h/t Dadof4
Our Pentagon “tip of the spear” wore outfits like this one, got triple vaxed, caught the virus anyway — and is now actively kicking fearless warriors out of the military over Biden’s mandates… pic.twitter.com/ygOfsDk35W
— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) January 4, 2022
Reminds me of this,
“I’m Your Father…But I wear Your Mothers Clothes”
Let the Dork be with you.
Affirmative Vaxtion
I’m your big dick daddy.
I really, really just wish this guy would just die already .
Our enemies die laughing.
Yeah, that’s a really good look in India, Pakistan or Africa, but I think he’s really dressed up for an appearance in Turdistan.
If you think about it that could be considered a noose around his neck.
I’m sure that medal he’s wearing is for his stunning bravery.
This guy Lloyd Austin is just too funny for words. It’s almost like he is really thinks he’s really in charge of something important.
With the Empire Marines with laser-proof face shields on in the background, I can’t help but hear the Imperial March when I look at this.
Is Idi Amin back in business?
Nice medal. Did he win 1st place in karaoke at the Blue Oyster bar?
What a moron.
El Preisidente of some African mud-hut shit-hole?
It’s one thing to be a buffoon – it’s entirely another to dress like a buffoon.
Doesn’t he realize that everyone is laughing at him?
Triple vaxxed, done up like a fish-eyed fool, and STILL got the disease?
Probably gets Lori Lightfoot all wet.
“Talk like a fool and dress like a clown.”
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Sandra gives laptop dances for $155 an hour.
Pray for Sandra. Please.
Deleted Sandra’s spam, but we can still pray for her! – Claudia
@Chuckie; That’s his participation medal.
You just know Putin is laughing his ass off, watching Hockey, & kicking it with Vodka & Caviar.
Who am I to talk though.
Meanwhile, our soldiers are gettin fired on in base housing in Iraq and Syria.
…it’s almost like thugs everywhere are no longer afraid of our military for…some reason…
hey austin,
win any wars lately?
win any wars ever?
no? nadda? never?
What’s that shit around his neck? Is he serving wine?
He do look like Idi Amin Dada.
three words:
Knee Grow Please!
He looks like the tip of something, alright. But I don’t think it’s a spear…
JANUARY 5, 2022 AT 5:43 PM
“He looks like the tip of something, alright. But I don’t think it’s a spear…”
…thread over.
RickeyG wins teh Interwebs.
I hide my face in shame at what we have become.
@Dadof4 January 5, 2022 at 4:51 pm
> With the Empire Marines with laser-proof face shields on in the background, I can’t help but hear the Imperial March when I look at this.
on kazoos
We are so screwed.
working for the CDC or UN,one of the 2
This is just fucking sad.
“Your lack of faith is disturbing….”
…just something in Black Democrats wants to shame Marines, it seems…
Reminds me of Idi Amin……
He looks like a glorified doorman or elevator operator at the Waldorf Astoria – Covid plandemic compliant of course.
Looks like some African tin pot strong man to me. The visor and mask are weak though, some colonel in the junta needs yo overthrow the dirtbag.