I think these Bernie Sanders images are supposed to be complimentary – IOTW Report

I think these Bernie Sanders images are supposed to be complimentary

bern bern2

Okay, maybe not this last one –


9 Comments on I think these Bernie Sanders images are supposed to be complimentary

  1. I was at my Mom’s 90th birthday celebration on Saturday sitting in the back yard with my family and I heard a snippet of my liberal sister in law talking about how much she admired Bernie Sanders. with one of my liberal brothers. Fortunately I was talking to my uncle who is a WW2 vet learning things from him I had never known before about his service. My sister in law even though she’s a great gardener I don’t talk to much and if I said something disparaging to her about her politics my Mom would smack me, so I just ignore her. We should use the Bernie Sanders is BS meme on him and rub it in.

  2. Socialism is simply not compatible with our Constitution.

    One cannot adhere to both.

    Just as the Satanic Moon Cult izlam is incompatible with our Constitution.

    Some things are obvious.

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