I think DeSantis is grasping at straws.
Trump denigrates military service by claiming it is “braver” that he debated Hillary Clinton than what soldiers endure on the battlefield.
— Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) December 10, 2023
Debating isn’t “brave”; it’s the bare minimum any candidate should do. Hiding from debates, on the other hand, is an example of cowardice. https://t.co/Lik0THOHEN
He’s kind of a tone-deaf, humorless literalist, isn’t he?
Signs of a desparite man.
“locker room talk”, aka unsubstantiated braggadocio. He didn’t say it, someone else did.
Lacking a sense of humor is a sign of mental illness.
See every Communist for further details.
He would benefit from a finishing school for m̶e̶n male politicians, I think.
(Hey, I’m just full of h̶e̶l̶p̶f̶u̶l̶ p̶o̶s̶i̶t̶i̶v̶e̶ u̶s̶e̶f̶u̶l suggestions!)
I voted for Desantis for two four year terms as Governor. He was best choice over democrat opponents.
I did not vote for him to be absentee governor chasing after a Quixotic impossible dream.
Completing two terms as Governor and runner in 2028 woul have been much better for him and for all of us.
It appears he jumped the gun and destroyed any credibility he had as a serious candidate for president.
This assumes the general even exists beyond being a character in a fable Trump tells just to tweak dour leftist scolds and grim, coping RINOs. Here’s a fool’s errand for you, journos: Try to find this General or, alternatively, prove the General doesn’t exist. The laser pointer is on your wall. Ready, steady, go.
Stick a toothpick in DeSatanist, he’s done.
“Anonymous Sunday, 10 December 2023, 20:15 at 8:15 pm ”
Most important comment of the thread and I’ve heard this time and time again. Ronda Bush has lost Florida.
Trump’s comment was a joke. Unless you have no funny bone.
It wasn’t a waste for dipsantis. He is making a shit ton of money, just like that clown bernie.
Brad, I know you know this, but libs have no sense of humor. They are angry, bitter, vitriolic, power hungry, pathetic examples of human beings. They lie, cheat and accuse others of the very things they themselves do. What a miserable existence.
stirrin the pot
You are pot on. As usual. And we need to include DeSantis in that mix. That;s a weak shot in my opinion.
gotta say, I like DeSantis, have from the get go … he’s been the right person for the right time in FLA
that being said, he doesn’t seem to have the same fire on the national stage … maybe Trump is taking all the oxygen from him (I consider a lot of this is the D’media always harping Trump, which only elevates him in the poles … duh; the D’media doesn’t understand & discounts his popularity)
DeSantis would have won, hands down vs. the Oricale AlGore (absolutely no FLA controversy at all!) … countless historical events prove out timing is one of the paramount keys to success, or failure
getting back to the subject, if I had to vote between DeSantis & Biden I’d go .
nevermind … if I stated my selection would the powers negate my selection … at this moment, I certainly, sadly believe so
‘democracy’, my ass ……….. let’s not even discuss a ‘republic’ … we haven’t had that since 1825
Debating is the bare minimum any candidate can do?
Well then what is that shit show on MSM?
It’s not debating. It’s monkeys flinging shit at each other.
It’s unwatchable. Desantis made himself unwatchable when he turned on Trump just like every other candidate on stage that’s incapable of debating.
Whatever, we need a Desantis spokesperson to step in to tell us not to believe our eyes and ears. Loco?
I read somewhere that Nikki Haley was leading DeSantis in nationwide polls. If that’s the case he BETTER be grasping at straws! Because Nikki Haley’s a bottom feeder.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
DeSantis will have the last laugh by not only being governor until 2027, he will be President in 2028.
If Trump stops being a total asshole long enough, perhaps RDS will pardon him.
Let Trump out of the Federal Pen just in time to see Baron’s grandkids…
BTW, spoiler alert, Nikki is behind DeSantis in the legit polls.
Also, didn’t Trump have bunions that kept him out of service while DeSantis ACTUALLY SERVED?
Yes, Loco, yes indeed…
No wonder those here are so sensitive.
On the playground, Trump would destroy him with an appropriately revealing new nickname and make DeSantis cry running for his mother.
Reagan, on the other hand, would destroy him with his sublime sense of humor, so that all the other children on the playground would surround him. Including a dumbfounded lil Ron.
I love Trump and have supported him all the way from the begining but damn, I miss POTUS Ronald Reagan.