ICYMI: Social Security Trust Fund Has About 11 Years to Go – IOTW Report

ICYMI: Social Security Trust Fund Has About 11 Years to Go


The trustees who oversee the Social Security and Medicare trust funds have released new projections outlining the financial health of those programs and how long they are expected to cover payments to recipients.

According to the report released Friday, the Social Security trust funds — which, when combined, include benefits paid to retired workers and their survivors and benefits paid to disabled workers — are expected to be depleted in 2034, one year sooner than previously anticipated.

The report cites “significant financing issues” for the shortfall. Social Security has been running at a loss since 2010, but the financial picture has worsened in recent years. A key indicator of that can be found in the ongoing wave of retirements among baby boomers, which is projected to increase faster than the number of covered workers who pay into the Social Security fund through their income taxes. More

25 Comments on ICYMI: Social Security Trust Fund Has About 11 Years to Go

  1. By then, with drool running down my chin, cataracts in both eyes, hearing aids in both ears, unable to climb stairs any more and walking with a cane, the battery in my Give-A-Shit Meter will have died and I won’t care. But I will be outside planting potatoes and cleaning the chicken coop! Get out of my garden and out of my yard or I’ll beat you upside the head with me cane, you god damn Communist!

  2. There’s gonna be a shitload of really pissed off new retirees if this goes belly up and they don’t get anything after paying into it for their entire working lives.

  3. Just wait until they collapse the dollar. That’ll be right after a couple bank runs. The Coup just about has access to your 401 K. In all actuality they’ve always had free access to your bank account. Believe me I know. You bust your ass to get “Comfortable” and now these bastards are intent on blowing everything up. I’ve stopped asking why. I’ll stop there.
    I will say this. I’ve always thought our country should take 5 years a shut down any foreign trade or investments into any country besides our own. I like being called an isolationist. Fck em. We don’t need any other country.

  4. …..Really surprised with “11” years, I thought it would be in the usual form of ‘10’ years although, I’m surprised it hasn’t already gone tits-up.

    Maybe us elders have been given a reprieve, although I know better.

  5. That’s weird, because the government seems to have plenty of money for those tortilla munching bastards flooding across our borders, not to mention the negros demanding reparations and free sex change operations for everybody in the military.

  6. Government took big chunks out of my paycheck for 45 years.
    Now the illegals are getting it for violating the law.
    If I would have been able to put that money into a savings account, I would have over a million bucks. Dumb fuck demoncrats.

  7. I know I’m an asshole, but I have been saying for decades to hold your assets in metals. Your liquid assets should be held minimal, and your mass assets held in a fire safe. If you can’t eat it, fuck it, or pour it through your hands it doesn’t exist.

  8. “expected to be depleted in 2034”
    I’m sure the democrats can shorten that time and direct to their pockets.
    They’ll have several new viruses and vaccines before then.
    Good thing global warming takes us out in 5 years.

  9. More like 11 months, or even 11 weeks.

    Personally, I’m leaning towards 11 weeks. Specifically the beginning of June.

    Get your cash out now. Refuse to let the banks convert your money into the Central Bank Digital Currency.

  10. Socialist Security has NEVER been solvent.
    There is NO “Trust Fund” of Socialist Security.

    All lies; All the time.

    Socialist Security is a TAX – always was and always will be – this is a ruse to increase it on the working slobs and pass it on to the pols and other parasites.

    We fall for the same bullshit, over and over and over and …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. So it dawns on me today where all the Climate Change charlatans got their talking points. Gov’t has been saying SS and Medicare will go broke (soon) for as long as I can remember.

  12. I must be a follower, several others have alluded to my initial thoughts on the subject in the comments already. Synchronize the events, since it’s all a commie narrative anyway, let’s have a big production number at the end. Connect the final death of the planet from global warming and SS running drier than Stormy’s overexposed… well, connect the two, throw in a nuclear exchange ‘tween the Rooskies, the Chinks and us and… problem solved! Max fear and compliance while the final looting gets wrapped up and the ‘leaders’ vamoose to Zeeland or wherever while the great unwashed get vaporized and overheated to death, and all without that absolutely essential check from uncle sugar. Monkeys be shrieking then for sure.

  13. the vaxx will keep you from getting it or giving it, masking & distancing work, dei is the only reason for the strength of the America military, the border(s) are secure, humper he dindu nuffin, djt was responsible for the afghan pullout-disaster, restorative justice keeps citizens safe, etc.

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