ICYMI: Study Finds Corn-Based Ethanol Worse for The Climate Than Straight Gas – IOTW Report

ICYMI: Study Finds Corn-Based Ethanol Worse for The Climate Than Straight Gas


Corn-based ethanol, which for years has been mixed in huge quantities into petrol sold at US pumps, is likely a much bigger contributor to global warming than straight gasoline, according to a new study.

The research, published on Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, contradicts previous studies commissioned by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) showing ethanol and other biofuels to be relatively green. More

22 Comments on ICYMI: Study Finds Corn-Based Ethanol Worse for The Climate Than Straight Gas

  1. “The research, published on Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, contradicts previous studies commissioned by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) showing ethanol and other biofuels to be relatively green.”

    In other news:
    Congress just announced it will cut funding for the National Academy of Sciences. Senator Chuck Grassley led the effort to defund.

  2. Neither gas nor ethanol have jack sh** to do with climate change. Ethanol is not a good thing to put into your tank and corn products aren’t’ great things to put in your belly. High fructose corn syrup should be declared a weapon of mass destruction for what it’s done to the humans who consume it.

  3. Other than that, I can’t care about this because the entire premise of “Global Warming” is bullshit.

    If you can’t tell me what the “ideal” temperature of the Earth is in the first place, can’t prove humans are actually changing it in the second place, and try to hand-wave away what volcanoes do which is MUCH more massive than what humans do in the third place, all to reduce what is essentially plant food, then I’m not going to listen when you up and say this or that is better or worse for your utterly unproven AND unprovable thesis, so go worry about your government control strategy somewhere else and leave me alone with that…

  4. …also, don’t expect me to give a crap until you go get China onboard.

    They are MUCH worse polluters than all the western nations COMBINED, and they publicly say they are going to get worse STILL, so if you don’t give THEM a stern talking-to then I have to assume your bullshit is more about politics than pollution and therefore not to be taken seriously, or indeed at all…

  5. known that for years- I have old cars and equipment, and it also wreaks havoc on old gaskets and such.
    but, the real reason for them condemning it now, I think, is that they realized it is 10 to 15% of every gallon of gas nowadays.
    If they can make something worser, they will, and they’ll call it something else.
    I’m sure this will help the price of gas
    I’m thinking of getting one of them high paying, working from home jobs I see advertised on here

  6. Only in America would people put perfectly good corn liquor in their gas tanks. What are we, the Beverly Hillbillies, pouring granny’s rheumatize medicine in the tank?

    Of course the corn farmers of Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska are happy as clams with this boondoggle that lines their pockets. Sen Chuck Grassley is happy to receive their campaign contributions as well.

    It’s a cuddly little relationship they’ve got going.

  7. @SNS March 20, 2022 at 2:45 pm

    > go worry about your government control strategy somewhere else and leave me alone

    That, and a few dozen thermal nyukewlar devices, will get someone to cluck appreciatively. While you vote. Harder.

    “I don’t care who your daddy was! These boxcars are reserved for legally proven enemies of the people!”

  8. While we’re discussing fuel, can we all agree that it’s not Fossil Fuels? Do we really believe that dinosaurs are the source of barrels and barrels of crude for many decades?

  9. I just did a self study and determined there is a membrane that can separate the plant based corn liquor from the animal based gas, leaving consumable alcohol. $4.00 gallon X 10% + processing. I may have waited to long .

  10. Worse for “the climate?” Don’t you mean worse for the environment? How do you measure something as bad for climate? That’s what I don’t understand about this whole climate change nonsense. Climate is a moving target; just because it’s colder or warmer or wet or dry isn’t a sign that something is wrong, it’s the definition of climate.

  11. I’m with PHenry.

    I prefer my corn Mashed, mixed with yeast, fermented, aged in Oak & from Kentucky.
    For the Vodkaphiles out there, Tito’s Handmade Vodka is from Corn.

  12. I read sometime back that it took 4 or 5 gallons of fossil-related fuel to produce 1 gallon of ethanol (maybe it’s improved). But of course the Government would support something as inefficient as that.


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