I Wasn’t Even Aware Some of These Actors Died This Year – IOTW Report

I Wasn’t Even Aware Some of These Actors Died This Year

33 Comments on I Wasn’t Even Aware Some of These Actors Died This Year

  1. Aww, thanks for sharing that Fur. Like the others, I didn’t know a lot of them, but that made me sad and I hope that each of them have people who loved them and miss them…it’s what I’d hope for anyone passing away…someone to remember them.

  2. Hardy Krüger – The One That Got Away, Flight of the Phoenix, Hatari to name 3 so he was around quite a while. His son is also an actor in Germany.

    Most I don’t recognize.

  3. TCM did a nice in memoriam as well. It featured the music from a personal favorite “Lord Huron.
    https: //www. youtube. .com/watch?v=3IxrVWs80Zw.tcmremembers

    2023 is probably going to a rough year for as will probably the next decade, depending how long it takes for the vaxx and covid to run their courses.

  4. A lot of recognizable “that guy in that thing” actors. Even though they didn’t get the star treatment a lot of other Hollywood types got, movies could not be made without them.

  5. @Eugenia
    I remember The Flight of The Phoenix.
    Hardy Krüger played the “aircraft designer” who directed them to rebuild the wreckage into something he thought could fly. After they completed the work they found out he designed model airplanes, not real ones. Great scene. Great movie.

  6. Our past is dying.

    Like my family memories as a child. Great times, but they are gone and my children hardly know much what life was like back then.

    I sent a recording of the last family re-union with my cousins to my oldest son. I never thought we would be so distant as we grew older, but Texas is big. He suggested having another one but it’s nigh impossible now. He really should have come with me to the last one.

    Times are a-changing. These actors were a part of those good days I remember so fondly.

  7. Dadof4, over the Holidays I was telling my grandkids how we didn’t see our grandparents on Christmas because they lived in another state, but that our Granny always sent us $1 each in a card for each of us that was inside a box that also always had underwear and socks for everyone.
    My grandson said underwear didn’t sound like a very good present and I told him it was a great present and one we looked forward to every year and how I was a teen when my Granny died when the van she was in was hit by a drunk driver and how sad that first Christmas was she was gone, even if I was the only one still at home and that box didn’t come.
    That brought about other stories and then when they’d ask what happened to that person or that one and I’d say they were gone now. Talking about all of those old times really hit home how many people in my life are no longer here.
    The grandkids remember some of the places I talked about because it wasn’t that long ago when we took Mom back to be buried there, but the people are no longer there and it’s really not the same place anymore without the people.
    Now all of us that were kids are the old people telling stories. I am glad now that I was one of those kids who liked to hear the stories of their younger days and especially about the great depression, because not only do I have my stories to tell and pass on to another generation, I have their stories to pass on as well.
    My kids have heard them all many times over the years and when I forget them or am no longer here to tell them they can pass them on if this earth is still here.

  8. Fred Ward –played Gus Grissom, the Mercury astronaut in “The Right Stuff” also with Kevin Bacon in “Tremors”. Yvet Mimieux with Rod Taylor in “The Time Machine” (1960) David Warner (great British actor in a ton of Hollywood movies–“Morgan” “Cross of Iron” “Ballad of Cable Houge” “Time Bandits”. Jeez, there were a lot of character actors lost this year!


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