“I Want To Find An Anti-masker And Beat Them To Death” – IOTW Report

“I Want To Find An Anti-masker And Beat Them To Death”


Left-wing journalist Kurt Eichenwald raged against individuals who oppose mask mandates, telling his 506,000 Twitter followers in a late-night rant that he desires to “find an antimasker and beat them to death.”

In a flurry of posts overnight, the author announced that his widowed sister contracted the Wuhan coronavirus “because of antimaskers” while also placing the blame on GOP lawmakers such as Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), who, according to Eichenwald, are “working to harm America.” More

36 Comments on “I Want To Find An Anti-masker And Beat Them To Death”

  1. ..no, not planning to kill anyone.

    “not planning” isn’t the same as “unwilling if the opportunity presents itself”. This violent loon needs to be red flagged (I’m sure he’s in favor of red flag laws) and have all his writing tools and computers taken away from him because he’s a danger to himself and others. Oh, yeah, take away his guns, too, in the unlikely case he owns any.

  2. Where do I send this ass faggot my name and address? I’m 68 y.o., with a sore left shoulder, and I’m willing to have “him” come at me. Not only am I an anti-masker, I’m also an anti-vaxxer.

  3. As a kid I remember my parents telling me all you gotta do to get rid of a liberal is show him your fist, he will run away in fear. Fast forward several decades all you gotta do is show him your face.

  4. Kurt was allegedly assaulted by a 29 year old man who sent him a seizure inducing E-mail. the Email caused his monitor to strobe which caused him to hit the floor & have a seizure. the police charged the sender.

    That incident is somewhat similar to this asshole encouraging violence against anti-maskers. Will the police charge him? Doubtful. Hate speech tribunals?

    source: Times of Israel, Mar 22/2017

  5. Keyboard warrior who I doubt would even make a good Karen in person.

    My daughter had to go to the ER the other night, she said she pulled her mask down in front of the nurse and told her she can’t talk or breathe through the thing, the nurse told her, “if you’re going to, I’m going to as well.” Then the doctor came in and said, “if you aren’t wearing a mask, neither am I.”

    Just more evidence of what we learned during our 5 days in the hospital, the nurses and doctors know masks are ignorant.

  6. Eichenwald is the asshole who sued an anonymous guy who sent him an email with a flashing gif file in it and won. Without evidence, he claimed a gif caused him to have a seizure. Didn’t go to a doctor or anything.

    Twitter or whoever outed an anonymous person for sending a gif file. So carry a strobe light with you and then you can curb stomp him when he starts to shake, rattle and roll.

  7. My daughter got COVID. She wore a mask. Everyone was wearing masks. She had it pretty bad for a week. Quarantined, no one else in her family got it. Kurt Eichenwald sounds like a name an SS concentration camp guard would have.

  8. Kurt Buchenwald.
    Prolly could beat up a toddler tied to a chair.
    Not much chance of beating an adult to death – much less an adult with enough heart to defy the Faucis of the world.

    Typical gutless worm. Have some cheese with that whine, Kurt.
    Pretty sure you scared no one – well, maybe Bradley Manning …

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. If he had given the money he spent buying the fake 500,000+ followers to his ‘widowed sister’she probably could have stayed in her home! What an uncaring ‘ASSHAT”!

  10. What’s the big whoop? He sounds like your typical leftist to me, they are ALL this unhinged, unsympathetic and eagerly willing to commit unspeakable violence to anyone to further their cause. It is a good thing when they speak their mind, it reveals how anti social they are, how unfit they are to be around normal people and should never be let out of their cages.

  11. “I Want To Find An Anti-masker And Beat Them To Death”

    The state of “journalism” today.
    An Anti-masker is singular – Beat Them – is plural.
    What a fucking idiot.

    I doubt the drooling moron could beat one to death much less more than one.

  12. The fat, balding liberal ass-hole says:

    When asked by a Twitter user how “people who wear masks” contract the virus, Eichenwald snapped.

    “BecAuse you FUCKING MORON, masks primarily protect other people. And since 40% of the infected are asymptomatic , the ones without masks are spreading the disease because they don’t give a SHIT about killing others,” he said, adding that people are either “STILL uninformed or too stupid to care”:

    Huh???? So people who wear masks are unprotected because other people don’t wear them? If those that wear them are unprotected, then why wear them at all?

    I wear them only because certain establishments won’t let me in
    unless I wear one.

    The idiot is terrified because he is a chicken-gutted liberal afraid of death. He is more-than-likely an atheist who despises God. The result for athiests – terrified of everything, yet, ironically, in favor of assisted suicide and the holocaust of abortion. He no doubt believes all the fear-mongering that CNN et al toss out daily. Liberal minds are warped beyond repair.

  13. FreeMan – Old Schooled:

    “Yeah, officer, he came at me with his fists and I hit him one time in self-defense.”

    “But he’s dead.”

    “My Mom told me that if I have to hit someone, make the first punch count.”


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