ICYMI: Seagram’s Heiress, Clare Bronfman Sentenced To 7 Years For Role In Sex Slave Ring – IOTW Report

ICYMI: Seagram’s Heiress, Clare Bronfman Sentenced To 7 Years For Role In Sex Slave Ring

Courthouse News

Seagram’s liquor heiress Clare Bronfman was sentenced to six years and nine months in prison on Wednesday for her role as the longtime financier of purported self-help group NXIVM, which was essentially a pyramid scheme with sex slaves. 

“Ms. Bronfman’s crimes were not committed in a vacuum,” U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis said during the five-hour sentencing hearing held in person at the Brooklyn federal courthouse. “They were committed in connection with her role in NVIXM and her close relationship with [Keith] Raniere, and I believe that it would be inappropriate for me to consider them divorced from that context.” More

17 Comments on ICYMI: Seagram’s Heiress, Clare Bronfman Sentenced To 7 Years For Role In Sex Slave Ring

  1. The depraved trust fund rich are the worst. Imagine having all that wealth, where your basic needs and thensome are set for life. And instead of using all your time, education, influence and wealth to do something positive like set up an organization that provides scholarships, helps single moms, protects animals, or whatnot, you decide to grow out your bush and help scam other women of far less means into being forced into sex slavery. Hell, just spend your life traveling to every cool spot on Earth if you’re just the selfish type. But why hurt others unless Evil is a core component of your character?

    This just shows one of the more pernicious things about identity politics. No white man would be stupid enough to think another white man of greater means has his best interests at heart just because they’re in the same racial/gender demographic. But women, fags, and people of color fall for this kind of shit constantly. And it’s mainly due to their identity politics brainwashing.

  2. Uncle Al
    OCTOBER 4, 2020 AT 11:54 AM

    …I know where you’re going, Uncle, and I agree in spirit, but even THAT is insufficient.

    If chemically or physically clipped, it WON’T stop them.

    They will just use objects to rape with instead.

    It’s Sunday, and I’m trying very hard not to get my usual blindingly red useless anger level up to where I start saying things best left unsaid and end up misusing the Lord’s name in the worst way possible, so I’m going to leave it there. But since you know what I used to do and how I know about this subject, DON’T ask me how I know that SPECIFICALLY.

    Such does not belong on the Lord’s day.

    Or in polite society.

    …althogh I’d be on board with mutilation IF they were left to bleed to death afterwards 100%..

  3. I’ve made my views clear.
    Remove her eyes, teeth, thumbs, &c. and hobble her.
    Put her on a wheeled cart and pull her (or have her pulled) to all the prisons around the world serving each as a 24-hour entertainment for the inmates.
    Oh! Make the inmates wash their hands afterwards.

    After 20 or 30 years of that, start at the local bars and move outward.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Looked her up for the hell of it. Only 41, figured she would be quite a bit older and damn does she looks soulless…explains it all.

    Side note – SNS, Mule…couldn’t have said it better.

  5. Tim
    OCTOBER 4, 2020 AT 12:18 PM
    “I’ve made my views clear.
    Remove her eyes, teeth, thumbs, &c. and hobble her.
    Put her on a wheeled cart and pull her (or have her pulled) to all the prisons around the world serving each as a 24-hour entertainment for the inmates.
    Oh! Make the inmates wash their hands afterwards.

    After 20 or 30 years of that, start at the local bars and move outward.

    izlamo delenda est …”


    I like the spirit, but no.

    Death MUST be swift, and death MUST be sure. Make it painful and ignoble as a punishment and warning to others, but it MUST die THAT DAY.

    This is because, alive, it can lead others to evil.

    Alive, it may instruct proxies on doing evil.

    Alive, someone may genuinely pity it, someone not acquainted with the evil its done, and is SURE to do again.

    And alive, it may be freed.

    Sooner or later, some Democrat will find an excuse. Compassion, a virus, anything, really, will do. It’s just a lie anyway.

    Alive, it may be released.

    And that risk is simply not acceptable.

    It must be remanded to the custody of the Lord forthwith, for it’s true punishment and a verdict from which there is no return.

    Kill it TODAY.

    There is NO other way to be SURE.

  6. Every family will generally have a nut case and back before the Pill, you probably had many. My Cousins included one who lived his life as Sheriff (in his mind) of Grand Prairie, cap gun and all, tolerated as harmless by the town folk, he drew down someone every day… Edgar Bronfman, his father Sam, Ann Loeb etc were all decent people, so when one or more go astray or worse, it is not to be confused with the entire family lest we all become ostracized.Maxwell, the publisher who so hated being on a cruise ship with the never ending refrigerated buffet jumped into the sea but left a screwed up daughter. The Griffin Clan were trying to just live a good life when they gave birth to Kathy…So, I nod in sorrow to the Bronfmans regarding their inaptly named Clare, (Trump too re Mary) and assume that she was a Democrat.


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