ICYMI – Joe Biden Crashes Syracuse Locker Room After Loss – IOTW Report

ICYMI – Joe Biden Crashes Syracuse Locker Room After Loss

They needed to hear this dumphuck like they needed shingles.

Go away, dopey.

9 Comments on ICYMI – Joe Biden Crashes Syracuse Locker Room After Loss

  1. he probably thought it was the woman’s basketball team.
    hoping for lots of hugs.

    did he give out participation trophies? remind them of their obamacare mandates? confirm bathroom was transacceptional?
    ensure prayer room provided for islamic players? explain that girlfriends who get pregnant can get an abortion thru pp in accordance with his faith? or did he talk about his athletic career at the cuse? it is all about joe the bore.

  2. A news commentary said why does Trump cuss so much. I counted 7 cuss words from this loser and everyone loves it obviously. Its not a big f’ing deal to me.

  3. Also, it makes sense that Biden, a professed Catholic is in bed with the Orangemen.

    Dopey Joe is working just as hard to crush the Catholic church with his politics as William of Orange did with his sword.

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