Idiot Dem Pol Wants Investigation Into a House Sale Trump Made a Decade Ago – He Sold To a Russian!!!! – IOTW Report

Idiot Dem Pol Wants Investigation Into a House Sale Trump Made a Decade Ago – He Sold To a Russian!!!!

It’s as plain as the nose on your face!! Trump colluded with Russia when he sold a house he bought 4 years prior for a huge profit!!

(Note to nitwit politician. That’s called being a savvy real estate mogul who becomes a billionaire. It’s deals like this that made him successful. Idiot.)


A Democratic Senator wants the Treasury Department to hand over records relating to President Donald Trump’s sale of a Palm Beach estate which he bought for $41 million to a Russian oligarch for $95 million only four years later.

“It is imperative that Congress follow the money and conduct a thorough investigation into any potential money laundering or other illicit financial dealings between the president, his associates, and Russia,” wrote Senator Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat, reported ABC Friday.


I don’t recall any press or pols being too interested in Obama’s Tony Rezko deals.

10 Comments on Idiot Dem Pol Wants Investigation Into a House Sale Trump Made a Decade Ago – He Sold To a Russian!!!!

  1. Neither the Yahoo article, nor the ABC article it was based on, nor the Newsweek article the ABC article was based on, bothered to mention the time period of the transactions. Trump is a real estate mogul; he made his money buying low and selling high. Between 2000 and 2017, real estate in Palm Beach appreciated over 120%. Ron Wyden (Oregon Senator who lives in NY)is totally disinterested in any democrat corruption, but focuses on his russian conspiracy theories. What an embarrassment.

  2. Isn’t it interesting how dimocrats like Wyden want all this sunshine and transparancy when it comes to President Trump, but not themselves? Wyden has a net worth of between 12 and 56 million, with an annual income between 1.5 and 12 million. Exact numbers are not known, because congress exempts themselves from financial disclosure that they impose on others (president, cabinet, etc.). Wyden has been a politician his entire adult life, although he made a good part of his wealth the old-fashioned way; he married into it (first marriage in 2005, when he was 56!). He owns a home in NY, but not in Oregon.

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