IAEA cannot conclude that “all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities” – IOTW Report

IAEA cannot conclude that “all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities”

International Atomic Energy Agency chief Yukiya Amano

The consequences of Obama’s nuclear deal have not yet become manifest, and probably won’t for quite some time. But it is increasingly clear that they will be catastrophic. – JihadWatch

12 Comments on IAEA cannot conclude that “all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities”

  1. Really? No shit??

    Knock me over with a feather.

    I wonder when Iran actually uses a nuke if Obama/Jarrett will suffer any consequences…I know, silly me.

    Where’s Mitch Rapp when you need him?

  2. When you examine the agreement Obama and cronies put forth you’ll notice something missing…an Iranian commitment toward it as in no signatures from their government. Kind of a problem don’t ya think?

  3. Everything Obastard and Kerry do is either incomletent or treasonous. But our complicit congress just lets them have their way because we have a haf-black president. World War III is coming, thank you Obastard and Kerry. 😡 Both two TRAITORS worthy of the hangman’s noose.

  4. We are inundated with traitors.
    I’m not sure there’s enough rope to go around.
    Congress, particularly the Senate, has abrogated its duty, committing treason by allowing this administration to continue down this path towards global conflict with a nuclear-armed Caliphate.
    We (the People) will pay for their (FedGov) perfidy.

    Bet on it.

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