“I took a look at the Scalia report and I almost fell out of my chair,” – Bill Ritchie, a retired deputy chief and former head of criminal investigations for the Washington, D.C. police – IOTW Report

“I took a look at the Scalia report and I almost fell out of my chair,” – Bill Ritchie, a retired deputy chief and former head of criminal investigations for the Washington, D.C. police

I’ve written the opening for the new book by Dan BFH Brown – The Scalia Code.

A dozen wild boar sausage sizzled on a massive skillet, the introduction of a bowl of freshly whisked eggs sending a plume of wake-up call throughout the stately West Texas ranch.

A day of quail hunting and an early bedtime has likely left Cibolo Creek’s most important guest anticipating a feast of a breakfast.

“Go rouse the judge,” Pointdexter said to a chamber maid.

“I’ve been to his room, Sir, his door is still locked,” Marguerite said meekly.

“He can’t be asleep, that would be nearly 11 hours. Come with me. Bring the key.”

Three sharp knocks on the large mahogany door pierced the hall. “He’s probably enjoying a steam.”

Three more knocks.

“Okay, give me the key.”

The heavy door moved silently, a shard of sun making Pointdexter squint. Blinking, he could see a figure in the king size bed.

“Antonin? …. Antonin?….  …….. Antonin!”

Antonin Scalia, a supreme court justice of the United States, was motionless, a pillow over his head.

Pointdexter approached slowly, fearfully. He stretched out to touch his one of Scalia’s hands which were folded peacefully over his chest. It was as cold as marble.”

“Marguerite, make a call. The judge is dead.”


Chapter 2 is all about how the judge was ruled, over the phone, to have had a heart attack. As implausible as this book’s set up is, we haven’t gotten to the part where one of the most powerful men in the United States was not given an autopsy.

Some real life detectives are incredulous.


37 Comments on “I took a look at the Scalia report and I almost fell out of my chair,” – Bill Ritchie, a retired deputy chief and former head of criminal investigations for the Washington, D.C. police

  1. I guess I was falsely under the impression that all unassisted deaths required an autopsy?

    Maybe this is a state/county/local thing?

    The pillow over the face is odd, but I’ve been stupid drunk before and tried everything sheets and pillows offer just to fall back asleep. Has anyone interviewed the first responders?

  2. Good thing old, fat people don’t die in their sleep. They were all murdered.

    Bring on the mini-series!

    “Supremely Suffocated, the Aspxiation of Scalia”, with comments and special appearances by people who haven’t a fuckin’ clue, but they’ll throw their ignorant suppositions in here anyway.

    Jeezus. Can this go straight to Lifetime?

    Somebody do me a favor, what ever network does this shit, keep a running total of the presale ad revenue. I just might buy in.

  3. There’s nothing Obama would like more than a big confirmation spectacle making him relevant again, and sucking all the oxygen out of the Presidential campaign. The GOP needs to know that they cannot let that happen, or they are finished, I think Scalia died naturally, but it doesn’t matter. We fumbled, but we recovered, and we must run out the clock. No shame in that, Mitch.

  4. Mark Levin dismisses the conspiracy theories (on the air anyway) but Savage was quite the spinmeister last night. His death was handled very lackadaisically. It is a mystery as to why- a plot or plain carelessness?

    2016 is the year of icons passing-unexpectedly- Bowie, Frey and Scalia?!?

    I want to read your last chapter when the killer is revealed and all of the dots have been connected.

  5. there is a lot of this ‘episode’ that just don’t ‘smell right’, from not being able to locate two judges that were conveniently ‘out of town’ (both were about an hour away) & either one could have been picked up by the Marshalls that were helicoptered in …. could’ve picked some EMT’s too …. the third ‘justice of the peace’ couldn’t even pronounce ‘myocardial infarction’ & pronounced him dead over the phone … no autopsy? wtf? .. he’s only the most important conservative judge in the country
    …nothing to see here…..move along…..

  6. For the record, I think he most likely died in his sleep.

    Notice how I said “think.”
    Your way, Lowell, you don’t have to think.

    A nutball would be someone who doesn’t believe the autopsy and keeps up with their conspiracy theories.
    The other nutball is the person who doesn’t care if an autopsy is done or not, until, of course, they care deeply when an autopsy isn’t performed.

    They will tell us ignorant folk when to demand one or not.

    So, when Lowell is telling us all an autopsy is not necessary, we can also look to Lowell to tell us when one is.

    Thank God for Lowell.

  7. Agreed BFH. How about checking the bugs in his gut to determine a time of death, collecting a blood sample? Any freaking thing. If I was his host I would have demanded to know how he died, who wants that kind of cloud/liability hanging over their head?

    Who wants the Scalia suite at the next hunting shindig?

    I realize the man was old, had heart disease apparently and most likely was natural causes. So an autopsy takes very little time if he had a heart attack, most likely a heart attack could have been detected with a blood sample. (I do not know how long the marking enzymes remain though) Why not put the questions to bed instead of stirring the pot and bringing out the conspiracy theorists? It would have taken a couple hours to put all questions to rest.

    One heck of a man though. Was privileged to hear him speak in 2008.

  8. If Fred the plumber dies, 99.9999999% of the people in the world do not get impacted. The public doesn’t have a vested interest in any closure with Fred.
    When a Scalia dies it is just different.

    The reality is that Scalia is more important to us.
    There should be a protocol of closure for such dignitaries that we entrust our lives with.

    This just seems like they rolled him up in the rug and that was that.

  9. Bullshit BFH, I read all the time about how Oranjello got shot 5 times in a drug deal and died, but that’s pending autopsy and toxicology reports.

    Point is, why in most of the obvious causes of death cases am I left wondering why in the fuck do they need an autopsy?

  10. Well, I heard he ain’t really dead … he was abducted by space aliens (not mexicans) and is touring the Cosmos under the tutelage of Barry’s spiritual essence.

    Tryin to learn him how to interpret the Cornstidusion.

    But then they tole me that Barry was incontinent (dunt no what he’s doing), too.

  11. An autopsy are is required if there are suspicious circumstances. A pillow over the face while the hands are neatly arranged sounds a bit suspicious to me.

    And, as BFH pointed out, the man’s position of importance should be reason to verify that the death was not an intentional act. Every leftist in the country would love to take this man down. Make sure that was not the case. The Left should be calling for an autopsy if they are innocent, just to clear their names of suspicion. (Not that clearing their names of anything would be an actual possibility)

  12. From BFH: “Notice how I said “think.”
    Your way, Lowell, you don’t have to think.”

    Sadly, not the case. I did indeed. And recently was intimately involved with a very close friend, who I invited to cross the country with me, who died in his sleep the night before we were to fly back to Atlanta from Oregon.

    Much younger than Scalia, a robust man less than sixty. Left me with instructions to wake him were he to dawdle. He died with a book on his chest, glasses on his nose. I saw the light under the door, thought he was up. Knocked and spoke, he didn’t answer. Entered, looked and started to not believe. Touched his foot, moved to his side and tried to take his hand. Rigor was in full effect.

    Michael Brennan was dead, all of a sudden and no warning.

    Telling our host who had put us up was bad enough. Calling Julie, his wife, was the most difficult thing I’ve done in my life.

    Scalia dead in his bed, his age, his constitution, Yeah, I can see it just fuckin’ happening. No stretch for this old boy.

  13. I agree that a man of his importance, to die suddenly and under such circumstances, demands an autopsy, if only to prevent future
    speculation and bullshit. Not to have one leads me to say: Sum Tin Wong!

  14. Lowell, Not the point. First of all what you went thru had to be traumatic. That sucks. But old Mike wasn’t a sitting Supreme Court justice. Like I’ve posted here several times, I would think that an autopsy is standard protocol for one of the top ten most important men in the country. Makes no sense. now I could probably understand If it was old Ruth.

  15. Has the Scalia family weighed in on the autopsy thing? I know from personal experience that a family can take action to not have a family members body sliced and diced if they so choose. In my personal will, I told the coroner to talk to the wife, and surprise me with what they decided.

  16. Permit me to repeat myself. The Foster family was told than a lengthy investigation “would not bring Vince back to life.”

    The Scalia family was likely told the same, plus, “Do you really want Antonin’s legacy in history sullied with a murder mystery?”

    Bottom line: “Natural Causes” is a Win-Win for the family and the ruthless Regime. Welcome to the USSA 2016.

  17. What I “think ” happened is not at all the point.
    What I “suspect” happened is not the point.

    That people die in their sleep all the time is not the point.

    This is a Supreme Court Justice, and this is not Bolivia.

    I would think this would trigger an automatic autopsy and I don’t think anyone would have standing to stop it, except the immediate family.
    He wasn’t on his deathbed. He was quail hunting!!

    If Hillary, who has a history of health problems, died in her sleep on vacation, alone in her room, and the authorities deemed her death from natural causes (over the phone) and embalmed her without an autopsy, I think there would be a lack of closure for many, many people.

    Why is this even arguable?
    What righteous indignation do you possess that puts you on war footing if anyone holds the opinion that an autopsy should have been performed?

    Why would this make you pissed? What’s your stake in this?

    Can we off any 79 year-old dignitary and expect that they’ll be rolled up in the carpet and carted away?

    Dick Cheney should be mighty worried.

  18. Suppose AIDS or Anal warts or some other issue would be discovered if an autopsy was performed. Do you really want your entire medical history revealed to the public to satisfy conspiracy theorists?

    And imagine this…a full autopsy was performed and revealed nothing, the conspiracy people will claim it is a conspiracy to cover up the conspiracy. There is no point in this. You could have video evidence of Planned Parenthood selling his organs , and it would only lead to people saying the video was faked, and the vast majority of people would go watch videos of the Kardasians.

    Let him rest peacefully.

  19. Menderman, your backing into this from the wrong direction. The dude was muy importante. Autopsy should have been auto. Last time I checked they only focus on cause of death and not the deformed penis. I think the left pulled this intentionally to make conservatives look even more like conspiracy wackos. Whether they killed him or not.

  20. I don’t know how they do things in Texas, but around these parts, anytime anyone turns up dead in a hotel room, B&B, or whatever, an autopsy is performed. Whether the family likes it or not.

  21. This was mentioned on a previous thread as well, Tony: “unattended death = autopsy, or at least a ‘view”.” It also means a police investigation to rule out “foul play” (or ‘fowl play’ in this case…).

    Immediate embalming w/o an ME exam of some type might just be a Texas thing, though…

  22. Chances are his age, obesity and cigaret smoking had a bit to do with his death.

    But still, a SCJ dies in his sleep and there’s no investigation as to why? Ahhh, that is definitely not right.

    But if we’re gonna buy bin Laden getting buried at sea according to moslim tradition(in actuality, no such thing)….

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