Idiot Rapper Calls Out Audience Member For Not Chanting “F*** Donald Trump” – IOTW Report

Idiot Rapper Calls Out Audience Member For Not Chanting “F*** Donald Trump”

Bad Language Alert

18 Comments on Idiot Rapper Calls Out Audience Member For Not Chanting “F*** Donald Trump”

  1. So much hate here. What happened to “Capitalism: Bestest Thing in the World!”? What happened to “Free Markets is Bestest Markets!”? What happened to “Muh Conservative Printhipulls Will Save the Republic!”?

  2. did I hear this correctly?
    “so I ax you wut’s yo nationality and you said white, so dat makes sense”.

    1. dumbazz confusing nationality with race
    2. since when is audience participation mandatory at a concert?

    If you’re incapable, based on your own talent/skills, of entertaining your audience, I guess your only other option is to require your audience to entertain you.

  3. Country Joe and the Fish started it with the Fish cheer by yelling eff Nixon back in the 60’s. I blame it on them and all the damn hippies and antiwar war protestors and draft dodgers for our lack of civility. And the Bezerkley free speech riots in the mid 60’s.

  4. geoff the aardvark,
    Sorry bubbuh.

    Ever heard of the French Revolution?
    Or 1688?
    Or “tar and feathering?”
    Or the “Cultural Revolution?”
    Or the “Great Leap Forward?”
    Or the peasants who dragged the Aristocrats from their horses and tore them limb from limb during the reign of King John?
    Or King John’s Aristocrats who cut off the feet of the peasants (prompting them being dragged from their horses, &c.)?

    Incivility didn’t start in the 1960s.
    Incivility grows and festers when ignorance and tyranny show their ugly faces – and it will not be the exclusive province of one side.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I agree that incivility didn’t start in the 60’s it was just aggravated by everything that took place during the cultural revolution in the 60’s. The 60’s were a symptom of earlier upheavals in cultural morals that began a lot earlier. My grandparents who were born in the 1890’s would not have believed how much things have changed since they died 50 + years ago in the mid 60’s. My grandfather had a hard enough time with the early Beatles in 64 and long hair, just the plain and rebellious but gradual coarsening of the culture to what it is now. And sometimes I feel like I’m starting to be like my dad and my grandfather in how I view how things have changed over the past 50 years, especially the older I become. And believe me if I had used any of the swear words then that are so common now my grandfather in particular would would’ve whipped me with his belt.


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