I think the elites just might get a taste of just how serious Americans are about retaking the country – IOTW Report

I think the elites just might get a taste of just how serious Americans are about retaking the country

Trump mocks a disabled reporter.2ED85F4000000578-0-image-a-4_1448593395510

Clip of Trump imitating reporter

Here’s the deal.

I admit it. Trump is a douche.

*I, like millions of other Americans, don’t care. Why?

Because lots of Americans are deadly serious that we will not have our candidates picked for us by elites who believe they are our puppet masters. Elites who have their secret plan for us, and snicker that “the rubes think they have a say in the process,” are finally going to get their just desserts.

When the douche is the only guy talking about reversing lots of horrendous policy, the douche is going to be president, and it’s almost like a cherry on top that he’s a douche.

We are deadly serious that we want a wall. We want military strength and be willing to use it. We want capitalism. We want jobs here, not overseas. But most importantly, we want to prove to ourselves that we actually control the democratic process. I think the more Trump does “rotten” stuff, the more resolute Americans get.

“What did Trump do this time, make fun of a disabled man? Will my vote for Trump make your head explode? Excellent.You should have listened to us years ago. Now we’re going to get a guy who is listening to us, and you’re going to get a real douche. Enjoy.”

*This is not an endorsement of Trump. It’s an explanation why his numbers stay high despite the media’s desperate attempts at shooting him down.




73 Comments on I think the elites just might get a taste of just how serious Americans are about retaking the country

  1. But it’s MY explanation of why I’M voting for Trump. The EF YOU candidate of the last 2 centuries. The fuck with politicians (and lawyers). I’ll take a business entrepreneur any day.

  2. Nope. He was ridiculing the reporter’s idiocy, not his deformity. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. Also, the CNN douchbag starts off with “debunked claim” of musloids celebrating 9/11. Screw him.

  3. While I won’t make fun of Serge Kovaleski’s apparent physical limitations, I will gleefully make fun of the way the nitwit dresses.


    And I don’t necessarily accept that Trump knew of this guy’s specific physical problems, but instead was maybe just imitating the stereotypical, limp wristed spazzoids that MSM rags like the NYT make a habit of employing.

    And like you, I don’t really even care if Trump did know the guy before making fun of him. It’s past time for a “bull in the china shop” attitude with the elitists – “get out of the way or be ground into dust as we make America a country for Americans again”.

  4. I think we had a chance with PEROT, but he didn’t have the staying power of Trump!! Trump can do it! If he doesn’t we may be like Venezuala and the “rubes” (Obama-Hillary voters) will wildly cheer and voted for adolf……….

  5. Seriously. Trump is no more of a douche than every other average adult American Citizen is a douche. Think that over. I am too full of pie and rum to go into long complex explanations.

  6. I agree. Unless a person isn’t animated at all, we have to admit that often even adults do body gyrations to illustrate a point. I saw my own actions in Trumps body movements when my kids tried to squirm out of something he/she did. They HATED it when I did that because it made the other kids laugh at the subject kid, and it embarrassed them. It was emphasis on their stupidity.
    How many of us stand in front of the TV and make gestures and body gyrations when Obummer weasels out of something.

    Besides, how many real life people are always cautious about not using the words retard, fat, ugly and so forth. Same thing as making fun of people’s uncontrolled body movements – if by some extremely remote chance Trump did it on purpose. Anyone want to stomp out Belushi when he imitated Joe Cocker?

  7. I disagree. Cruz is a yuge proponent of HB 1.
    He wants to increase legal immigration 500%.
    That gives me great pause.
    I have to hear him discuss this, otherwise I’d rather see him veep.

  8. I’m taking a different tack of late.
    I’m not even willing to get in the arena with the left and argue whether he made fun of the disability or not.
    I say, “yep, he made fun of his disability. Now what?”

  9. The writer is saying he and Trump have been on a first name basis for years.
    But why argue it?
    Okay, Trump made fun of the guy’s disability.

    What’s supposed to happen now?

    “I’m still voting for him. Must make your blood boil, huh, after all the work you put in brainwashing people all these years and decades,
    it’s about to go “poof.”

    Maybe we need a guy to make fun of a disability in order to shed us of the shackles of not being able to make fun of ANYTHING.
    Let’s swing that pendulum, and then maybe it will be alright not to impart dignity onto a drug-addicted bum laying in his own urine and feces in Times Square.
    Perhaps we can point out that yuge swaths of society are parasitical lazy assholes and that 50% of college degrees are in worthless “sensitivity” degrees.

  10. It will be a fucking pleasure to read a newspaper once again when Trump is calling the shots for America.

    Those media propaganda faggots will have to look for a new line of work. Maybe they could suck d*cks on Hollywood blvd.

    No more koolaid, progTARDs!

  11. Fur, Cruz Addresses HB1 in his immigration plan. His immigration plan has alway been the same.

    A.) Suspend the issuance of all H-1B visas for 180 days to complete a comprehensive investigation and audit of pervasive allegations of abuse of the program. Ted Cruz also promised to “initiate an immediate 90-day investigation and audit” of the H-1B visa program to protect American jobs.


  12. Obama is a bigger douche, and worse.

    Trump did not know the reporter was disabled. It was unfortunate that Trump did do what he did. Honestly, I think every person has done what Trump did.

    I still vote Trump!!!!! Vote in the Primaries where the vote counts to get Trump the Republican nomination. The evil GOP is changing the rules every day to keep Trump off the Primary ballots. Also the evil GOP wants the Republican delegates to choose which could be bad for Trump because Trump is pulling in Dems and Independents. I am an Independent, but changed voter registration to Republican so I can vote in my state’s Primaries.

  13. I agree with you 1,000%, Fur…it’s the whole “so what?! fuck you!” which the Left now has to be on the receiving end of.

    O Damage Joy! (Schadenfreude)

    Does anyone know if this pissa§$ cripple “journalist” actually moves like Trump did? Just because his hand is deformed does not mean his nerves are out of control.

    My take on the video is that Trump was just making fun of ALL wimpy ass journalists who shiver in their shoes when the tables are turned on them…snivelling pussies.

  14. It appeared to me that he was mocking what the reporter said, not necessarily the reporter’s condition.

    Besides, I don’t give a sh!t, I’m tired of watching Republican candidates back down and try to “play nice” with the media. That always a losing proposition. Trump fights back and I like that.

    I also don’t give a $hit whether the guy is a “true conservative” or not. I want somebody in the office who can get stuff done. Plus I want the next Prez to smack Obumble upside the head every time he tries to criticize what the new Prez is doing. Trump will do that.

  15. Bill Clinton has raped women and he was ok to be president. So Trump can make fun of faggots and be president to.

    That was and is my response, my so called talking points to my senile liberal aunt and relatives at the dinner table, and it works to silence them magnificently.

  16. It appears to me that this guy wears his limpwristia like a badge of gayness.

    We have a little girl in church who was born with this malady and her adoptive parents are having it corrected.

    This dude seems to rather play his sympathy card than to take corrective action.

  17. Too not “to”. And I forgot that Cli ton also raped underage girls supplied to him by felon child molester Jeffrey Epstein down in Fllrida.

    He has also beaten women, given them fat lips and black eyes, and choked them out. Bill Cli.ton is a rapist. Im offended.

  18. The left ALWAYS charges with the most extreme, offensive situation to de-sensitize the population away from accepted moral behavior to undermine society. Gay marriage is a perfect example. Late term abortion another.

    The left could have championed equal partnership rights (partner health care, partner inheritance) but they went full attack on marriage. At first people were appalled but over time became desensitized.

    We need someone who will use this same tactic against them. The left has their holier than thou cows. Let’s gore them all with politically incorrect mocking.

  19. A comprehensive investigation of H1B in search of the trees of individual “abuse” will not discover the forest that is the wholesale outsourcing of entire industries to foreign workers. That they’re physically here (for the time being) matters little, or even that they’re the products of American universities. If you don’t understand this you haven’t looked inside any large “US” software engineering operation or STEM graduate degree program lately.

    Corporations are slaves to “shareholder value” – winning the next quarter’s leg of the increasingly zero-sum game of pulling the relatively fixed pool of stock market casino dollars from the megacorporation in the next tower. Universities drool over the “price is no object” foreign students over troublesome Americans who whine about having to go into hock to buy the product their parents still subsidize. Neither figures the larger value of keeping our nation and our citizens productive much in their local value equation.

    “We” got out of the business of consumer goods because the Chinese could do it cheaper, out of heavu manufacturing because it was so smelly and rape Mother Gaia. Out of agriculture because Americans “just won’t” get their hands dirty, etc, etc, etc. Not to worry, we’ll concentrate on high value, high skill sectors. What would those be? CEOs? Politicians? Fair warning: When everything else is offshore, those will be too.

  20. The “douche” I’m voting for in the primaries is the only one who has not a single, solitary tie to large donors and super-PACS. Not a one. If Trump accomplishes only one thing by getting elected, it will have been to disconnect the money machine from American elections and chop the hose into irreparable pieces. It is from that outcome he will be able to call out and turn back legislation that was written, voted on and passed by K street and the financiers behind it.

    No other candidate can make that claim, D or R.

  21. I’d rather see Senator Cruz as our VP for eight years. I would also like to see him appointed to SCOTUS. I think he would be just as good as Trey Goudy as Attorney General. One thing that I do know is, that if all else fails, we will need him in the Senate. Ted Cruz has a VERY bright future. This country needs a shock to the system. I believe Trump is the only candidate that will do it. A year a go, I was praying that Cruz would run for President. Trump wasn’t even on my radar. Trump is the only one to bring out our Cold Anger. Cruz has not and will not be able to do that.

  22. I don’t care if Trump was making fun of some leftist hack or not. I prefer that he was, because the left can’t stand being ridiculed. I especially like it that CNN was reporting it as some sort of outrage. The more the better, as far as I’m concerned. If Trump can act like a rube and get away with it, that’s great. It’s just another flip of the middle finger to the left and their appeasers.

  23. Gotta love CNN “reporting.”

    “Now debunked claim.”

    Debunked by whom? There are tons of eye-witnesses that say they saw what Trump did.

    Seeing the clip, I can see why people claim that he was mocking the guy’s disability, but he says he wasn’t, and I don’t think would say that if he was. He would double down on it and say the guy deserves to be mocked. That’s who Trump is.

  24. Back in the 70s and 80s I read a magazine (John Birch Society publication) called the Review of the News. It was the forerunner of the New American. Although I was not a member, I found the magazine informative. Things that weren’t addressed anywhere else were covered. The magazine told, several years before the WSJ or anywhere else, that plans were being implemented to eliminate U.S. control of the Panama Canal. I can remember being at a party with “savvy” people who were in small banking and thought they were politically astute, who thought I was way off the wall when I mentioned the plans.

    The magazine later, and I cannot remember if it was in the New American or the Review/News, had a Yuge article on how the world would be shaped in the future. The bread basket (U.S.) would no longer be agri, but a financial world leader, U.S. would no longer manufacture, etc. The whole thing befuddled me because the logical question was “Why.” Obviously the NWO plan has been implemented for decades. The world really needs to turn to a logical form of The Principle of Subsidiarity. http://www.acton.org/pub/religion-liberty/volume-6-number-4/principle-subsidiarity

    “One of the key principles of Catholic social thought is known as the principle of subsidiarity. This tenet holds that nothing should be done by a larger and more complex organization which can be done as well by a smaller and simpler organization. In other words, any activity which can be performed by a more decentralized entity should be. This principle is a bulwark of limited government and personal freedom. It conflicts with the passion for centralization and bureaucracy characteristic of the Welfare State.”

  25. To me this is more about New Yorkers or New jerseyians who are notorious for their rudeness. Sure it’s rude but that’s all it is. When Trump and some of the other Republicans complained about the rediculous questions asked by the liberals at the debate all the liberals on TV said they were whiners and to grow a pair. Well that applies to all adults especially those who put themselves out there. If this reporter is such a shrinking violet why is he calling attention to himself?

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