“I Watch Joe Biden And I See A Man Who Can Save Democracy” – IOTW Report

“I Watch Joe Biden And I See A Man Who Can Save Democracy”


Joe Biden stumbled badly during his big speech in Pittsburgh, on Monday, mangling his points about the coronavirus while seemingly struggling to read the teleprompter. For some, it was painful to watch. For Biden fundraiser and left-wing Hollywood filmmaker Rob Reiner, the 77-year-old candidate exuded presidential strength. More

30 Comments on “I Watch Joe Biden And I See A Man Who Can Save Democracy”

  1. Looking at the headline for this post I’m thinking jokes are an option.

    Tax return submitted by a New Jersey person: The IRS returned a tax return to a man in New Jersey after he answered one of the questions incorrectly. In response to question 23: “Do you have anyone dependent on you?”, the man wrote: “2.1 million illegal immigrants, 1.1 million crack-heads, 4.4 million unemployable scroungers, 80,000 criminals in over 85 prisons, plus 650 idiots in Washington, and the entire group that call themselves politicians”.
    On the returned form, someone at the IRS had attached a Post-it Note beside the question with an arrow and the words: “Your response to question 23 is unacceptable.”
    The man sent it back to the IRS with his response on the bottom of the Post It Note: “Who did I leave out?”

  2. Piggy Navarro saw that and said “Hold my pie.”

    “My poodle and I are going to bed happy, knowing that when Uncle Joe becomes President, Auntie Kamala will be there in case bad crap happens.”—Ana Navarro

    That was not a parody account.

  3. I saw a grinning imbecile speaking at the Carnegie Mellon University’s Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing Institute… which just goes to explain why we never saw Jeff Dunham!

  4. Poor Democrats, all of their heroes have been exposed as a doofus to one degree or another. The Clinton’s were proven, corrupt charlatans, Bill as a serial rapist, and Hillary as a shrill sociopath. Then there was the Obama’s, neither one worthy of a law degree that they both had taken away and both living a double life as liberal royals. Then there is the wackadoodle drunkard Pelosi who rambles between delusion and her permanent TDS. Sad Joe Biden is the epitome of a serial doofus. His lifetime career of no significant accomplishment is parallel to his life of racism and corruption. The entire Democrat party is a train wreck without one qualified conductor while their most loyal followers are burning down their own cities as a way to get even with Trump. The illogical nature of all of them is mind-boggling. All the rest of us can do is laugh at every sorry one of them while they meltdown.

  5. For those who don’t know- Rob Reiner was put in charge of some kind of CA school project that was tax payer funded and he lost several million dollars… somewhere. This was back in the late 90’s to early 2000s.
    No one questioned him, no one charged him with anything. He just ‘moved on’.

  6. I see a C’mon man! Here’s the deal. Fact. Whatsa whatsa whatsa whatsa whatsa whatsa matter? You gettin’ nervous? It’s OKAY, man. The fact of the matter is, but why would you even say that? Wha Wha Wha Wha What are you a political junkie? Oh, man, I don’t know. I better not say it. I’ll just get in trouble.


    (Joe’s asleep.)

  7. @ Mickey


    I challenged an Old friends (whole family) to list just one democrat leader

    Who wasn’t an absolute retard…They tried to attack Me (the Meme King) but

    failed hopelessly …40 replies, and not a single one Championing a decent

    human being on the dnc ticket…I’m also no longer allowed in Illinois.

  8. I watch Joe Biden and I see a man that looks like my 94 year old mom that passed from dementia. It’s true.

    As Joe might say ‘God Bless ya Maggie…’

    “Where are ya?? Stand up…oh wait. Sit down anyway…nevermind.”

  9. The last good and decent film that he did came out the year before I was born- A Few Good Me in 1992.

    That’s 28 years of being a HACK who forgot how to direct and how to write.

    Nobody values your opinion or your work.
    Shut up and go back to film school, moron.

  10. I watch Joe Biden and I see a man who says with the utmost confidence:

    “I don’t want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough water! I fart in your general direction!”

    (French Soldier – Monty Python and the Holy Grail)

  11. Watching Rob on All in the Family, I thought, man, this guy is great actor. His acting so good you’d think he was an authentic dumb-ass.

    Then I discovered he wasn’t acting. He was just being himself. He really was authentic. And he has failed to gain any wisdom in the decades since the show ended.

  12. Blob Whiner, amazingly still the same guy from “All In The Family”, a forever college student, sponging off the wife’s family, Liberal, opinionated slob.
    I’ll say one thing for old Rob; he’s consistent.


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