I think he lost his tip – IOTW Report

I think he lost his tip

29 Comments on I think he lost his tip

  1. It looks like he’s spraying with his right hand while he’s smacking the shit out of the customer with his left–
    Honorable Mention, 2019 Darwin Awards
    If he wants to win, he should consider using napalm!

  2. I’m wondering what the ignition source was. Cigarette?

    Preppers know hair spray is an off-the-shelf short flame thrower. As is WD40 and many of my pesticide aerosols, too. We can blow up a house if we don’t kill all pilot lights first when fogging is needed.

    WD40 – Nothing like a flame show in the middle of a foosball game. That’ll get ya kicked out of a bar. Or so I’ve been told..

  3. Whoa, WD40? I use that on everything squeaky or rusted! Good thing I don’t smoke, or – blamo!

    So, Dadof4, I’d like to hear more about that getting “kicked out of a bar” thing. Oh, wait. I mean, what you heard about it! wink wink

  4. @Claudia

    Would be happy to talk about old days with you some time. It was a thing where all four players (and sometimes even the small crowd around the table) would get kicked out if just one did it. Mainly because we were all laughing afterwards. It was never a malicious thing, but dangerous none the less.

    Amateur tip: When bikers want to play with you (any game) expect sh*t to go down. Usually for their own entertainment.

    P.S. Good morning!

  5. Dadof4, sounds like you’ve had an interesting life. I’ve never been much of a troublemaker, but get a group of my friends together and we can garner disapproving “looks” from others. Scandalous!

  6. Who says there’s no such thing as spontaneous combustion? Hair spray contains alcohol and the aerosol can is probably charged with propane as the propellant. I think the barber was trying to simulate a plasma cutter instead of using scissors.
    I wonder if the barber survived the asswhupping the customer gave him after the all clear was sounded by the FD?


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