Idiot is offended by picture of coal miners with soot on face – says it’s “blackface” – IOTW Report

Idiot is offended by picture of coal miners with soot on face – says it’s “blackface”

An opinion writer, Rashaad Thomas, saw a vintage picture on a wall in a restaurant of coal miners drinking in a pub. He was offended, even after being told it was coal miners. He said he has the right to be offended. Whatever triggers him is his business, and then he gets into yours.

The guy’s a dope. A fascist dope.

Should an Indian be offended by people with sunburn?


A business’ photograph of men with blackened faces culturally says to me, “Whites Only.” It says people like me are not welcome.

The operators of that downtown restaurant can choose to take the photograph down, leave it up or create a title card with an intention statement. No matter their decision, I think the photograph should be taken down — sacrificing one image for the greater good.  – Rashaad Thomas

Was Thomas ever asked to leave any business, let alone this restaurant, because of his color?

28 Comments on Idiot is offended by picture of coal miners with soot on face – says it’s “blackface”

  1. I don’t judge a man by the color of his skin. But by the flaring of his nostrils. His permanently flared always angry nostrils.

    By the way, lots of white privileged men died from that coal dust which provided the electricity that lit your house, warmed your house.

    Just shut up. Appropriately, the last word to that sentence was omitted.

  2. This stupid blue-gummed shine would not have the guts to go up to those guys in the pic in real life and tell them his ridiculous perpetually offended racial profiteering faux victimization virtue signaling revisionist history drivel.

  3. I just wish that some of the Molly Maguires were in that restaurant when this idjit was offended by the sight of men in coal dust having a few jars with their mates. Rashaad wouldn’t last ten minutes in the company of the men who make their living mining coal. Coal mining is a very dirty business. Tapping a keyboard isn’t a very dirty business. I’ll bet you that Rashaad believes in reparations and quotas.

  4. After lunch one day years ago in Virginia a group of coal miners posed naked on a wall for a photo. They did it as a prank. They were covered from head to toe in black soot. One guy however, had a snow white dick.
    It turned out he went home for lunch.
    Hey Rashaad, That’s a joke. Get it?
    What a jerk!

  5. The lengths these people will go, to get attention over nothing and be a victim is truly in the realm of mental illness.

    They need a new pussified hashtag to help them draw attention to their status:


  6. The thing that this idiot neglected to point out in his whiny, crybaby tirade is that the restaurant he was in is called The Cornish Pasty and its menu is built around pasties.

    Historically, pasties were miner food. You could bring your lovely meat pie into the mine, hold onto the crust with your dirty, coal-dusted hands while you ate it for lunch, and then throw the crust away after you’d eaten all the clean, tasty bits.

    Small wonder they have photos of actual coal miners on the wall.

    This guy’s a first-class idiot.

  7. @Mithrandir:

    The lengths these people will go, to get attention over nothing and be a victim is truly in the realm of mental illness.

    They need a new pussified hashtag to help them draw attention to their status:


    …and a hashtag to call them on their Righteous Outdignation™:


  8. The G Saltine is correct, if they had been gypsum soot faced he would have been offended that there were no blacks in the picture.

    The ultimate irony is that their offended observations are almost always actually cover for their own racism against whites.

  9. Guess my black great grandfather, a miner, who had light skin, and hazel eyes was racist, too.
    My grandmother used to tell me about how he would come home covered in soot.
    The idiot’s thinks his “offense” is more important than historical fact – the effect of socialism.

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