Trump will take on Hillary in a way that Cruz will not. PERIOD.

    Trump will win that way….unless the GOPe fights against him and they are/have/will.

    IMHO the republican party has gone the way of the Whigs. #NeverTrump was the last nail. I have a place in CR. I will be living there. NO BS like the Hollywood Illiterati. The country is done. The country was killed not by the fascist democrats but by the collusion of the GOPe.

    McConnell, Boehner, Paul, Prebus, you arrogant bastadrs. You killed us!

  25. “Everyone is becoming such a paranoid “read between the lines” weirdo.”

    Fuck you all – I am voting for Vermin Supreme. (#neveranyonebutvermin). I want a happy President, and anyone that wears a boot for a hat and promises every American a free pony must be a happy feller. I’m tired of the “love Donald or die” bullshit or the “Ted still has a chance if the planets can align correctly” crap or the “Kasich will be rewarded for being a spoiler” cry – I believe the guy wearing the boot on his head may be the only sane one left.

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