IC Inspector General Didn’t Review Ukraine Call Before Forwarding Whistleblower Complaint – IOTW Report

IC Inspector General Didn’t Review Ukraine Call Before Forwarding Whistleblower Complaint

Dan Bongino/  Matt Beebe

In a recently declassified letter from Michael Atkinson, we learn that his investigation didn’t even include a review of the phone transcript at the core of the entire complaint.

On Monday afternoon, the Intelligence Community Inspector General published a press release describing his office’s handing of whistleblower complaints, attempting to quell the firestorm created by untimely changes to a key whistleblower form that raised suspicions amongst the public and members of Congress.

Unfortunately, this firestorm does not appear to be dying down, and elements of the release only cast further doubts on how Atkinson and his team have handled this entire episode, and whether they are finally being forthright about the rationale and timing of the changes or trying to obfuscate their way through the crisis. The release clearly confirmed that the IG did in fact remove the “first-hand information” requirement from the form in August, as The Federalist first reported last week.

The release also attempted to leave the impression that the change was routine with its timing unrelated to the Ukraine complaint. It spent nearly an entire page of the three-page document describing an initiative to update forms that was apparently ongoing in the organization. Notably, multiple press outlets have used that characterization to minimize the issue, some even calling genuine concerns about the apparent subterfuge by the ICIG a “hoax story.”

Nobody has seriously argued that the ICIG wouldn’t be allowed (or even obligated) to begin an investigation regardless of the source of an allegation. The outrage is because the ICIG was caught with its hand in the cookie jar trying to protect the optics of a “credibility” determination that continues to draw more scrutiny as more time passes. read more

8 Comments on IC Inspector General Didn’t Review Ukraine Call Before Forwarding Whistleblower Complaint

  1. The simple reality, as everyone knows, right and left, is that in regard to Trump this is a giant nothingburger. Oh, the media will make all sorts of noise, Schiffty and Pelosi will continue to act all impeachy, but this would never survive in court or if the Senate had to try Trump. So stop worrying, ignore the noise, and focus on something that actually might matter.

  2. Sounds like we have an Inspector General who will soon be looking for employment because he didn’t do his job. Of course he will cry to the media that orange man is bad, but it sucks to be him.

  3. Everybody needs to compare and contrast.

    This IG accepted a story second hand from a guy that first gave classified info to a congress staffer. Then he changed the form specifically so he could use this phony whistleblow.
    Last but not least, he said this this bunch of bullshit was “urgent”.

    Now wait and see how Horowitz writes his report. And it will be a report written about REAL FRICKIN Crimes! And I’m betting it will go softer than an old man’s d*ck on those bastards. Instead of directly saying that they committed crimes, it’ll say that they didn’t follow procedures properly or something.

    yes it will be very interesting to see the contrast in the two IG’s reports.

    And then we’ll wait for what will seem like forever, all while those dirty corrupt bastards in the DOJ hope it all blows over or they can run out the clock, and then when they think the time is right, we’ll hear the magic words that we hear every time one of their own commits a crime.

    “decline to prosecute”

  4. Who is the IG for an IG?

    In any event the ICIG ought to have known that perception is reality for most folks and his mishandling of this whole thing should be grounds for his termination for cause.

  5. “Inspector General” like hell. A commie inspector gadget
    with political assassination of a president as his game.
    This is no longer about Trump but a direct criminal threat to our Constitutional Republic


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